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Yakuza KIWAMI |OT| Translator's Note: "KIWAMI" means "EXTREME"


Where can I find whiskey? Man, I hate this. I got stuck in those parts in every Yakuza game, I simply hate when the game forces me to visit all the stores in the map just to find an item.
I think it's the reason I only did the main plot in every Yakuza game, with 0 I tried to do some sides but I got bored, in Kiwami I did 20+ but I got bored again, I'm on chapter 5 and I'm thinking of just going with the story as usual.

Fetch quests are boring but with the taxis it doesn't take long to visit stories. Try M Store.


How can I get
in chapter 8.

I tried to beat all the gangs but still nothing.

I found a place and a white gang member is guardian the entrance, can't enter.


How can I get
in chapter 8.

I tried to beat all the gangs but still nothing.

I found a place and a white gang member is guardian the entrance, can't enter.

You might have to
beat the blue gang members in the park next to the Pocket Circuit first. It's the members hanging there in particular that you need to beat IIRC.


Majima is such a weirdo in this one I can hardly take it.

Is this just like Yakuza 0 in that nothing, in terms of substories and achievements, is completely missable? Loved that pressure free feeling of Y0.

Also, is it suggested that I try to just enjoy the story first instead of trying to do all the substories? I was pretty OP by the end of Y0 because I had done nearly all the substories except for a real difficult fight.


Decided to play through the story first.
Playing Yakuza 4 in the past spoiled the ending for me, I wish I could erase this thing from my memory.
But still, I feel little emptiness after this ending...some part of me really want to have hidden "happy ending", because while all the baddies are gone I could not see the ending we have as "good".

Also Reina death...I just can't ;(
Anyone starting to work on the plat with strats to share?
I'm currently "working" one the weapon/armor gathering and it seems to be a lot of farming for money. I hope one does not need all the weapons cause I'm missing a lot of the 400k+ point arena ones and I would hate to have to grind for that.

Plan is def get 100% cp before going legend since as I understand it you can carry over almost everything here. I'm already dreading the car chase on legend X_x.

Not all weapons are required (which is great news, as several are missable).

Keep these points in mind:
Various weapons can be gotten through lockers.

Various weapons can ONLY be acquired through side stories. I could dig up the Japanese wiki if you'd like to give you a very rough idea on which stories give you what. But its usually just requires you to pick the best (most obvious) response to side stories and you should get the weapons.

A load of the weapons can be acquired from the arena, and you'd need to grind to get them. Good news is its easy to grind the arena - just unlock the Tiger Drop first from Komaki then repeat the final tournament over and over mainly just tiger dropping foes to get tons of points (also clear some of the challenges that the audience chuck at you for extra points).

Between those areas, Beam, the homeless person in purgatory selling some weapons and the pawn shop you should be able to scrape together enough stuff to clear those CP requirements.


How the FUCK are there no check points in the gun battle. I can't even get close on hard let alone dreading Legend. All those power ups and time you invested to fet better... fuck you.., totally difft health bar for this.
How the FUCK are there no check points in the gun battle. I can't even get close on hard let alone dreading Legend. All those power ups and time you invested to fet better... fuck you.., totally difft health bar for this.

I haven't gotten to it yet. Is it the same as it was in the OG game?


Neo Member
So is anyone BESIDES Amazon selling the non-steelbook edition? I prefer my collection looking as organized as possible and steelbooks ruin that.

I'm also not buying digital, period.
I'm not sure if this will change your mind, but this steelbook is the same size as a regular PS4 case plus it has a clear plastic sleeve over it that makes it blend in from the side (the front has graphics on it). It's just very slightly wider than a regular PS4 case though.


I really like the intro music we got for the west. I think it's exciting.

Persona 5 really burned me out on Japanese vocals that loop over and over in the same dungeon so the thought of more incomprehensible lyrics doing the same thing on the title screen is something I can easily let go of.


I have to say, the boss fights in this game aren't very fun. Bosses take way too much time to beat down and either stop you in the middle of a combo or simply don't let you attack most of the time. I'm not the best player but I had no problems with 0.


I have to say, the boss fights in this game aren't very fun. Bosses take way too much time to beat down and either stop you in the middle of a combo or simply don't let you attack most of the time. I'm not the best player but I had no problems with 0.

I agree. Too many bosses with super armor.
I have to say, the boss fights in this game aren't very fun. Bosses take way too much time to beat down and either stop you in the middle of a combo or simply don't let you attack most of the time. I'm not the best player but I had no problems with 0.
Yeah I talked about combat and what probably happened with the transition between Y0 and this game, a few pages back.
Okay now I get what you guys were talking about when you said the combat feels off. It's the balancing of enemies that is really making the combat feel like that.

It's like they added instant style switching and then they realized that "shit, now the game is gonna be a cakewalk, what should we do?" and the things that they came up with ended-up just being mostly frustrating.

Enemies now punch/kick right through your combo. Even when you are attacking a normal punk, at times they just snap out of your combo and start attacking you back, without much (if any) visual indication. This gets extremely frustrating when you are surrounded by a lot of people.

Besides enemies snapping out of your combos, they are now much more active in defense situations as well. A lot of times you will have problem landing a clean hit since either they are keeping very very competent guards that won't break easily (and even when they do, by the time you have recovered from your attack animation, they are probably regained their guard, or worse they are attacking you) or they are just evading all over the place. In some situations when there are many enemies around you, they'll just surround and stun-lock you into combos from all sides at the same time which could quickly result in your death.

The window of opportunity for preforming a heat move has been made smaller too. You are sure that you are gonna do a heat move but just as you press the triangle button, the window for using that move has been closed. This was never problem in Y0 since the game was balanced much better.

And the sub-bosses with Kiwami heat moves, while may seem like a good idea on paper, are more like a headache in execution. They just get really repetitive and frustrating later on, when you encounter them over and over again.

Now add to all of that, the fact that they've made enemies much more aggressive and it's no wonder that the game just feels off.

The thing that happened with this game, is that Zero was clearly made and balanced around giving you the ability to almost finish the game with just using one style (think DMC3). With Kiwami they added the ability to switch between styles instantly (think DMC4), but the combat and enemies of Zero clearly weren't made with that system in mind (imagine throwing DMC3 enemies into DMC4), so they had to make them tougher and they choose to do it in ways that makes the combat feel unfair.
oh my god...I just got outta jail and Majima just kicked my ass. I thought I would get to a game over screen when this happened. Was I meant to lose?

Why does he wanna fight me so much???
Yeah I talked about combat and what probably happened with the transition between Y0 and this game, a few pages back.

I think that's a decent theory, that they tried to rebalance the game for the instant style switching and went overboard. Thing is though, in Zero with that equipment that lets you switch pretty fast, the game was still a challenge, so I don't know why they thought they had to beef up enemies and bosses to the point they became annoying. I guess we can chalk it up to the short development period. They should've just left it alone.


I think that's a decent theory, that they tried to rebalance the game for the instant style switching and went overboard. Thing is though, in Zero with that equipment that lets you switch pretty fast, the game was still a challenge, so I don't know why they thought they had to beef up enemies and bosses to the point they became annoying. I guess we can chalk it up to the short development period. They should've just left it alone.

Does that mean instead of playing it on Hard I should just go Normal?
I really like the intro music we got for the west. I think it's exciting.

Persona 5 really burned me out on Japanese vocals that loop over and over in the same dungeon so the thought of more incomprehensible lyrics doing the same thing on the title screen is something I can easily let go of.

The issue is, that song in the Japanese opening is Kiwami's cover of a classic Yakuza song. One that's covered in pretty much all the Yakuza games. So I would much prefer it in my game.

Don't click on these if you don't want to have music spoiled for you.

Receive You - Yakuza 1

Receive and Stab You - Yakuza 3

Receive and Bite You - Yakuza 4

Receive and Slash You - Yakuza 5

Receive You - Yakuza 0

What's the drum sound you can hear randomly sometimes?

When you get within mini-map range of the objective.
Can you get locked out of stuff/miss stuff if you progress through the story? Like can you only do certain subquests in certain chapters before you miss out on them?
oh my god...I just got outta jail and Majima just kicked my ass. I thought I would get to a game over screen when this happened. Was I meant to lose?

Why does he wanna fight me so much???

Its literally explained by Majima in the game... The whole point is to fight him to get stronger to power your Dragon of Dojima style back up to its once game breaking glory!

The issue is, that song in the Japanese opening is Kiwami's cover of a classic Yakuza song. One that's covered in all the pretty much all the Yakuza games. So I would much prefer it in my game.

Don't click on these if you don't want to have music spoiled for you.

Receive You - Yakuza 1

Receive and Stab You - Yakuza 3

Receive and Bite You - Yakuza 4

Receive and Slash You - Yakuza 5

Receive You - Yakuza 0

When you get within mini-map range of the objective.

Really annoyed Sega cheaped out yet again on this. Couldn't we have gotten the instrumental version used from 0? That's really nicely done.

What's actually worse is that 6 has a licensed song (or songs, I forget if its more than one) that are included in key pivotal cutscenes for maximum emotional effect, And I've already come to terms with them getting cut when the game is released in English next year, I'm now more concerned with what replaces them, as it could completely kill a couple of powerful scenes in 6 :(


Finished the game, the story is not as interesting but that was known. The main problem is the combat, enemies don't telegraph what they are doing, they hit you right back mid combo, they break your combo while being on defense, they have way too much health. Even more annoying is the enemies that auto lock on you mid combo even if it feels like their attack should go in one direction they'll suddenly turn 180 degrees without telegraphing it and land the power hit. Now you have to get up and bait them to do the same again.

The bosses are a Chore because of all this, you are spending so much time just trying to hit them or break guard.

I didn't like this game as much and I barely ever used the Dragon fighting style because I fought Mahina like 8 times in total..him piping up randomly meant it was all on RNG whether I upgrade this style or not.
Does that mean instead of playing it on Hard I should just go Normal?

Well, that depends on your tastes and skill level, but I played Zero on Hard and had to knock down Kiwami to Normal for the first boss simply because he was padded with an insane amount of health. I'm still early in the game so I'm going on what other people have said about the later bosses.

I think part of the problem could also be that at least some of these bosses were designed in the PS2 era and were the first bosses the devs made for the series, so their enemy design has surely improved since then.
I think that's a decent theory, that they tried to rebalance the game for the instant style switching and went overboard. Thing is though, in Zero with that equipment that lets you switch pretty fast, the game was still a challenge, so I don't know why they thought they had to beef up enemies and bosses to the point they became annoying. I guess we can chalk it up to the short development period. They should've just left it alone.
This is a complete guesswork on my part, but I do remember when Yakuza 0 was released, people (including myself) would recommend other familiar players with the action genre to play the game on hard since it was too easy.

Japanese audience might've shared a similar opinion about the game, that could've resulted in devs wanting to increase the difficulty to provide more of a challenge in Kiwami.

But like I said, this is me guessing and there is no real evidence to back that up, so who knows what really happened.

Can you get locked out of stuff/miss stuff if you progress through the story? Like can you only do certain subquests in certain chapters before you miss out on them?

Nothing is missable. You can do all the side stuff in Premium Adventure mode after beating the game.

Finished the game, the story is not as interesting but that was known. The main problem is the combat, enemies don't telegraph what they are doing, they hit you right back mid combo, they break your combo while being on defense, they have way too much health. Even more annoying is the enemies that auto lock on you mid combo even if it feels like their attack should go in one direction they'll suddenly turn 180 degrees without telegraphing it and land the power hit. Now you have to get up and bait them to do the same again.

The bosses are a Chore because of all this, you are spending so much time just trying to hit them or break guard.

I didn't like this game as much and I barely ever used the Dragon fighting style because I fought Mahina like 8 times in total..him piping up randomly meant it was all on RNG whether I upgrade this style or not.

With the exception of the Majima Everywhere bit (I just love the fights and callbacks to Zero), I agree with everything else that you said. They just wanted to make the game harder and did in an unfair and frustrating way.


he's gonna become so hard to beat though

Nah. He gives you so much EXP per fight that it's easy to keep up with him. He now has 2 full health bars in each fight but he's no more difficult than he was at the start. The real difficulty comes from adapting to the different styles he has.
Nah. He gives you so much EXP per fight that it's easy to keep up with him. He now has 2 full health bars in each fight but he's no more difficult than he was at the start. The real difficulty comes from adapting to the different styles he has.

His stun locks in breaker style are such hot bullshit.

I really love fighting him, though. Most fun fights in the game so far for me.
where do I find myself a
mourning band?
Not really. First time he's OP (I think he has three health bars right?). Most of the time he has 1 to 1.5 healthbars and is much weaker. I had no problem beating him after the second or third time.
yeah the first time I fought him he had a green bar, a yellow bar and an orange bar and he kicked my ass to kingdom come. i beat him once when he caught me after talking to that informant.
Nah. He gives you so much EXP per fight that it's easy to keep up with him. He now has 2 full health bars in each fight but he's no more difficult than he was at the start. The real difficulty comes from adapting to the different styles he has.
that's very good to hear. any particular way i'm supposed to seek him out or does it just come with the story?
Nah. He gives you so much EXP per fight that it's easy to keep up with him. He now has 2 full health bars in each fight but he's no more difficult than he was at the start. The real difficulty comes from adapting to the different styles he has.
Wait until you get to him with breaker style and 3 health bars. He gets tough. At least on the hard difficulty.

He is still beatable tho. You just need to be careful and have tons of Staminan Royale at hand.

where do I find myself a
mourning band
Early game spoilers
Go inside the building from the front door (left of the guy that asks you to show a mourning band). There you can talk to a guy on the right side of the room that starts a chain of events.


where do I find myself a mourning band?
yeah the first time I fought him he had a green bar, a yellow bar and an orange bar and he kicked my ass to kingdom come. i beat him once when he caught me after talking to that informant.
that's very good to hear. any particular way i'm supposed to seek him out or does it just come with the story?

The first couple times you'll be told where he is. After that he'll start appearing randomly in town, hiding in objects, and he'll also interrupt random fights and eating at places like Smile Burger.
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