oh my god Time for Destruction into Tiger Drop is hilarious. I thought running into Majima after maxing all my skills would get tedious but nope. Even on hard mode it pretty much just nukes him in one shot.
that said, kind of lame that unlike Y0 there's no progression after maxing your normal skill trees. The levels just build up forever I guess.
This game actually kind of makes me want to just go back and do more side stuff in 0. There's been a few good substories in Kiwami but for the most part they are literally just 'beat up some scammers'. And I'm assuming the fun ones like Goromi or Bad Ass Dads are new content for Kiwami.
that said, kind of lame that unlike Y0 there's no progression after maxing your normal skill trees. The levels just build up forever I guess.
This game actually kind of makes me want to just go back and do more side stuff in 0. There's been a few good substories in Kiwami but for the most part they are literally just 'beat up some scammers'. And I'm assuming the fun ones like Goromi or Bad Ass Dads are new content for Kiwami.