This user has been given a temporary timeout. As grateful as we were to bask in the radiated warmth of their wisdom, the rampant running between threads, dropping hot takes such as these:
Covid on Verge of Losing Epidemic Status by CDC Due to Low Death Counts So, wait.... I thought we were all returning to 28 Days Later mode? The media has been digging furrows in its cheeks but the death count has dropped significantly for 10 weeks. I
Colin Kaepernick is protesting police brutality, not disrespecting the flag or our nation
I like that systemic racism requires you to ignore statistical facts... shouldn't the statistics be in your favor when it's SYSTEMIC instead of forcing us to focus on lone examples? TRUTH OVER
This might be dumb but... Why is there a woman's division in hot dog eating?
Is there physical differences between men and women that affect how many hot dogs they can quickly eat? I get it's to have a women's champion and to be more inclusive, but is there a biological difference which makes women competing against men in hot dog eating unfair?
Joe Rogan's Podcast |OT|
I think Jon Stewart has good intentions unlike some people who'd be called liberals. It was a fine conversation. Not the best, not the
Colin Kaepernick is protesting police brutality, not disrespecting the flag or our nation
I like that systemic racism requires you to ignore statistical facts... shouldn't the statistics be in your favor when it's SYSTEMIC instead of forcing us to focus on lone examples? TRUTH OVER
Colin Kaepernick is protesting police brutality, not disrespecting the flag or our nation
I like that systemic racism requires you to ignore statistical facts... shouldn't the statistics be in your favor when it's SYSTEMIC instead of forcing us to focus on lone examples? TRUTH OVER
What was the worst thing about the Matrix sequels?
For me it was discovering that the capital of the 'free' world they are fighting for was just a bunch of hippies dancing in the
Colin Kaepernick is protesting police brutality, not disrespecting the flag or our nation
I like that systemic racism requires you to ignore statistical facts... shouldn't the statistics be in your favor when it's SYSTEMIC instead of forcing us to focus on lone examples? TRUTH OVER
Destiny 2 Shadowkeep (OT4) Free Stuff For Everybody!
I've mainly been maining the GOS pulse Sacred Providence ever since I got it and it's been wonderful for most of the Crucible stuff. really should try out V Wing and maybe Bad Juju in current PvP thou (and I have both of their catalysts too). mostly using Felwinter's Lie or Last Hope in
Fuck fireworks!
What have we learned here today guys? In some cultures, that's a sign of great
Juxtaposed against this:
Yeah, I'm back.
I posted in the other thread, but I dont think thats enough. The people deserve to
Does not make for great reading/evaluation. While it may feel original/genuine, the number of people who return to spam a number of posts like this, in the hopes of smearing GAF as allowing 'any old extreme rants' rise, as the site becomes more popular. The cry for attention, the controversial takes, the overzealous use of slang that is attributed to specific sub-cultures, the immediate digression into Politics are all red flags. We've worked hard (the staff and the community) to leave the hard times behind and move on in a much healthier environment. This is about the authenticity and honesty of specific posters who do return. There is nothing in any of the posts that invite discussion, contribute to a discussion or indicate this user is trying to do anything but troll, with a subtle appeal to member empathy that they are 'one of us'.
They haven't posted here for almost three years so a week extra to feel the place out is warranted, after that introduction.
aaaaand he's gone
who was he
aaaaand he's gone
who was he
I give you 48 hours before you're banned
I love that you showed why he was banned. This forum feels like it’s being moderated pretty well atm.This user has been given a temporary timeout. As grateful as we were to bask in the radiated warmth of their wisdom, the rampant running between threads, dropping hot takes such as these:
Covid on Verge of Losing Epidemic Status by CDC Due to Low Death Counts So, wait.... I thought we were all returning to 28 Days Later mode? The media has been digging furrows in its cheeks but the death count has dropped significantly for 10 weeks. I
Colin Kaepernick is protesting police brutality, not disrespecting the flag or our nation
I like that systemic racism requires you to ignore statistical facts... shouldn't the statistics be in your favor when it's SYSTEMIC instead of forcing us to focus on lone examples? TRUTH OVER
This might be dumb but... Why is there a woman's division in hot dog eating?
Is there physical differences between men and women that affect how many hot dogs they can quickly eat? I get it's to have a women's champion and to be more inclusive, but is there a biological difference which makes women competing against men in hot dog eating unfair?
Joe Rogan's Podcast |OT|
I think Jon Stewart has good intentions unlike some people who'd be called liberals. It was a fine conversation. Not the best, not the
Colin Kaepernick is protesting police brutality, not disrespecting the flag or our nation
I like that systemic racism requires you to ignore statistical facts... shouldn't the statistics be in your favor when it's SYSTEMIC instead of forcing us to focus on lone examples? TRUTH OVER
Colin Kaepernick is protesting police brutality, not disrespecting the flag or our nation
I like that systemic racism requires you to ignore statistical facts... shouldn't the statistics be in your favor when it's SYSTEMIC instead of forcing us to focus on lone examples? TRUTH OVER
What was the worst thing about the Matrix sequels?
For me it was discovering that the capital of the 'free' world they are fighting for was just a bunch of hippies dancing in the
Colin Kaepernick is protesting police brutality, not disrespecting the flag or our nation
I like that systemic racism requires you to ignore statistical facts... shouldn't the statistics be in your favor when it's SYSTEMIC instead of forcing us to focus on lone examples? TRUTH OVER
Destiny 2 Shadowkeep (OT4) Free Stuff For Everybody!
I've mainly been maining the GOS pulse Sacred Providence ever since I got it and it's been wonderful for most of the Crucible stuff. really should try out V Wing and maybe Bad Juju in current PvP thou (and I have both of their catalysts too). mostly using Felwinter's Lie or Last Hope in
Fuck fireworks!
What have we learned here today guys? In some cultures, that's a sign of great
Juxtaposed against this:
Yeah, I'm back.
I posted in the other thread, but I dont think thats enough. The people deserve to
Does not make for great reading/evaluation. While it may feel original/genuine, the number of people who return to spam a number of posts like this, in the hopes of smearing GAF as allowing 'any old extreme rants' rise, as the site becomes more popular. The cry for attention, the controversial takes, the overzealous use of slang that is attributed to specific sub-cultures, the immediate digression into Politics are all red flags. We've worked hard (the staff and the community) to leave the hard times behind and move on in a much healthier environment. This is about the authenticity and honesty of specific posters who do return. There is nothing in any of the posts that invite discussion, contribute to a discussion or indicate this user is trying to do anything but troll, with a subtle appeal to member empathy that they are 'one of us'.
They haven't posted here for almost three years so a week extra to feel the place out is warranted, after that introduction.
He got 420 points and dipped. I can respect that.welcome backsomerset
Wouldn't it be cool if every time someone is banned, a message would appear above the message that caused the banning?
Like if were to be banned for this post, it would read something like... ! User banned ('Till the cows come home) Forum whinning.
Make a threadI will take advantage of this thread to say that I'm back, too.
GAF has changed a lot since 2 years ago! Missed it.
What was your ban for?I will take advantage of this thread to say that I'm back, too.
GAF has changed a lot since 2 years ago! Missed it.
Neat!We have a ban page with links to associated posts:
What, username "legit pain pills online" was banned for spam? Never seen that coming.Neat!
I will take advantage of this thread to say that I'm back, too.
GAF has changed a lot since 2 years ago! Missed it.
It is okay, I'm based.
I should start a resetera / far left detox education program to get people back in sanity again. Probably big business.
Slayven is that you?I read the title as Yeah, I'm black. I'm probably dyslexic.
I should start a resetera / far left detox education program to get people back in sanity again. Probably big business.
Can confirm, his mother said that he's based.
Slayven is that you?
I love this placeYou could call it Reehab.