Years of Howard Sterns interviews with Trump now gone after DMCA takedown
I think these need to be out there. As a long time Stern listener who has heard nearly all these interviews - I was aghast when I heard that this man was running for president. He's made no secret of being a total creep throughout the years.
I wish Howard would re-air these segments now but he seems afraid of Trump now. It's weird.

A Washington, DC startup that recently posted an audio archive of years worth of Howard Sterns interviews with Donald Trump, all before he was elected president, has been hit with a Digital Millennium Copyright Act takedown notice and a cease-and-desist letter.
On Wednesday afternoon, roughly 48 hours after it was put up, the audio trove has been removed from YouTube and SoundCloud. For now, the transcripts remain on, a website created by the startup FactSquared. published a total of around 15 hours' worth of audioexclusively of the minutes when Trump was on The Howard Stern Showgathered from nearly 25 years of shows, starting in 1993 and ending in 2015.
"We were in the process of putting [the audio files] on our own server, but then FedEx showed up and that was the official stop," Bill Frischling, the CEO of FactSquared, told Ars. "So we had a good conversation with our attorneys today, and were going to be reaching out to [SiriusXMs attorneys] pretty darned soon. Weve already exchanged brief notes, everybody is hoping to get it resolved amicably. Our goal is to preserve the record. At least right now, this is the only public version of a massive, quarter-century trove of interviews."
Under the DMCA, intellectual property holders (such as SiriusXM, which airs The Howard Stern Show) can send a takedown notice asserting a violation of copyright. Most large companies, including Google (the owner of YouTube) will comply with such requests.
Because FactSquared only published the portions of the Stern Show that involved Trumpand not wholesale copies of showsthe startup could make a solid fair use claim under US copyright law. Fair use is the portion of the law that allows portions of copyrighted works to be re-published without the copyright holders permission, subject to particular conditions, including news commentary, satire, and others.
"Based on the facts youve presented, would appear to have a strong fair use argument," Jonathan Band, who helped author the DMCA back in 1998, told Ars by e-mail. Band is a law professor at Georgetown University.
"What [] would need to do is submit a counter-notice to YouTube/SoundCloud under the DMCA, asking for the content to be restored. YouTube/SoundCloud likely would then repost the content if SiriusXM didnt file suit against for infringing copyright by posting the content in the first place."
Attorney Kit Walsh of the Electronic Frontier Foundation agreed.
" would have a very strong fair use case based on the newsworthiness of the recordings and the analysis that they did," she told Ars. "The recordings are the data that underlies their findings, and reproducing the recordings is essential to the credibility of their analysis and the ability of others to reproduce and build upon that analysis."
However, law professor Eric Goldman of Santa Clara University told Ars that the situation might not be as clear cut. He called this particular set of facts a "hard case for fair use."
"What would make it easier [is] if there was more commentary or context around the material," Goldman said, explaining that simply posting the transcript and some basic keyword searches and analysis may not fall under the commentary portion of fair use.
If had done what other news sites have already donewritten entire articles about revelations from this troveit could be an easier claim.
"I think they could qualify for a fair defense," Goldman added. "I think its still possible, but its harder than another set of circumstances."
I think these need to be out there. As a long time Stern listener who has heard nearly all these interviews - I was aghast when I heard that this man was running for president. He's made no secret of being a total creep throughout the years.
I wish Howard would re-air these segments now but he seems afraid of Trump now. It's weird.