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Yemen Withdraws Permission for U.S. Antiterror Ground Missions

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Can anyone link me an article with the details of the actual raid? I have read multiple articled but none with details like this in them. Any help would be great!

Spicer laid it all out bent his head and apologized on behalf of the president. Oh wait that didn't happen

It was a sequence of leaks, from multiple sources but here is the thing - none were denied by the administration. And this is a WH that put a gotcha as first press conference agenda item when some reporter thought the MLK bust was removed.

They lamely decided to post the video as an example of the results then removed it when it was shown to be old.


Fucking hell...

It's just one incompetent thing after another with this guy.

Can you imagine Trump leading a protracted conflict against another nation?
Can democrats not just let this go and allow this to be forgotten about


For fucks sake.

This would have cost democrats an election...


Can democrats not just let this go and allow this to be forgotten about


For fucks sake.

This would have cost democrats an election...

It would have cost the democrats an election because the republicans would have been ruthless about it. They would never shut up about it, they'd bring it up at any and every opportunity, even when completely unrelated to the topic being discussed. Have the democrats actually taken the gloves off yet, or are they still just talking the talk?


Couple weeks in and he's not just hasty and inept with domestic policy, but he's a dangerous and inept Commander in Chief.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Thanks for keeping us safe and making us great again with your well thought out strategies.

GAF is going to attack you again with their dumb liberal hive mind, but you have proved time and time again that you are one of the smartest, most capable and mentally strongest people on the planet, just as the leader of the free world should be.

Everything about your presidency has been a shining beacon of clever and selfless sacrifice and nuance.

And most importantly of all? You have rid Washington of graft, corruption, ineptitude and Wall Street machinations and set us up for long term safety and success. Which we shall admire from our high paying jobs and international renown.

Our highly educated grandchildren will surely thank you from their science based electric hovercars.

If a softly racist 17 year old virgin could ever express his gratitude for being able to say the n-Word again, while looking forward to a cool white collar job and astounding pirateBay* download speeds, then he could not express it as hard as I.

* or whatever the 23rd century version is.


I think the US has no business getting involved in the civil war in Yemen, and that's what it is, a civil war. So while Trump certainly didn't mean for any of that shit to happen, it might end up being a good thing.
I think the US has no business getting involved in the civil war in Yemen, and that's what it is, a civil war. So while Trump certainly didn't mean for any of that shit to happen, it might end up being a good thing.
Aren't we beholden to support Saudi hegemony in the region and prevent an encroaching Iranian influence?


Wouldn't be surprised if Bannon is cackling with glee at this. He probably wants there to be more terrorism so that they can blame all of it on Obama and democrats.


Is there a single thing he's done this entire time that hasn't been legitimately awful?


This was an awful, awful mission that never should've happened. I agree with the person above who said the fact so many innocents died will create (in the long run) more terrorists than it did stop.


So wait Obama doing it was ok but Trump triggers this response? Seems like some Yemeni officials stopped being paid by the US to let their kids die. No money no murdering of children in name of anti-terror.
Both major parties are complicit in killing thousands of civilians in the middle east

Don't just get mad when Trump does it, get mad when it happens period

Not saying this applies to all but it does to too many


Both major parties are complicit in killing thousands of civilians in the middle east

Don't just get mad when Trump does it, get mad when it happens period

Not saying this applies to all but it does to too many
I agree, and I know a ton of people who would never been okay with Bush doing exactly the same thing that Obama did in Yemen, but since he's a Democrat, they either shrugged or justified his actions, and that's disappointing.
It's understandable, but I wish people didn't think in such black and white terms, you can think Obama was a great president while still criticizing him when you're think he's wrong (and vice-versa). I think Obama would be the first to agree that the public should hold him accountable.

This was an awful, awful mission that never should've happened. I agree with the person above who said the fact so many innocents died will create (in the long run) more terrorists than it did stop.
It sure don't make people love America...


seeing 30 civilians killed and a 8 year old US citizen, i'll pass
I hope it gets archived so that future historians can look at it. The US is usually pretty good with those things (though like most governments, it classifies way too many things and it keep things classified for way too long).


Both major parties are complicit in killing thousands of civilians in the middle east

Don't just get mad when Trump does it, get mad when it happens period

Not saying this applies to all but it does to too many

I'm sure many here were actually quite upset with Obama over his drone program. I know I brought up the murder of al-Awlaki's son a number of times here on GAF.

It might sound like excuse making, but one of the biggest issues with holding Democrats accountable when they actually fuck up is that Republicans are perfectly fine with it.

They have no problem stringing up Democrats over made up bullshit, but when they murder an innocent US citizen without trial purely because of who is father is? Where can we sign up for more! Stripping away privacy rights? Take away all of them! Bringing the hammer down on whistle blowers? Execute them instead!

This is why we have an even longer road ahead of us than most realize. We don't just need the Republican party to fall apart, but we also need it to transform or be replaced by a functional opposition party working for the betterment of the country in its own way that will keep Democrats honest. Now that's gonna take some work.
So Yemen trusts US airstrikes instead? Cuz those never go wrong. US will keep fighting an ideology that can never be defeated by force. Everyone loses.


I think if Trump wants to continue ground missions there, he's probably not too concerned with seeking permission to do so. We've seen so far Trump has little to no respect for other foreign leaders, and he doesn't like being told 'no' either. So yeah.


I think the US has no business getting involved in the civil war in Yemen, and that's what it is, a civil war. So while Trump certainly didn't mean for any of that shit to happen, it might end up being a good thing.

I thought whole middle east is 100% US business? For decade or few US has been okay with fucking around there and trying to mold it into theirs image and to serve their interests at the time.


You'd think after all the Benghazi shit that this would have some more noise. Not only has the WH been called a lie, but now we've lost clearance to even conduct operations here.


Boots on the ground, gents! Oops they're dead. Well at least it wasn't drones right!

When will his supporters realize that, even if they believe all the truly evil shit he spews, he's going to damage international relations so bad even if he did good things domestically (which he won't) it wouldn't matter?


Looking for meaning in GAF
Not at all surprised.

If the White House keeps insisting that that was a "successful" operation, then no country would allow them to carry out more "successful" operations on their soil.
Sean spicer under fire from the press has hidden behind the coffin of the dead SEAL

He said basically

Anyone criticizing the success ahould apologize to the family of this dead service man.


Hate Trump and totally agree with this summary of current events

BUT I think it's also important to note that this also happened to Obama after a botched drone strike

I think this is probably a great slap to Trump given the freedom to the Pentagon he's planning on giving them, and the expansion of ground operations in Yemen, but I also think it's important to recognize that this may just be temporary and that even better presidents aren't infallible from operations going wrong.

So not a good thing, but not the uniquely Trumpian terrible of other things happening

Has a country revoked Permission for military under Obama?


You can't even blame Yemen at this point. That country is massively fucked, but it doesn't take a genius leader to understand that Trump is bad for your health.
There's a more detailed source here. I'm still reading the full article but this is sickening.

Fahad Ali al Ameri woke up to the gunfire. “I was woken up after midnight by the bombing of the helicopters. There were soldiers on the ground shooting at us. They started shooting at us with machine gun fire.” He says a missile fired at his home, killing his three-month-old daughter as she lay asleep in her crib.


This is terrible and is barely getting any coverage. The US does not typically botch missions. Imagine if Obama botched the Bin Laden raid.
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