YOu know, I was watching attack of the clones again and the sand dialogue itself really isn't that bad - it's actually kind of touching in a way, kind of 'classically' romantic. It's more Hayden's delivery and general stalker presence that makes it dodge. And his creepy touch/grope doesn't help matters. But I think the line itself isn't so bad.
Just take a look:
Padme: "..drying ourselves on the sand.."
Anakin: "I don't like sand. It's course. Rough. Irritating. And it gets everywhere! Not like here. Here, everything is soft....smooth..."
If he simply said everything while staring out into the ocean, and then does a subtle glance over to Padme with the soft/smooth....much better. But he just had to reach over and feel her up, didn't he? So....unsubtle. There was as much subtlety as, "I like your sweater monekys!"
Actually, a lot of the dialogue would've been anywhere near as bad, had the actors/director pulled them off better, or stuck with them until they were. Anakin was mostly just a dodgey creep in EpII. His laugh and general presence felt much more human in EpIII.