I fucking LOVE this.
Aw he forgot to give the dog a busted eye, but still, adorable.
hey isn't Waid's Daredevil supposed to be real good too
it is
but Hawkeye is the best
I haven't read any comics in 5+ years but this looks interesting to me. Might give it a shot.
Good thread. This seems right up my alley, going to try and check it out today.
hey isn't Waid's Daredevil supposed to be real good too
THIS is Hawkeye:
Love that piece. Use it as my iPad wallpaper. Love the photo booth comic! Sums up Katie and Clint very wellThe art looks gorgeous...
This one could fit very nicely in my living room, too
Pick up Locke & Key most def, Chew is a lot of fun tooSo this thread has convinced me to go and get that trade paper back, and then any back issues after that (if I'm reading correctly theres only 2 more out right now, correct?). I haven't read any comics in awhile (stopped around the end of Siege, I believe, and even during Siege wasn't really reading too much.) I think I'm gonna be picking up the first trade of Saga also. You guys got any other recs? I used to read Fables, is that still any good?
Wait, is this thing still ongoing? I take there are no compediums then. I ask this because I prefer to purchase my comics in book form since I hate to store dozens upon dozens of smaller issues.
The art looks gorgeous, BTW. I would totally frame this
and hang it on the bathroom.
This one could fit very nicely in my living room, too
I'm off to see if there are any Aja prints somewhere.
I totally forgot that was out till issue 8 hit the stands. I ordered the first TPB last night cause Ennis's version of Fury in Punisher MAX is awesome.And fury max is second best.
Matt Fraction has never written a bad anything.
For those who want wear Hawkguy and Lady Hawkman's t-shirts, there's a few on We Love Fine. The t-shirt on the Hawkeye #9 cover its avalaible, too.
It's an on-going. 8 issues have been released to date. Issues 1-6 will be in the first TPB coming out on Tuesday. Plus, no lengthy six-issue arcs. It's either solo issues or two parters. Flows much better that way, no padding or bullshit manufactured drama.
8 issues so far I think. No tie-ins with other comics so pick up the trade when it's released this week and enjoy.
The first trade paperback!
or digital!
It's all self-contained, you don't need to know a single thing about any other comics!
Be sure to check out the artists' playlists on youtube or spotify for the issues!
I preferred his run to Gillen's one.except uncanny x-men u__u
Matt Fraction has never written a bad anything.
except uncanny x-men u__u
I see you've also tried to block Fear Itself from memory.
You guys can recommend me some other comic book with the same line of art style?
Batman: Year One by Miller & Mazzuchelli.
Immortal Iron Fist vol 1, 2 and 3 by Brubaker and Aja (plus Fraction)
Daredevil: Born Again by Miller & Mazzucchelli.
Nick Fury: Agent of Shield by Jim Steranko.
Is the art by the same guy who did Doop's X-Force (X-Farce)?
Nope, it fooled me as well.
Thanks for the infoz. I'm going to cop the TPB this Tuesday. When does TPB #2 come out?
I like it alot but it's getting overhyped as the best shit ever
July, I think, according to Amazon.com
July, I think, according to Amazon.com
Matt Fraction also is doing the new FF, an offshoot of the Fantastic Four, with Mike Allred, the artist from that X-Force run. FF is also a fun series, four issues in, though it's dressed up more in superhero theatrics than Hawkeye.Is the art by the same guy who did Doop's X-Force (X-Farce)?
Hawkeye Vol.2 is scheduled for June 12th, 2013.
Usually, comic retailers get everything on the actual release date, whereas most other stores get them the following week.
The bottom panels made me laughed out loud. God damnit I lied on the floor. SOO GOOD!I laughed so hard at that first panel for some reason.
Issue 4 was definitely weak but I thought 5 was better.The bottom panels made me laughed out loud. God damnit I lied on the floor. SOO GOOD!
(Still I do not like the art in issue #4 and #5)
What comics should I read starting from issue 1 after that new marvel/dc rebooting bullshit whatever stuff they did last year or the year before or whenever?
This? Daredevil? What else???
All New X-MenWhat comics should I read starting from issue 1 after that new marvel/dc rebooting bullshit whatever stuff they did last year or the year before or whenever?
This? Daredevil? What else???