But for my money, the thing that killed comic books is everything else. Were living in an all-new status quo, and I keep seeing people, especially comics people, acting like piracy is the sole cause of all their ills. When no, that isnt true, and a half glance at the world will tell you so.
I dont even have to leave my house to be flooded with things to do. I can have food delivered, songs and movies I buy (or download, whatever) appear on my hard drive or PlayStation like magic, video games can be bought and played without ever touching a physical disc
were living in the future, and thats without even going outside. Outside, I can go to the movies, check out stand-up open mics, hang out with friends, drink Starbucks, eat donuts, play board games, go to bars
There is so much to do, and when you tell me my choice is between (in this instance) a comic that averages out to being just okay and costs three to four dollars to read for five to ten minutes and doing anything else, Im going to choose anything else, nine times out of ten, with exceptions made for creators I enjoy or books that might have a good hook that Im curious about.
And I like comics. At this point, Ive probably written a million words about them. I like supporting the people who make comics, whether with an email about how much I like their work, a Paypal donation, or just buying their books when they come out. My apartment is a mess because I like these stupid picture books so much.
Its a new age. You either figure out how to progress along with time or you get washed away. Which is maybe a fucking cockhead thing to say, but that doesnt make it any less true. 1996 rules dont apply any more. You have to change for that new status quo.