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Yoshi's New Island | OT | Is you is or is you ain't my Baby (Mario)

Velcro Fly

Thinking about picking this up in the Target B2G1 sale. Always loved Yoshi's Island and my only complaint with DS was the atrocious blindspot between the screens. I've played it a little bit so I know what I'm getting into. I'm a 2D platformer junkie and collecting things like the YI series demands is also something I enjoy.
The genius of this game is that it's by far the best in the series from start to completion. Best balance, best learning curve, and a focus on the essence of the game that makes the original seem like a self-indulgent overly-ambitious mess.

Great post though I don't agree with this; I've replayed the original recently and I still feel as though it's the best in the series.

New Island is much more focused though, so I can see why you might hold that opinion. It's certainly not an unreasonable one.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Thinking about picking this up in the Target B2G1 sale. Always loved Yoshi's Island and my only complaint with DS was the atrocious blindspot between the screens. I've played it a little bit so I know what I'm getting into. I'm a 2D platformer junkie and collecting things like the YI series demands is also something I enjoy.

I picked up the game today... and it's fantastic! WTF were the reviewers smoking?

I can tell you I wasn't smoking anything (8.5 from me ;)), but I guess many reviewers just rushed through the game (obvious from some remarks, for example in McShae's review where he does not take into consideration that you need to beat the bosses without being hit to fully complete the game), put too much emphasis on the fact it's close to the original game and not really innovative, and, finally, some reviewers just might not like this kind of game at all. The very negative climate surrounding that game nearly everywhere before release and the hate Arzest recieves, as well as the calm, almost modest presentation, probably have played a big role in the low metascore, too (probably affecting almost all reviewers to some extent). Neverhteless, I'm sad so many people, among them some I'm sure would have a great time with the game, are never going to play it. It will probably collectively always be remembered a subpar game, which it really is not. I just hope that the good positions in the european charts imply good sales and that the game will also sell fine enough in the USA and Japan, because it would be a shame if Yoshi was shelved after this game.

Regarding the Bart64 posting: Great analysis. While I don't agree on the verdict (it being superior to YI1), the analysis is spot-on and I absolutely agree, that depending on your preferences, you might like YNI the most out of the YI series.


I can tell you I wasn't smoking anything (8.5 from me ;)), but I guess many reviewers just rushed through the game (obvious from some remarks, for example in McShae's review where he does not take into consideration that you need to beat the bosses without being hit to fully complete the game), put too much emphasis on the fact it's close to the original game and not really innovative, and, finally, some reviewers just might not like this kind of game at all. The very negative climate surrounding that game nearly everywhere before release and the hate Arzest recieves, as well as the calm, almost modest presentation, probably have played a big role in the low metascore, too (probably affecting almost all reviewers to some extent). Neverhteless, I'm sad so many people, among them some I'm sure would have a great time with the game, are never going to play it. It will probably collectively always be remembered a subpar game, which it really is not. I just hope that the good positions in the european charts imply good sales and that the game will also sell fine enough in the USA and Japan, because it would be a shame if Yoshi was shelved after this game.

I agree with your take on the whole situation, Yosh. It's unfortunate but amongst many gamers online, the game was unfairly judged from the get-go. It's like what happened with LBW's graphics if no one played the game, with the added stigma of the unfairly malinged Arzest whereas EAD at least got some benefit of the doubt from people. I think much like its DS predecessor the game is likely to be remembered as less good than it actually is, but on the bright side that game did sell plenty well, and as hard as it is for me personally to keep in mind sometimes, the internet majority is a vocal but relatively minor one that for better or worse doesn't always hold significant sway over sales trends, so I suspect and am optimistic that the game will sell very well regardless.
I can trade in a 3DS Mario game of choice at my local gameshop to get Yoshi's New Island for €15. Thinking about trading in 3D land, already 100% it and not really the guy who replays games. Trying to 100% Yoshi seems fun. Would you guys say its worth it?


Game is pretty good honestly but, the music is just so bland. Can't even hold a candle to the original. It really is just a shame.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I'd say 3D Land is the better game than YI3, but if you don't want to replay that one anyway, you'll get a very good game for 15$. I'd go for it in your situation (I myself would not sell SM3DL though, because I'm a collector and I'm replaying all Matio games anyway).


I'd say 3D Land is the better game than YI3, but if you don't want to replay that one anyway, you'll get a very good game for 15$. I'd go for it in your situation (I myself would not sell SM3DL though, because I'm a collector and I'm replaying all Matio games anyway).

Ditto this. If you don't think you'll play 3DL again, go for it. If you do, hold onto it. I re-bought it recently since I regretted selling it back originally.


I'm at 6-5 and I'm really enjoying the same so far. I think this game is getting too much hate for the visuals and the music. Level design is solid and I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Maybe if they go on to release Yoshi's New Island Wii, Yoshi's New Island 2, and Yoshi's New Island U with the same exact visual style and music, then it might get a bit annoying...

Anyways, I randomly put my 3DS down, with the music turned up to read GAF... which is odd because I usually have the music off, and I'll shut the 3DS when taking a break. I was on the world 6 screen. After like 5 minutes of the same music looping over and over... mother fucking Totaka's Song. Mind blown. I don't think I've ever discovered the song on my own in a game. So cool!


Anyways, I randomly put my 3DS down, with the music turned up to read GAF... which is odd because I usually have the music off, and I'll shut the 3DS when taking a break. I was on the world 6 screen. After like 5 minutes of the same music looping over and over... mother fucking Totaka's Song. Mind blown. I don't think I've ever discovered the song on my own in a game. So cool!

pretty awesome, eh? i think it was kinsei who first caught it in this thread. it's a fun find for sure.


I buy the idea that a lot of people didn't give it a fair shake. The Kotaku review I read wasn't all that great.

This game however, is not great. The level design vacillates between solid and messy stages, the visuals are mostly washed out, the music is hit and miss (stupid Yoshi plush noises don't help at all.)

There are also minor unnecessary things that the developers did. They took out minigames and items, concerns regarding +stars could've been resolved with simply either removing those items or giving 1ups as rewards. Yellow and red eggs don't give out their bonuses upon impact of the ? cloud. Shorter levels in conjunction with saving all of one's collectibles is pretty astounding.

For a numbered score, I'd give it a 7 out of 10, even pretending that the original doesn't exist. It's a mostly competent game, brought down by a variety of bad decisions. I will say that to the developers' credit, I was expecting a cakewalk but this game is certainly not one for those aiming to 100% everything.

I still hate the fucking big eggs though.


I played the demo of this for a while at a Target the other day. I thought it was great. Definitely going to pick it up at some point.

People just need to stop expecting YI2...


Fuck the soundtrack to this game. So horrible.

At least the gameplay is decent. As a huge Yoshi fan (bought the Yoshi 3DS XL), this game was so disappointing.


Why buy a downgrade for a game you already own?

Wut? It's a different game.
Yes what a ridiculous thing to expect of a game billed as a sequel to Yoshi's Island with the same base gameplay.
I never said that it was ridiculous. All I'm saying is that it's not going to happen, and people that continue to expect it are going to continue to be disappointed, which is an objective fact. Should have been clear after Story TBH.


People just need to stop expecting YI2...
It sure feels like Yoshi's Island 2 to me. If it had music of similar style as the first game, it would fit right in. It just isn't new, as the original game was. It rehashes all the same elements from the original, with a few minor new features. It's a direct sequel, with a feel similar to the Mario Galaxy 1 to 2 update.
I just got the game and I just wanna say it looks nothing but amazing on the 3DS screen. Absolutely gorgeous. Very happy with it atm.


It sure feels like Yoshi's Island 2 to me. If it had music of similar style as the first game, it would fit right in. It just isn't new, as the original game was. It rehashes all the same elements from the original, with a few minor new features. It's a direct sequel, with a feel similar to the Mario Galaxy 1 to 2 update.

That was exactly what it set out to be, IMO, after the less-than-stellar responses in the past to Yoshi's Story, Yoshi's Topsy Turvy, and most importantly, Yoshi's Island DS (a.k.a. the real Yoshi's Island 2).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Started playing this today and was floored by just how bad the soundtrack is. It's so bad that I'm playing with alternative background music just to get me into it. It sounds unfinished, boring, and awful. I can't think of another game in years that sounded this bad. NSMB series? Awful music, but not ear rapingly so. THIS redefines bad soundtracks. It's really on par with the likes of that Sonic RPG on DS and Biohazard Dual Shock edition. What were they thinking?

Once I got over that and turned off the audio I started having fun. It's not blowing me away but it feels nice, looks better than I expected, and is pretty fun. I kind of like it.

A good soundtrack would have massively improved it, though.

After the glory of DKC-Tropical Freeze it's somehow even more offensive. I don't know who composed this soundtrack but they don't know what they're doing.


Yeah, I'm not sure what some peoples' problem is with the soundtrack, either. It's not a great soundtrack, but the level themes are suitably catchy and fit the game well. I probably never would have noticed the music in the game if people didn't bring it up all the time.

On another note, I switched over from classic aiming to gyro aiming, and it instantly made the game 100 times better. Until you experience it for yourself, it's impossible to appreciate how much more convenient it is to be able to aim where you want instantly without having to wait for the cursor to come around. Even better, the tilt controls are super sensitive, so I don't even have to disable the 3D effect to use it since you can get away with tilting it to a very small degree.


haha, it's cool of course. :) this game s really the king of getting a bad rap!

Yes. I could think of a few other things that would fit that bill at the moment, haha.

Anyway, since it's Easter, I'm gonna fire the game up later and play a few levels. Seems appropriate!


Yes. I could think of a few other things that would fit that bill at the moment, haha.

Anyway, since it's Easter, I'm gonna fire the game up later and play a few levels. Seems appropriate!

yeah, there do seem to be quite a few games received bizarrely poorly recently. enjoy your time with the game. easter is a fitting time indeed to throw some eggs at shy guys!


I ended up finishing it. Well, beating the final boss. I think this will be a good game to come back to in the summer to properly complete it.

As far as verdicts go, I don't think I need to write at length about it, since most points have already been brought up in the thread and I think most of them are well observed.

The most important thing, though, it seems to me, is the fact that this game's level design is less about choosing some type of location, really sticking to the theme and naturally building a small world out of that*. Instead, the stages are more abstract (in cases like 5-5, I would not hesitate to use the word 'minimalistic') - like obstacle courses -, highlighting the more challenging and collection-/survival-oriented aspects of Yoshi's Island which would culminate in the player 100%ing the game.

As far as evaluating that big aspect of it, I'd say it's a conscious design decision one can disagree with, but if, in general, you are willing to take a neutral look at a blueprint and only judge the execution, then I think you will find that this game is quite accomplished in that regard. Others have already pointed out that the levels really start to open up once you're exploring.

To quickly (because, again, reverberation) touch a few more points: I thought the controls were a little unresponsive at times. The bosses and vehicle sections were mixed, ranging from 'alright' to 'cool and interesting' - which is not really any different from the original, mind you. Menu and UI elements look a bit cheap (e.g. the retry screen, metre when swallowing big enemies). Intro and ending cinematic were well done, though.

I already praised visuals and sound design, the enjoyment of the latter hinging heavily on your susceptibility to the melody of the main theme. I agree that if you're downright appalled by a game's soundtrack (or theme, in this case, I guess; keep in mind that the instrumentation is varied and very far from being Kazoo city), your experience will be affected by it. In that special case, I would still recommend picking it up, perhaps once it drops in price. (Then play it while listening to the soundtrack of Yoshi's Story.)

The most important thing, though, is to not dismiss it based on buzz and see it for your own eyes. A life lesson, one might say, and an opportune moment to end my rambling!

(*) There's definitely some of that. In fact, one of, if not my favourite level period, 5-1, merges both design philosophies. Also, penguins.


I bought this along with an XL in March. I'm in World 3 and my god could this game get anymore boring/easy? I haven't played in weeks.

The music is awful. It's like the same one song is being looped forever.

Even the art is just...blech.


I bought this along with an XL in March. I'm in World 3 and my god could this game get anymore boring/easy? I haven't played in weeks.

The music is awful. It's like the same one song is being looped forever.

Even the art is just...blech.

Try going for 100% if you're looking for an additional level of challenge.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, I'm not sure what some peoples' problem is with the soundtrack, either. It's not a great soundtrack, but the level themes are suitably catchy and fit the game well. I probably never would have noticed the music in the game if people didn't bring it up all the time.
The fact that you may never have noticed the music says a lot.

My reasoning stems from the fact that I firmly believe that a great soundtrack is a requirement for a platform game to become truly exceptional. The best platformers throughout gaming history all feature memorable, high quality music.

I'm not sure why, but the music in this game really turns me off in the worst way. There's no energy or themes to really drive the gameplay. The first level starts off sounding like a cheap children's cartoon rather than something that encourages you to keep playing.

Nintendo's been killing it lately with amazing soundtracks left and right. When you first start Zelda Link Between Worlds, DKC-Tropical Freeze, or even 3D World there's a real sense of excitement and wonder to the music that really enhances the on-screen action.

I really do believe that a striking soundtrack would have changed a lot of outlooks on this particular game.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Yoshi's New Island is out of stock at Amazon Germany (available within 1-3 weeks), also when I was at Saturn (big German electronics retailer) on Saturday it was number one in the 3DS charts (and they sold two in the short time I was there :)). Clearly anectdotal, but it seems to me that at least here the game is doing not bad compared to expectations.


Yoshi's New Island is out of stock at Amazon Germany (available within 1-3 weeks), also when I was at Saturn (big German electronics retailer) on Saturday it was number one in the 3DS charts (and they sold two in the short time I was there :)). Clearly anectdotal, but it seems to me that at least here the game is doing not bad compared to expectations.

Correct me if you think otherwise, but I always had the impression that the original was one of a handful of SNES games that were VERY popular here in Germany (= everybody played it as a kid and now they're in their mid 20s and buying YNI). Same goes for Secret of Mana, DKC and Contra III.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Correct me if you think otherwise, but I always had the impression that the original was one of a handful of SNES games that were VERY popular here in Germany (= everybody played it as a kid and now they're in their mid 20s and buying YNI). Same goes for Secret of Mana, DKC and Contra III.

Yeah, Yoshi's Island is really popular among people who played video games regularly at the time of YI's release, DKC had a bigger reach though (even casual players who didn't own a SNES themselves know that one) and Contra 3 and SoM a smaller one (they are really popular when taking the niche-appeal into account though).
Completed the game 100%!!!!

Or so I think... Why isn't there any indication on the title screen? I got all 30 stars, 20 red coins, and 5 flowers in each regular level and special level AND unlocked all 1-up factory vehicle challenges.

Why isn't there an indicator on my file? Well, there's a flag with a Yoshi egg above the number of men I have, but that's it.
Nintendo really needs to figure out this music thing on their lesser titles.
Aside from the title screen piece, I thought the music was pretty good. It's not the A-tier stuff we heard in Yoshi's Island or Yoshi's Story. But it's good. Or at least I enjoyed it.

EDIT: Glad to see daydreaming and maxcriden enjoyed the score as well. :)


Yeah, Yoshi's Island is really popular among people who played video games regularly at the time of YI's release, DKC had a bigger reach though (even casual players who didn't own a SNES themselves know that one) and Contra 3 and SoM a smaller one (they are really popular when taking the niche-appeal into account though).

BTW, Yosh, and daydreaming, I'm wondering if the YNI is better appreciated by German gamers whose music and language have a similar tonality, if that makes sense.


I'm at 5-4 now with all stages 100% complete (including the secret levels). I think the hardest stage to master so far has been 4-S. In general, some of those red coins are what's making me have to replay a stage a bunch of times. I'm like sitting on 200+ lives at the moment because of some of those fucking invisible coin-path trigger spots. Christ.

Game's still fun, but it's definitely underwhelming and totally safe. There's nothing really interesting about it. It's just a competent platformer through and through that doesn't stray too far from what made the original Yoshi's Island so much fun. As far as the OST goes, I actually dug it in the first world (wearing headphones), but I didn't know that the rest of the game essentially remixed the same tracks over and over and over again. =/

Hoping to 100% mop the game up before next Friday when Kirby drops. I'm way more excited for that game at this point. At least I know it'll be more energetic/lively than this has been.
I thought 4-S was a bitch until I got to 5-S. Holy shit did I lose a ton of lives on that one. Your execution has to be air tight; and it's *really* hard to recover from a mistake.

At least 6-S wasn't so bad once you learn the level.


BTW, Yosh, and daydreaming, I'm wondering if the YNI is better appreciated by German gamers whose music and language have a similar tonality, if that makes sense.

Hmm, the statement in itself makes sense, but I can't really verify it, haha. Any examples?


Hmm, the statement in itself makes sense, but I can't really verify it, haha. Any examples?

It's just for me as an American thinking about what German "sounds like" to me. I don't have good examples unfortunately. I'll be interested to hear what Sebastian (Yoshi) thinks of this idea, though!


It's just for me as an American thinking about what German "sounds like" to me. I don't have good examples unfortunately. I'll be interested to hear what Sebastian (Yoshi) thinks of this idea, though!

Yeah, me too.

You must have a favourable opinion of German language, though, if you're comparing it to the pleasant YI tunes and not some marching music. :p


Yeah, me too.

You must have a favourable opinion of German language, though, if you're comparing it to the pleasant YI tunes and not some marching music. :p

Haha. I can't say German's my favorite sounding language, to be honest, but I have no issue with it really and the tonality (for lack of a better word) really reminds me of the rhythm and cadence of the YNI music.


Speaking of which, I listened to the whole OST yesterday for the first time and really enjoyed it a great deal. It was much better than I had even thought.
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