So as a black male I have to say I love that Hollywood is finally being called out on it's overwhelming white male problem and that minorities are finally started to be noticed, and more importantly, the stigma of minority = too risky is at least starting to disappear and be exposed for the nonsense it always was. However, I noticed that even in attempts to add diversity Hollywood is pretty damn non-diverse.
Let's say they want to add a minority male to a movie. 99% of the time it's a black guy and while I love seeing familiar faces on screen, I can recognize that all other races are getting the shaft. For decades we've had well known black actors. Sidney Poitier, Eddy Murphy, Will Smill, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Samuel L Jackson, there's not a TON, but no one would ever struggle naming a well known bankable black actor. What about asian? Who have we had since Jackie Chan or Jet Li, who were both typecast as "Asian dude who doesn't speak english well, but knows martial arts"? Chow Yun Fat was famous for a second with Crouching Tiger and John Cho seemed to have peaked at Harold & Kumar, which is probably the only movie I can even think of starring minorities who aren't black. And then there's all the other races where it's hard for the average person to even name a famous star of theirs.
And then on the women site, it's pretty much only white females being cast anytime a woman is in a lead role. Take the new Star Wars (both Rogue One and TFA), The Hunger Games, Mad Max, Kill Bill and going back Terminator and Alien. All white females. In fact the last major movie I can think of starring a non-white female lead was Monster's Ball and before that Jackie Brown! And I wouldn't be surprised if black woman was also the go to for minority female lead!
Let's say they want to add a minority male to a movie. 99% of the time it's a black guy and while I love seeing familiar faces on screen, I can recognize that all other races are getting the shaft. For decades we've had well known black actors. Sidney Poitier, Eddy Murphy, Will Smill, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Samuel L Jackson, there's not a TON, but no one would ever struggle naming a well known bankable black actor. What about asian? Who have we had since Jackie Chan or Jet Li, who were both typecast as "Asian dude who doesn't speak english well, but knows martial arts"? Chow Yun Fat was famous for a second with Crouching Tiger and John Cho seemed to have peaked at Harold & Kumar, which is probably the only movie I can even think of starring minorities who aren't black. And then there's all the other races where it's hard for the average person to even name a famous star of theirs.
And then on the women site, it's pretty much only white females being cast anytime a woman is in a lead role. Take the new Star Wars (both Rogue One and TFA), The Hunger Games, Mad Max, Kill Bill and going back Terminator and Alien. All white females. In fact the last major movie I can think of starring a non-white female lead was Monster's Ball and before that Jackie Brown! And I wouldn't be surprised if black woman was also the go to for minority female lead!