Climate makes way of life impossible for those that can't afford AC:
Climate refugees turning up where you live:
Climate makes way of life impossible for those that can't afford AC:
Climate refugees turning up where you live:
People laugh, but one of the number one things that causes warming is sun spotsMust be sun spots or something
People laugh, but one of the number one things that causes warming is sun spots
I think the issue is that all the people at the top don't want to give up anything that would impact the quality of their lives (or the shareholder's) They own everything that make's the stuff that we complain about being a problem. We can't buy it to throw it away, if they don't make it to begin with.I agree, I think that we as individuals don't have enough impact to drive change through our actions. We need nations to move away from fossil fuels for it to make sense.
Ultimately, a number of things that people really like are going to have to change in order to avoid catastrophe, if you really like going on cruise holidays you might have to do it less, or even stop going in exchange for some of the countries that the ship takes you to being able to continue growing food, or not be swallowed by the ocean.
The problem is, I assume, a lot of really wealthy people make the decisions that count and they presumably feel that they'll be able to pay their way to safety.
Sorry but it looks like you've fallen for a load of crap that a climate change denier made up. NASA reckons that's bullshit.
Is the Sun causing global warming? - NASA Science
No. The Sun can influence Earth’s climate, but it isn’t responsible for the warming trend we’ve seen over recent decades. The Sun is a giver of life; it helps keep the planet warm enough for us to survive. We know subtle changes in Earth’s orbit around the Sun are responsible for the comings and...climate.nasa.gov
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."Wrong again
The ever-changing sun activity, volcanic activity, and the varying angle of the earth all affect the planet’s climate.
The activity from the sun affects the radiation, infrared light, ultraviolet light, and visible light reaching earth.
High and low periods of sunspot activity deliver a change in sunlight to the top of our atmosphere which affects our climate.
How sunlight interacts with volcanic material also plays a part in our climate. Volcanic eruptions contribute to both cooling and warming of the earth’s atmosphere. Volcanoes release different amounts of sulfur oxide, sulfur dioxide, gases, dust, water, and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, all which affect the climate during and after an eruption as our planet travels in orbit.
And of course the angle of our planet in said orbit is never constant. It can range from a 24° angle to a 22.5° angle. That tilt affects earth’s climate. It’s plain to see that as earth’s surroundings have varied, our climate patterns have varied.
There is no proof that any current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from human activity."It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
If you're in an area that is impacted semi-frequently by weather events like hurricanes, now is really the best time to get a generator, batteries stock up, etc., since nobody else is thinking about it and panic buying every generator from Home Depot in 200mi radius like they will be a week before the next 'big one' is on the news.
Did you learn to bold a bunch of random words from truther conspiracy blogs?There is no proof that any current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from human activity.
We have to remember that global warming is only a prediction based on assumptions of future CO2 theories! Prediction/Assumption/Theory! That’s a guess on top of a guess on top of a guess!
We already know a number of Ice Ages came and went long before humans were using hairspray, driving gas guzzlers, or burning coal to generate electricity. The majority of people who warn of global warming today can’t seem to make up their mind, either. In 1978, teachers handed out news article stating the planet was in jeopardy of global cooling!
It’s funny how you could admit that every year we go through cycles of a warm and cold.. It’s called seasons.Did you learn to bold a bunch of random words from truther conspiracy blogs?
It’s funny how you could admit that every year we go through cycles of a warm and cold.. It’s called seasons.
And we all learned our whole life that the Earth is cyclical : we go through warmer times and colder times. The Earth and its cycles are …. TADA: cyclical.
But no, no, no, now it’s our fault.
lmaoPrediction/Assumption/Theory! That’s a guess on top of a guess on top of a guess!
It’s funny how you could admit that every year we go through cycles of a warm and cold.. It’s called seasons.
High and low periods of sunspot activity deliver a change in sunlight to the top of our atmosphere which affects our climate.
There is no proof that any current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from human activity.
Human influence on the climate system is now an established fact: The Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) stated in 2007 that ‘warming of the climate system is unequivocal’, and AR5 stated in 2013 that ‘human influence on the climate system is clear’. Combined evidence from across the climate system strengthens this finding. It is unequivocal that the increase of CO2, methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in the atmosphere over the industrial era is the result of human activities and that human influence is the main driver of many changes observed across the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere. (Sections TS.1.2, TS.2.1 and TS.3.1)
Earth's climate has changed throughout history. In the past 650,000 years, there have been seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat, with the abrupt end of the last ice age about 11,700 years ago marking the beginning of the modern climate era—and of human civilization. Most of these climate changes are attributed to very small variations in Earth's orbit that alter the amount of energy our planet receives from the sun. But the warming we've seen over the past few decades is too rapid to be linked to changes in Earth's orbit and too large to be caused by solar activity.
Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical mountain glaciers show that Earth's climate responds to changes in greenhouse gas levels. Ancient evidence can also be found in tree rings, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks. This ancient, or paleoclimate, evidence reveals that current warming is occurring roughly 10 times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming. Carbon dioxide from human activity is increasing more than 250 times faster than it did from natural sources after the last ice age.
I love listening to the people act like their kids gonna die from global warming.
Here's one of the best and most comprehensive onesAnyone got any good talks from a climate change deniers point of view? I remember watching a speech along time ago on YouTube with a guy that mentioned ~1933 as the hottest year on record and that happened before the 1945 increase in carbon emissions.
He also said the data people like to use is “homogenized” with junk data and there’s no reason to use anything other than the pure data.
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Take this psychopath test to help answer the question, Am I a psychopath? The online psychopath test is 20 questions, instantly scored.www.healthyplace.com
report your results plz
My region just went through one of the coldest and snowiest winters on record. Does that negate the fact June was the hottest June on record and July will be the hottest month on record ever? A couple years ago the view outside my house looked like Blade Runner for a week. I mean, as soon as we set a record, we smash right through it the next year or two. I'm glad you had a pleasant day on the golf course, that doesn't mean every thermometer in the rest of the world is wrong.I just got off the golf course in south florida and it was like 82 degrees. I think Greta's gonna make it.
I love listening to the people act like their kids gonna die from global warming.
More than a third of heat-related deaths between 1991 and 2018 can be attributed to increasingly severe temperatures associated with human-induced climate change, according to a new study. Published in Nature Climate Change, it is the largest attribution study to date on the human health impacts of climate change and points to the need for more and advanced mitigation, adaptation, and resilience efforts.
“The health impacts of climate change are not something occurring in the future; they are already happening,” said lead author Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera, Ph.D., researcher at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern. “We know from previous studies that extreme temperatures are bad for our health. We also know that climate change will make things more difficult. But now for the first time, we have an idea of what the footprint of climate change has been in terms of heat-related mortality.”
Maybe because people already are.
Global Study Evaluates Heat-Related Deaths Associated with Climate Change
NIEHS-funded study finds that a third of heat-related deaths between 1991 and 2018 can be attributed to increasingly severe temperatures associated with human-induced climate change.www.niehs.nih.gov
I love listening to the people act like their kids gonna die from global warming.
Cool, now do Phoenix, El Paso, Salt Lake City, Portland, Billings, St Louis, Fargo, and Cincinnati.
"Keep in mind that the observations in Manatee Bay are in shallow water in a closed-off cove with dark seagrass on the bottom," Zierden said. "I would not consider them a "sea surface temperature," as that implies open ocean."
Drilling down on 101-degree water temperature recording near the Florida Keys. What we know
The 101.1-degree water temperature recorded at Manatee Bay on July 24 wasn't a record for that site. The record was set in 2017.www.news-press.com
At least climate change was so nice to wait until Covid was over. Very convenient. Next: Aliens. Bring it on!
I rather do Berlin, it´s fckng cold right now in Germany.Cool, now do Phoenix, El Paso, Salt Lake City, Portland, Billings, St Louis, Fargo, and Cincinnati.
And it’s record breaking hot where I am, with the heat index aiming for around 45.6 degrees celcius tomorrow.I rather do Berlin, it´s fckng cold right now in Germany.
I know, right? That’s why we measure climate change in a period of 30 years and not in one month.And it’s record breaking hot where I am, with the heat index aiming for around 45.6 degrees celcius tomorrow.
Anecdotes are very cool.
My uncle works at Climatendo though and he says everything is fine!
For all the big-brained doomers ITT, how many billions of people are you willing to purge to take us back to a pre-industrial society?
The evidence clearly shows that man is not the cause; rather, there are natural processes that result in warming and cooling patterns over time.
That doesn’t mean we have to put restraints on our prosperity or make plants and animals more valuable and important than humans.
When we look back through earth’s history, do we see evidence of climate change? Of course we do; that is not in question. The evidence clearly shows that man is not the cause; rather, there are natural processes that result in warming and cooling patterns over time.
Let us use our knowledge and common sense to be good stewards of our world. Does this mean humans can be reckless in our use of technology? No! We should obviously contain pollution. Should we poison the streams with chemical waste? No! We should obviously respect nature. That doesn’t mean we have to put restraints on our prosperity or make plants and animals more valuable and important than humans.
We should not be manipulated by guilt-ridden rhetoric or false notions that we are killing the planet and driving up the temperature!
Of course climate change can be, and has been, caused by natural processes. But what exactly does that have to do with the current climate change?When we look back through earth’s history, do we see evidence of climate change? Of course we do; that is not in question. The evidence clearly shows that man is not the cause; rather, there are natural processes that result in warming and cooling patterns over time.
Let us use our knowledge and common sense to be good stewards of our world. Does this mean humans can be reckless in our use of technology? No! We should obviously contain pollution. Should we poison the streams with chemical waste? No! We should obviously respect nature. That doesn’t mean we have to put restraints on our prosperity or make plants and animals more valuable and important than humans.
We should not be manipulated by guilt-ridden rhetoric or false notions that we are killing the planet and driving up the temperature!
Every time an Englander comes here and asks me what that thing in the sky is, I tell them it's the sun. They tell me they're glad that England doesn’t have one of those.Meanwhile in England
(it does get very hot here at times, just being flip)
"Keep in mind that the observations in Manatee Bay are in shallow water in a closed-off cove with dark seagrass on the bottom," Zierden said. "I would not consider them a "sea surface temperature," as that implies open ocean."
But, the takeaway shouldn't really be "So don't worry about it at all" because we are seeing plenty of other significant and obvious problems with earth's climate. Things like "Hottest July on record" shouldn't really be attempted to be balanced out by "raining in Sheffield though, lol" etc.
That´s actually exactly whats bothering me. We see panic-news left and right. Take the wildfires for example. They are caused in over 95% by humans and we know that drought and not heat encourage them. But the news keep saying "the heat is causing the fires!!!", which is just wrong.Like, balance is really important, panic isn't good, and being able to be act sensibly is the most desirable outcome.
That´s actually exactly whats bothering me. We see panic-news left and right. Take the wildfires for example. They are caused in over 95% by humans and we know that drought and not heat encourage them. But the news keep saying "the heat is causing the fires!!!", which is just wrong.
The other thing is that normal people like you and I are already reducing their CO2 footprint, I just saw a statistic from official sources in Germany that most of the CO2 reduction in the last years came from private housholds, while the industry is trying everything to counter that. But the media calls for "WE NEED A CO2 BUDGET for everyone!". Politics are just afraid to go against bigger companies.
ExactlyThat´s actually exactly whats bothering me. We see panic-news left and right. Take the wildfires for example. They are caused in over 95% by humans and we know that drought and not heat encourage them. But the news keep saying "the heat is causing the fires!!!", which is just wrong.
The other thing is that normal people like you and I are already reducing their CO2 footprint, I just saw a statistic from official sources in Germany that most of the CO2 reduction in the last years came from private housholds, while the industry is trying everything to counter that. But the media calls for "WE NEED A CO2 BUDGET for everyone!". Politics are just afraid to go against bigger companies.
In a nutshell: The problem is more complex than you can show in a clickbait article. Panic-headlines generate more traffic but are easy to attack by "deniers", therefore damaging the whole discussion. We need more reasoning.
I agree. In fact, you can care about the environment and NOT support every single “save the environment” proposal.The declaration that wildfires have been started by people, isn't particularly relevant. The reason that the wildfires are such a problem is because they are so difficult to put out - that's the problem. Because of the heat and the absence of rain, the fires rage out of control and cannot be put out. That is why this is a climate change problem. Those who want to say that we don't have a climate change problem are the ones pushing the arson angle as a reason not to worry. It's fairly similar to what I'm about to say below.
I agree with you on how our personal impact/footprint affects things has been disingenuously promoted. Decades ago when everyone knew we had a building problem, we were told to turn off unnecessary lights, recycle. That became eat less meat and pay to offset carbon, when flying etc. But that's a distraction from giving polluting companies carte blanche to continue business as usual.
All of those things don't touch the sides when we look at the bigger picture.
We've been continually lied to about how bad climate change is, how quickly things can change, and the people who've been telling us that we've got a big problem on our hands have been ignored by the media and not given publicity and that's been going on for decades. Hopefully things are changing.
I agree. In fact, you can care about the environment and NOT support every single “save the environment” proposal.
Here's an analogy:
Parents love child and want them to get the best education possible.
Child has grades for elite private prep school that costs $50k a year.
Parents cannot afford that without selling their house, which they refuse to do, and tell child they have to go to cheaper school. (Not as good, but economically viable).
Parents still love their child and want them to get best education possible. Child screams that his/her parents don't love them.
The child is wrong.
The child here is the screaming and panic from the left (and that annoying Greta girl)
Isn't the USA, per capita, still one of the worst ranked nations in terms of CO2 emissions? You have to wonder how strong an argument it would be for a country that emits less CO2 than America (per capita) being told they need to make amends.And the USA already leads in reducing CO2 emissions. So people in America need to get off their high horse and stop yelling at us/ourselves. Go to another country, climb onto your pedestal and yell at other countries!!
The heat is not the problem, it´s the absence of rain. Rainforests or saunas don´t ignite when it´s hot. Wood burns at 400 C, therefore it needs an ignition, which is most often man-made. Forget the bs about "waterbottles thrown away" or other crap. The fires on Rhodos were also arson (and the typical rainfall in July is 0,0 there).The declaration that wildfires have been started by people, isn't particularly relevant. The reason that the wildfires are such a problem is because they are so difficult to put out - that's the problem. Because of the heat and the absence of rain, the fires rage out of control and cannot be put out. That is why this is a climate change problem. Those who want to say that we don't have a climate change problem are the ones pushing the arson angle as a reason not to worry. It's fairly similar to what I'm about to say below.
The heat is not the problem, it´s the absence of rain. Rainforests or saunas don´t ignite when it´s hot. Wood burns at 400 C, therefore it needs an ignition, which is most often man-made. Forget the bs about "waterbottles thrown away" or other crap. The fires on Rhodos were also arson (and the typical rainfall in July is 0,0 there).