But you're a minister.
Oh me... oh my... Now that made me laugh absurdly hard.
But you're a minister.
What's the difference?
Damn lol
Everything that hes said against immigrants its not that Im in favor, but bad people dont belong here.
His daughter will be fine.
I grew up evangelical and my father pushed me to support Orange Shitstain. All of that indoctrination gets knocked out of you pretty quickly once you are exposed to other people.
Is it really necessary to have sympathy for people like this?
Not everyone is like you, unfortunately.His daughter will be fine.
I grew up evangelical and my father pushed me to support Orange Shitstain. All of that indoctrination gets knocked out of you pretty quickly once you are exposed to other people.
Any candidate that came out supporting slavery would win the election in a landslideI don't understand it. He's mentally sick and I don't mean that as a joke.
I wonder how many people of color (especially black people) would vote for a politician who wants to bring back slavery.
I know there are some out there.
There should be a study about how the Republican Party is able to manipulate people with one 3 letter word GOD. What is their secret?
People will jump off a cliff if the R candidate told them to
When you try hard to be white and they still don't let you into the country club.
Shrugs I just don't see the difference. My bad.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Ramirez believes that going to immigration detention is part of Gods plan for him.
Ramirez believes that going to immigration detention is part of Gods plan for him
No no no-I'm one of the "good ones"!
The mindset of a good chunk of Republican voters.
"It won't effect me, just the others"
What's the difference?
The really crazy part is that he's still drinking the Kool-Aid. Maybe once he's deported he might have an epiphany, but seeing how dumb he is, I doubt it.
"I'm not a bad hombre, I'm Jorge"