G GDGF Soothsayer May 14, 2005 #4 That is some funny shit and a brilliant idea. I wish I would have been the first one to exploit the dreams of timid geeks everywhere
That is some funny shit and a brilliant idea. I wish I would have been the first one to exploit the dreams of timid geeks everywhere
B border Member May 14, 2005 #5 Is this actually a site or just a joke? There don't seem to be any links to the supposed "Members section"
Is this actually a site or just a joke? There don't seem to be any links to the supposed "Members section"
F Father_Brain Banned May 14, 2005 #6 It's pretty clearly a joke, for that reason. http://www.nerdrotica.com/
L Lathentar Looking for Pants May 14, 2005 #8 Here was my friend's reaction: Friend: you can't resist magic missile... Click to expand...
G GDGF Soothsayer May 14, 2005 #9 Father_Brain said: It's pretty clearly a joke, for that reason. http://www.nerdrotica.com/ Click to expand... Cool, so I can still profit from it!
Father_Brain said: It's pretty clearly a joke, for that reason. http://www.nerdrotica.com/ Click to expand... Cool, so I can still profit from it!
C CrunchyB Member May 14, 2005 #10 Lathentar, your friend is wrong. It doesn't allow a saving throw, but spell resistance works as normal! Hilarious site.
Lathentar, your friend is wrong. It doesn't allow a saving throw, but spell resistance works as normal! Hilarious site.
K keeblerdrow Member May 15, 2005 #12 Father_Brain said: It's pretty clearly a joke, for that reason. http://www.nerdrotica.com/ Click to expand... Yay for RK Milholland!
Father_Brain said: It's pretty clearly a joke, for that reason. http://www.nerdrotica.com/ Click to expand... Yay for RK Milholland!