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Your Most Painful Memory Involving The Opposite Sex

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Red Mercury said:
Question then on this 'You Can't Stay Friends' theory. How true does this run? My ex-girlfriend and I broke up under very misunderstood circumstances. In the aftermath we've tried to stay friends in an ambigious effort to work things out at some undertermined point in the future. It sucks in about one hundred different ways, because of course I am holding out hope that everything works out, but it seems similar in alot of ways to other 'soft' break up methods. Am I falling for a variation on the 'staying friends' idea?

Don't initiate contact with her at all (yes that means never) . Move on.

Ignore this advice if she is already getting you dates with her other friends or doing something that is bettering your life.

My worst pain is probably the fact that it took about 2 months to get over the first serious relationship I had.
Being friends with an ex sucks. Sucks. Sucks. Sucks.
Don't do it. It's a death trap.
Having the ex as a friend is asking for a cockblock of a friend.
Or when they get boyfriends, they make you feel like shit because you think they're showing their new boyfriend more compassion than they did with you in your relationship. And you resent it. Really bad. So you say, fuck you. You smut. Who hooked up with 6 of my boys in one night. You must really feel like a slut now, right!??!

I kid, I kid. No but seriously...
Ex-girlfriends as friends is a no-no.

Ignore this advice if she is already getting you dates with her other friends or doing something that is bettering your life.
But seldom happens.


I'll share a jizz story, because maybe it'll make everyone smile. In high school, at a party, this one guy in my class, pretty nice dude, was getting head from this girl. He forgot to warn her he was about to blow, she didn't realize, she started to choke, and they had to call an ambulance. High school sucked, but I still have some fond memories.


i concur being friends with the ex sucks. I dont do it and she keeps grilling me as to why I dont. Fuck that. All it takes is one slip up, then youre back to where you started and its seriously a progenitor for drama. I cant see anything good coming out of it. Nothing.
Soul4ger said:
I'll share a jizz story, because maybe it'll make everyone smile. In high school, at a party, this one guy in my class, pretty nice dude, was getting head from this girl. He forgot to warn her he was about to blow, she didn't realize, she started to choke, and they had to call an ambulance. High school sucked, but I still have some fond memories.

wow :lol

I can only imagine all the nicknames and wisecracks after that happened.

aoi tsuki

It's not particularly thrilling or anything, but here's my story.

About three years ago, i was at my friend's work, Japanese books in hand. This really hot girl comes up to me and grabs my hands, proclaiming "You're learning Japanese?! You're about to go on the greatest journey ever!" No, really, she did. i could really care less what she said, because i wanted to bend her over the counter and have my way with her. After a little talking and a lot of flirtation, she insisted she teach me Japanese. Then her boyfriend arrived. Yeah.

So i tell my friend about it, and he decides he wants to join. A second friend decides to join the group as well, but he drops out shortly after we get started. Early on, it's obvious that she's interested in me, and the whole teaching Japanese thing was a cover, despite the fact that she put a lot of work into lessons. We exchanged numbers and started talking after class, which was usually late at night. It was pretty apparent that she wasn't happy with her boyfriend, so i quickly became everything he wasn't -- affectionate, not addicted to Everquest, and unfortunately not in her pants. i took her out to dinner, clubs, coffeehouses, and we would always cuddle, but after the date, she'd be back with him.

They eventually broke up, but stayed in the same apartment until he moved to North Carolina to rejoin the National Guard. The day after the breakup, a Sunday, i took her out again. After lunch and ice cream, we went to the park, where i kissed her. Everything snowballed from there, and we ended up at her place, where we had sex until sometime in the morning. That was pretty much de rigeur for the next few weeks. i'd pick her up from work, take her out to dinner and maybe catch a movie or something, and fuck until sometime in the morning, sometimes joined by her female "jogging buddy".

One day, she told me we needed to talk. She told me that she wasn't able to pay rent for the apartment, and that she was going to move in with her ex and join the National Guard to get money for school. i was shocked, but didn't really express it. i saw her once again (no sex), and that was it.

For the longest time, i told myself i didn't care about her. i was just fucking her. i realized later that i had started to have feelings for her, and it hurt that she went back to her boyfriend. After all that shit i let her put me through, she went back to him, although given their history, it wasn't unexpected. Six or so months after all this, i emailed her to see how she was doing. She emailed back saying "the parameters of their relationship had changed". i haven't emailed back.

i just did a search for her name and see that she's in Iraq. As of September, she's doing okay. i hope it stays that way.


i've never had a girl choke on my jizz. that's odd, joking on jizz. i always like to surprise the girl anyway. heh heh heh


No memories here; never bothered to go out on a date or do small talk for some reason. And from what I've seen in life, I'm not really that eager to lose this strange apathy; hooking up seems to be too much work.


Question then on this 'You Can't Stay Friends' theory. How true does this run? My ex-girlfriend and I broke up under very misunderstood circumstances. In the aftermath we've tried to stay friends in an ambigious effort to work things out at some undertermined point in the future. It sucks in about one hundred different ways, because of course I am holding out hope that everything works out, but it seems similar in alot of ways to other 'soft' break up methods. Am I falling for a variation on the 'staying friends' idea?

Staying friends has never led me to a 'new' or 'better' relationship. Not once. In every instance it's just equaled various amounts of denial, slow torture, or increased emotional baggage from the party who's still 'attached'.


kumanoki said:
During the movie, while my crush was sitting next to me, she and my best friend began making out. Naturally, I was destroyed. I couldn't finish the movie. I left the theater and waited outside until it was finished. The whole way home she kept asking me, "What's wrong?" For the next couple of years, I couldn't hear A Whole New World without getting physically ill. I still have no idea what happened at the end of Alladin. I assume a happy ending.
Heartbreak on my sixteen birthday. That's my most painful memory involving the opposite sex.

Dude, why didn't you tell me you liked her beforehand?
Jim Bowie said:
My ex-girlfriend said that I slept around on my current (at the time) girlfriend with her. She then proceeded to tell everyone she knew, and they told everyone else they knew. Thankfully, my then girlfriend didn't believe it, and we were still together until the end o' high school.

You have me to thank for that! She was all "XXX told me that they did it and blah blah blah," and I was all "No fucking way. JB don't play a bitch. Ask him!"

As for me...Hmm. I got nothing. Things rarely go wrong in my relationships. I've had 2 serious ones, the first one lasting over a year and the current one which is over 2 years. The first one, I realized that although the girl was really cute, I felt like I was wasting my time with her. And she was fucking crazy. The current one is well, current. We moved in with eachother which may have been a bad idea, but things are fine for now.


rollin' in the gutter
aoi tsuki said:
sometimes joined by her female "jogging buddy".




Going through my worst shit right now. When we moved into our new place, my roomie and I were excited to discover a totally cute and fun upstairs neighbor. For a while it was great times, just all hanging out. Over Thanksgiving, though, when roomie was a way, I started to develop some real feelings for this girl (who is way too old for me anyway, but what are you gonna do). I didn't know what to do, as no fucking way did I want to jeopardize the great living arrangements I had with awkward sexual tension. Didn't matter though, as I soon found out that she had putting some serious moves on my roomie for a week or so already. He put up a good fight so that things wouldn't get all fucked up between us three, but he was bound to crack. I don't blame him at all, it just bums me out that I can now see my friendship with this girl was only a byproduct of her wanting to fuck my buddy. And yes, things have definitely gotten weird. No longer can we hang like before, so the last couple nights I've spent in my living room listening to them laugh and play music together in her apartment.

There should be clauses in leases about this shit.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Sigh...damn but this thread brings back some bad memories :(

Just got over the ex a few months ago...I like to call her "Psycho Bitch'

Basically, she broke up with her asshole of a boyfriend (he didn't want an education, or a job, or a family and she did) to be with me. But she couldn't let go of him and kept talking to him and even let him come stay in her apartment for a week. :( She accepted a 200$ gift from him at Christmas, and whenever he called and wanted to talk to her, if I was around, I wasn't allowed to say anything and let him know I was dating her.

But that's not the most painful memory...oh...the most painful memory? Two weeks after we broke up (stupid...stupid...don't fall for friend line...) I kept saying that if she had just stopped talking to her ex, things might have worked out.

I'm Chinese, she's Jewish, so she said to me on the phone, "After a lot of soul searching, I think I'd prefer a Jewish guy."

So I completely went ballistic on her and screamed at her for 5 minutes...and then I called her an hour later and screamed at her for literally a 1/2 hour.

Hard to say who was wrong here...on one hand she's entitled to date whomever the fuck she wants, but on the other hand, that was one bitchy comment to make to your ex right after breaking up.

Needless to say, I was shocked and disillusioned for the longest time, I went to my friends for help, and talking to them about it helped me weed out who were truly my friends and who were merely acquaintances...

Harsh lesson learned to be sure...


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Kuro Madoushi said:
Hard to say who was wrong here....
Not really. She was, indeed, a psycho bitch for maintaining that weird relationship with her loser ex the way she did, and then telling you a reason she didn't want to be with you was because of your ethnicity?

Fuck her. Up the ass I say.
Seems like that'd be the best rationalization for your ego. If she wanted a jewish guy for religious reasons, no reason to take it personally. She's still a bitch, but that would the the least hurtful reason i could think of.

You're a dumb fuck for letting it get to that point though. You pretended not to be seeing her? He slept over at her place? :lol

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
McLesterolBeast said:
Seems like that'd be the best rationalization for your ego. If she wanted a jewish guy for religious reasons, no reason to take it personally. She's still a bitch, but that would the the least hurtful reason i could think of.

You're a dumb fuck for letting it get to that point though. You pretended not to be seeing her? He slept over at her place? :lol

Yeah well she tried contacting me a few times after that saying she didn't know what got into her. She wrote an email specifially (a year later) that she didn't break up with me because I wasn't Jewish. But I don't trust her so, meh...

Sigh...yeah you're right, I was a dumb fuck, I more then suspected her of cheating on me while he was there...and what can I say? When you're young and stupid and think you're in love and think 'this is the one' you let stupid shit like that slide...

And...ummm...I didn't have the enlightenment of being a GAFfer at the time? :p

Like I said though, lesson learned the hard way...anybody tries that crap with me now and I'd tell them to eat shit and die.
i heard this once on a radio station, and i don't think it could get much more embarasing,
this guy, like a teen i think, tried to impress this girl by sculling 2 scooners of some really strong alcahol, can't remember what it is, he ah, passed out, shit his pants and had an ambulance called on him, it was a school party so i guess it woulda got out too.
he coulda been lieing just to get on radio, but still, that's pretty bad :D


APerfectCircle said:
I heard this once on a radio station, and I don't think it could get much more embarrassing.
This guy, a teen I think, tried to impress this girl by sculling 2 scooners (what does this mean? Try to not use colloquialisms.) of some really strong alcohol, passed out, shit his pants, and an ambulance was called for him. It was a school party so I guess it would have gotten out too.
He could have been lying just to get on radio, but still, that's pretty bad :D



The Staminator operates under a strict "safe distance" policy, with an emphasis on minimal drama and committment. Which is not to say that I have never had my feelings hurt before, but I have definitely learned from those mistakes and realized in hindsight the foolishness that I was partaking in. Every time it involved getting sucked in on some level, or caught in some perpetuation of dishonesty or lack of trust/openess. Now I just tell them everything, tell them to tell me everything, and we operate from there. If I ever find out they lied to me, they're done. Permanently. It's a real simple and effective way of having a relationship without risk of irrational attachment or expectations. Minimizes hurt feelings and keeps the mutual perception of the relationship on an even keel between the parties, and overall closer to reality (no one fools themselves with that "b-b-but she's the ONE" crap).

Just the other night I told a girl that I am "seeing" that I was having serious temptation problems when we're not together. We haven't hooked up yet and I've been bombarded with sexual advances lately (always when you got a prospect...they don't want you till you're taken) that, given my perpetual horniness, have taken maximum willpower to turn down. The potential social implications (word flies fast in small circles) and mutual attachment to the girl's pussy potential kept me off the other temptresses, but I wanted to be honest with her that I was having my issues. She didn't even get mad at me, but thanked me for being honest and gave me an all access pass for her womb, redeemable this Friday evening. So as you see, honesty is the best policy, both with yourself, and your partner. Its the best way to avoid getting hurt or caught up and its to everyone's benefit..


I've got nothin'... though, I've been a witness to the whole break up fest via my roommate. One night I was sleeping when they started fighting and broke up. It was some loud, hour long shit fest.

People and their stupid feelings.


Everything snowballed from there, and we ended up at her place, where we had sex until sometime in the morning. That was pretty much de rigeur for the next few weeks. i'd pick her up from work, take her out to dinner and maybe catch a movie or something, and fuck until sometime in the morning, sometimes joined by her female "jogging buddy".

It's like saying: "Well, yeah, I have memories of life that you don't even have dreams of."
:D :D :D


Well, in my sophomore year in college, I started to date my first GF. (and it was more like she seduced me in... say physical way for the first time.) At that time, I was really busy with work and studies unlike any of my peers. And I found some time to spend time with her... for about a week or so - and I decided to concentrate on my daily schedule and decided to leave my love-dove affaris for weekends. So, I asked my best friend (who was there with me when I first met my gf and supported me on the idea of going out with her) to be with her during school days - because their schedule was more matching as they were attending same classes in college. I'd call upon her every night and have good conversations - and things were going fine for... about a week.

For the appreciation of my best friend for being good to my gf, I wanted to take both of them out for brunch. So I called up my GF's dorm room - and no answer... so I drove over to my friend's dorm room. I knocked and no answer. I know that he doesn't get up early, so knock some more. Door opens and my best friend comes out, half naked - and on the bed, I find my gf naked and waking up from his bed.

I was devastated at the time, and I just walked away in shock. That day, I lost my best friend, and my first gf. What's worse, was that when their relationship was going wary, she began to call me and cry over the phone that how much she loves him and all and asking for comfort. Every fucking time when I was just about to forget about her. That went on for about an year, and the girl left the country. My friend (not so best friend, at that time) and my feelings never really recovered from that point. I took a minor grudge and he took a minor guilt and we, never really got over that uncomfortable silence between us - although certainly not enemies, but I don't seek out him anymore and he didn't either.

As time passed by, I lost contact with him. Also my first GF. Perhaps married and having a couple of child - as she was very dependent and needy kinda girl. Funny thing is, my wife's first name as same as my first gf. Talk about irony.

Drozmight said:
I've got nothin'... though, I've been a witness to the whole break up fest via my roommate. One night I was sleeping when they started fighting and broke up. It was some loud, hour long shit fest.

People and their stupid feelings.

Your avatar, and this thread remind me of:

You can't live with 'em, you can't live without 'em.
There's somethin' irresistabullish about 'em.
We grin and bear it 'cause the nights are long.
I hope that somethin' better comes along........


lachesis said:
So, I asked my best friend (who was there with me when I first met my gf and supported me on the idea of going out with her) to be with her during school days - because their schedule was more matching as they were attending same classes in college. I'd call upon her every night and have good conversations - and things were going fine for... about a week.

Wresting fan at all? Was your best friend Chris Benoit?

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
My memory is less painful than it is itchy, and I'm reminded of it on a fairly regular basis.

I've never had my feelings hurt by a girl, as I've never had any feelings towards a girl that were anything but physical. I intend to keep it that way until I decide that I want to have a kid. It's better to have sex and not get hurt, than have sex and get hurt, simple as that.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I guess mine would be when I had a night out on the town and some friend gave me a bit of acid, so I took that and then a friend rings me and tells me to come over cause his girls friend "wanted some" so I went over there, we get down to business, then shes like "DO ME" and gives me a condom, so I try and put the thing on, and it was just so damn confusing, like the acid in my head came back real strong and I couldn't figure out the workings of a simple condom. Then I lost all feeling in everything except my brain (seriously I couldn't even feel my legs) and then I wasn't sure if I even had a cock at all anymore. So then I said something about "all the pretty colours" and fell asleep/passed out.

Fucking legged it the next day and never saw her again. She was hot :(. Never took acid again either.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
catfish said:
I guess mine would be when I had a night out on the town and some friend gave me a bit of acid, so I took that and then a friend rings me and tells me to come over cause his girls friend "wanted some" so I went over there, we get down to business, then shes like "DO ME" and gives me a condom, so I try and put the thing on, and it was just so damn confusing, like the acid in my head came back real strong and I couldn't figure out the workings of a simple condom. Then I lost all feeling in everything except my brain (seriously I couldn't even feel my legs) and then I wasn't sure if I even had a cock at all anymore. So then I said something about "all the pretty colours" and fell asleep/passed out.

Fucking legged it the next day and never saw her again. She was hot :(. Never took acid again either.

:lol I love stories like that. People should drink/do drugs just so that they have funny stories to tell.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Jacobi said:
I showed up nude in front of the whole class. The worst thing about it was that it was my fault.
? What? There's more to the story. Tell.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Jacobi said:
I showed up nude in front of the whole class. The worst thing about it was that it was my fault.

Did you think you would be able to post that, and not give any details? I'm going to need those, stat.


Mine involves the both sexes. I went home with a girl was in the middle of the dead and her crazed boy friend walked in and started a fight. You have no idea how awkward and utterly disturbing it is to try and fight while your naked. The horror... my skin still crawls just thinking about it.


darscot said:
Mine involves the both sexes. I went home with a girl was in the middle of the dead and her crazed boy friend walked in and started a fight. You have no idea how awkward and utterly disturbing it is to try and fight while your naked. The horror... my skin still crawls just thinking about it.

Everyone enjoys a good necrophelia story!

J2 Cool

dude, best friends are assholes! And the crazy thing is I know 4 or 5 guys who have had best friend's that did their chick. I actually wouldn't mind as long as he told me and didn't try to hide it. Cause then you'd know to end it right there and then and if it wasn't him it'd be another jerkoff.

For me, eh, I had a girl go on "break" with me because she just wanted to hang out with her friends again like they used to and really didn't have time for a boyfriend. Then about a half a week of us not being bf/gf ensued where she still kissed me and held hands. So yeah, akward. Then she went to this battle of the bands thing and asked me to go. Everyone sucked there and the speakers were complete static so I ended up hanging with a good friend and just bullshitting. While she left me over and over to go talk to her ex and this other guy. I seen her give him a hug goodbye and shit and was just waiting for them to kiss but they didn't. She kisses me that night when I'm sleeping against the wall before we all left. Then the next 2 days I don't speak to her and she sees me Monday and's like "been awhile since I seen you". So I find out she made out with one guy Saturday from the one friend. Real nice. And not only that, Sunday the old bf comes over and a they make out for the first time in a year. I find it all out and then she tells me Tuesday about it all when I force it out.

So our break went in a week to that and eventually she began dating her exbf again. Now, before I knew this, but she did. We made out. A kind of last kiss we said. But it didn't happen much like that when it did. Then I find she started dating the guy that day. Now I'm crushed and she tells me she's sorry. And then 3 or so weeks of flirting while I endure her ditching me for the other guy and shit. Not good stuff. And one time I wanted to see her after a bunch of ditching me and not having seen her. So I do but she's on the phone with her ex after 5 minutes of talking. I proceeded to sit there for 2 hours or so trying to talk between the 3 of us and make it seem like it's a-ok to talk to the ex and the ex in a 3 way. By the end she's joking about when he first asked her out and then she tells me "I remember when you asked me out the first time too." in a happy voice. I wanted to choke her but settled for scratching my wrist with a key. Eventually she noticed and freaked out. :lol And then she cheated on him eventually with me and strung me out for months as a bf without the title allowing cheating without guilt. Talk about a gross puppy love history. It's as Ned Flanders said. Once a bit of lying starts end it. End it at the first bit of it. Like said, the bitch sucks for someone to have but it makes you smarter.
I don't have much compared to the rest of this thread. But I can't fall asleep, so I'll waste my time posting. Warning: this post will be much longer than needed. Don't even waste your time.

Now I'm not experienced at all, so that's why my story will suck. It's more just WTF, than painful. Anyway, back in junior year of high school, I had no experience with girls at all. And I'd like to think I'm not an ugly guy, but I never really cared to bother and plus I was a pussy. Now I become partners with some girl I barely know in gym badminton, she's pretty cute, as is her friend. It's weird because even though we had gone to high school together, I didn't know either of them at all. Anyhow, they both get on my case about going to the junior prom, espeically my partner. I really wasn't even planning on going, but she kept getting on my case. And as we played badminton for a few classes, I started to like the girl a little bit, and my friends and I were actually thinking of going to the junior prom, so I was thinking of asking her, but before I can, one of my friends (at the time we weren't that close of friends) asks her. So I'm like, ah shit. But then I end up going stag and the whole time I'm there she's hanging on me, making me go out and dance. So it made me pretty happy to have a girl show such an interest in me. I asked her out shortly afterward and we went out on one date, of course to a movie, but I couldn't bring myself to make a move. It didn't help that I knew she didn't have any experience either. Next day, she calls me up and breaks it up. I'm just like...ah shit, but I didn't really care too much. I didn't see her or talk to her all summer.

Once we got back to school, I started talking to her again and it was the normal stuff. But then after a month of two she starts being really friendly again and then some girl tells me that she still likes me. So now I have this in my head, and I guess I also had some feelings for her too. We start hanging out a little bit. One week I remember we hung out a lot, and it was actually her getting me to go over her house to help with her with math. But I couldn't try anything because her parents were right there all the time. Then that weekend I pick up her and her friend up and we go to her house. And then we get bored, and it comes out that she had never seen Dumb and Dumber, so I drive home to get a copy and we start to watch even though its already 11. Her friend leaves at around 12, so it's just me and her, but I never tried anything. Then I think that week she like calls me to come over one day and we talk about stuff like how we both like each other, but we're both really timid about the whole deal and she says that she really doesn't want to go out or anything either though she likes me. So at this point I don't know what the fuck is going on. I don't even remember the whole deal after this, but one night she says we should go see a movie with a bunch of people, but we end up not being able to get anybody, but she says she still wants to go, just me and her. I'm left wondering if this is a date or not. So we go to the movie, and towards the end, she grabs my hand, but no I still don't try to kiss her. So we just hold hands for a bit. And then when I dropped her off at home I just gave her a kiss goodnight. But I'm left thinking, eh maybe this will go somewhere. And I had really started to like her a lot. But then she just pulls the same crap in a week, saying that she doesn't want to go out and all that crap. I actually try holding on, I told her so much crap. Didn't work. This was before I knew of CubsFan's dating tips. Anyhow, I'm just left in a state of disbelief. I never had that much confidence before this, but then after fucking up with her twice, I was just like, "Wow I suck."

Present day - I'm still friends with her (yep I'm a bitch), but really only because she became friends with a bunch of my friends. But now she's a bit of a slut who likes to give my friends drunken blowjobs and I'm still an inexperienced no confidence bastard.
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