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Youtube video's that de'serve more view's


facing a bright new dawn
Sup gaffers...I'm pretty sure it was from this thread, but I'm looking for that bizarre youtube vid; it's CGI and has these two Cho Aniki lookin fools racing some lady in a truck. Cant seem to find the right terms to search for it.


I love Louis CK, think is he is the funniest comic alive, and I think he is at the best when he is on Opie and Anthony. He is the one who asked Donald Rumsfeld if he is a lizard. You can find a lot of full episodes and lots of choice clips of the show(with him on it) on youtube.

From 2008
(Warning: Lots of very mean jokes about races, mentally challenged people, etc. Also Anthony Cumia talking about Obama lol.)

Also from 2008
(before the above)
(Oh lol! This is the one where they watch 2girls1cup)

(after the above)
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