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Youtube video's that de'serve more view's


bizarre scene from Ren & Stimpy. and i fucking SWEAR i made that clip years ago! i distinctly remember editing an approximately 40 second clip out of the episode, naming it "Stimpy loses it.mpg" and sharing it on Kazaa. seriously, i swear that's my clip! and that's awesome because.. well, i found it again... i guess.


falconzss said:
Floorgasm (couldn't find it on youtube, sorry)
Wish i had control over my body like he does.

Fuck me. That guy is good. The strength to do that. Wish I'd done some actual training when I was younger / fitter. I don't doubt I could have learnt all that, I had the strength and balance, just not the motivation to go out and bother.


Whenever people post a video, could you possibly add a description of the video or at least the title?

It'd be really useful
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