Quick save as soon as I got the power. Then make some money, but not too much, just a few millions to have a house and to be safe for the rest of my life. Quick load means that I can see all that this world have to offer, and make time and space irrelevant, as I can go back in time after each event that I want to do and regain the money/effort I would loose for doing it. Afer a few months of having fun I would begin to work on what I can really do with this power. Basically time only move when I decide so, so we are talking about real time and "free" time. Free time being the time that I use before going back to my save.
I think that I can divide what I would want to do in 3 ways:
Getting better.
Providing for me and my family.
Doing what I can for the world. Being able to be there where and when I want means that I can create a true history of the world. This would be my life vocation I think. Create the biggest archive the world would see.
Of course the law 0 would be looking for a equal in this world. If I have this power, either someone gave it to me, and can take it back, or there is others with it or there will be.