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Ys Community Thread | "Do you know the name Adol Christin?"


The games would be too easy. Well, Solomon Shrine notwithstanding...

The other Roda Tree in Ys 1 just told you that the elder tree had something for Adol (Silver Sword), you weren't missing much.

it doesn't have to be the FULL MAP of the area, rather as you explore the map gets filled up, that way you can know if you've been to a place or if there is something of interest that you can go back to proceed, etc.

I find it crazy that the Ys series is more popular in the West than it is in Japan according to Famitsu and SteamSpy sales.

Mind linking to the article in question?
Personally Adol's look in Seven was really good, at least he had a little armor on him!

Just give him some armor like his Seven look.


No, see... what the Japanese game-playing public wants is exposed skin. Square-Enix knows what's up, Falcom should be taking notes.


Lack of defense? Pfft, who needs protection when you're looking FAB AS FUCK.


7 Adol is okay. Allot of the other cast not so much. I probably like 7's character designs the least, from what I've seen. Imo Napishtim's, Origins's, and Celceta's are good. Felghana's are okay. 7's designs are at the bottom for me. I really don't like the art style.


I hope the western psp versions sold at least on par with the japanese versions. I did my part and bought them UMD and digitally.


Dalles vs. Taol is a bit tricky in the 2nd form, I keep takin lots of damage lol.
I think I may just max out all of Toal's abilities getting a few more levels first =_=


OK...spent an hour grinding for XP and SP. Lvl. 53 now. I think I'll go for another XP grind just to have enough XP on me to level up once I defeat
Depends on my mood :V
OK...spent an hour grinding for XP and SP. Lvl. 53 now. I think I'll go for another XP grind just to have enough XP on me to level up once I defeat
Depends on my mood :V

You're too over-leveled, lol. I think I beat him at level 50 in Nightmare and leveled up to 51 in the process.

Good luck!


So I watched some of the Ys OVA and Dark Fact's defeat was such a cop-out, dude went out like a bitch wtf...


And Ys Origin done!

OK so let me get this straight:
Long ago 2 Goddesses brough the Black Pearl to the land of Esteria so that mankind may flourish on that land. They then create the Kingdom of Ys, and using the Black Pearl gave the people of Ys the power of magic.
For every Yin is a Yang, however, and the more magic used from the Black Pearl it gives birth to demons.

Eventually Darklings, linked to the Goddesses' past arrive at Ys and with the
help of Cain
force the Goddesses to have Solomon Shrine ascend to the sky to save the land and people from the demons.

The Goddesses realizing that the Black Pearl was the source of the demons attempt to entomb it and seal away its powers, but in doing so, much of the magic powers it offered fade away, with the exception of Solomon Shrine floating for centuries since the events of Origin.
At this point I gotta be reminded: Why'd they go into Darm Tower for again?

A search party is sent back to the earth to find the goddesses, some of the events that happen to Yunica and Hugo occur, but primarily Toal's experiences are the main focal point of the story.

As Toal encounters and battles with the Darklings and the demons spawned from the Black Pearl along with the Darklings' powers, he arrives at the summit of Darm Tower.

He defeats Dalles, but then the traitor appears who fuses with the Black Pearl, who then Toal defeats.
By sealing the power of the black pearl the demons created by it fade away, but Kishgal and Zava had much of the demonic essence (Pearl's negative energy/power) in then that they died as well.

Epona didn't seem to take any into her and was the sole survivor who returned to her homeland.

Toal is restored to normal and reurns to Ys. The Noble District of Toal is named after him, and he writes the 6 Books of Ys which he descends back to earth.

The goddesses and Pearl become entombed deep beneath the earth, but where exactly? Was it in the Shrine from Ys 1? I can see it being built AFTER Ys ascended at least.

Now I gotta know:
1- How did the Goddesses awaken from their slumber and how come Feena got amnesia
2- How did Dark Fact came to be; I get he's a descendant of Hugo, but how'd he turn evil?
3- Why were the Books of Ys infused with the power to send one back to Ys, and why did Dark Fact want them? Seems he had all but the book the fortune teller had, yet he never took it from her when he killed her o_O
4- How was the Black Pearl able to return to Ys, and for that matter resurrect many of the demons from Origin as well as Zava and Dalles?
5- If Dark Fact's mission on Earth was to gather as much Cleria as possible, how would he send it back to Ys?
6- If Dark Fact was the one who found the Black Pearl how'd he manage to keep in communication with it, if at all?


XSEED Localization Specialist
2- How did Dark Fact came to be; I get he's a descendant of Hugo, but how'd he turn evil?

I can definitively answer this one, as the answer was actually given in the instruction manual for Ys I & II Chronicles, of all things:

-Dark Fact-

A descendant of Fact, the Priest of Spirit. From the very beginning, his parents strongly opposed the mining of mystic silver, citing old teachings from the heyday of Ys. "The mystic silver corrupts the hearts of men," they said. "We mustn't go near it!"

But the miners were obstinate, and eventually grew so enraged at the opposition that they killed Dark Fact's parents in cold blood. Since that day, no trace of Dark has been seen.

Note that none of this is ever mentioned in-game, but it was not made up for the manual either -- it's directly translated from the Japanese.

I can definitively answer this one, as the answer was actually given in the instruction manual for Ys I & II Chronicles, of all things:

Note that none of this is ever mentioned in-game, but it was not made up for the manual either -- it's directly translated from the Japanese.


Cool thanks for the info


I can definitively answer this one, as the answer was actually given in the instruction manual for Ys I & II Chronicles, of all things:

Note that none of this is ever mentioned in-game, but it was not made up for the manual either -- it's directly translated from the Japanese.


That's...odd, since the people of Esteria all seemed like well meaning people, even the dude with the eye patch that hangs out at the bar :p
Also who names their son 'Dark'?
So I watched some of the Ys OVA and Dark Fact's defeat was such a cop-out, dude went out like a bitch wtf...


I should probably finish watching the OVA someday...

Having not played the original Ark, will the new catastrophe mode be much of a difference to the gameplay? It sounds like it is along the lines of Oath and Origins where there isn't healing except from the occasional drop.

I should probably finish watching the OVA someday...

Having not played the original Ark, will the new catastrophe mode be much of a difference to the gameplay? It sounds like it is along the lines of Oath and Origins where there isn't healing except from the occasional drop.
It is exactly that.


Finished Ys: Memories of Celceta yesterday. Was my first experience of a Ys title and I absolutely loved it. Great world with a good sense of exploration backed up by catchy music. The combat though is the real pull. fast, addictive and fun.

Contemplating buying the LE versions of Oath and Seven. Do the games run identical on psp and psn (vita)?


XSEED Localization Specialist
Sweet, hopefully it is available for 1st playthrough.

No worries, it is!

Finished Ys: Memories of Celceta yesterday. Was my first experience of a Ys title and I absolutely loved it. Great world with a good sense of exploration backed up by catchy music. The combat though is the real pull. fast, addictive and fun.

Contemplating buying the LE versions of Oath and Seven. Do the games run identical on psp and psn (vita)?

Yep! Falcom's programmers are masters of the UMD. Neither game has any real load times to speak of, and certainly no difference between loading when playing from the UMD versus playing from PSN. Felghana's utter lack of loading is especially impressive since there is literally NO LOADING AT ALL after the title screen -- everything is completely instantaneous!

I often use that game in my argument when people try to list "long load times" as a downside of the UMD format, since that's really entirely up to each developer, and can be overcome very, very easily.



Finished Ys: Memories of Celceta yesterday. Was my first experience of a Ys title and I absolutely loved it. Great world with a good sense of exploration backed up by catchy music. The combat though is the real pull. fast, addictive and fun.

Contemplating buying the LE versions of Oath and Seven. Do the games run identical on psp and psn (vita)?

Celceta's combat system is based on Seven's, so give Seven a try first, it's overall a good game IMO.
Oath is Ys 3 and is Adol solo on an action adventure RPG involving exploration with a few puzzles and platforming in the mix.


At this point I gotta be reminded: Why'd they go into Darm Tower for again?
If I remember correctly, it was because
they feared there was a traitor among the Priests of Ys. I think they were attempting to force him out into the open
... but I don't recall exactly what they said in Origins regarding that.

Tizoc said:
The goddesses and Pearl become entombed deep beneath the earth, but where exactly? Was it in the Shrine from Ys 1? I can see it being built AFTER Ys ascended at least.
Actually, the entire landmass you explore in Ys II is considered Solomon Shrine back when it was still in Esteria: in fact, the whole of Esteria was originally known as Ys back then. The "shrine" you find Feena in Ys I is the gateway into Solomon Shrine, but in modern times it just stands before an empty crater the locals call Bagyu Ba'dead.

As for the Goddesses, if I recall correctly there's dialogue that points to the Goddesses (as mysterious statues) being found inside the Rastin Mine (Ys I) within a recently unearthed room, but later a miner discovered that one (or both?) of the statues went missing.

Tizoc said:
1- How did the Goddesses awaken from their slumber and how come Feena got amnesia
The amnesia was probably an after-effect from sealing themselves and the Black Pearl away. As for why they awoke, I think Dark had something to do with it. There's alternate dialogue in some early ports of Ys I that suggests he purposely awoke them to break the seal on the pearl and revive the demons, but that text has been pretty much ignored by newer, more official ports. You can see the dialogue from the Apple IIGS version of Ys I here by scrolling to the near-end of the gallery.

Disclaimer: the real names of characters, heroes and villains within have been altered by the port makers to protect the innocent.

Tizoc said:
3- Why were the Books of Ys infused with the power to send one back to Ys, and why did Dark Fact want them? Seems he had all but the book the fortune teller had, yet he never took it from her when he killed her o_O
Did he even know she had it? Didn't she keep it hidden? I don't recall.

Dark was probably aware of the books' powers and didn't want them falling into some do-gooder's hands. Or perhaps he was trying to unlock a path to Ys for himself?

Tivoc said:
4- How was the Black Pearl able to return to Ys, and for that matter resurrect many of the demons from Origin as well as Zava and Dalles?
Pretty sure the *real* Black Pearl remained beyond Rastin Mine's locked door, it and Darm were still technically trapped (I think). The Black Pearl you find in BurnedBless is a some kind of smaller copy that produces similar energies. It may even be siphoning power from the original Black Pearl (perhaps to infest Ys with demons as it did on Esteria?). This duplicate also appears in Origins. I don't think it's ever been explained why it exists, but if you've played Ark of Napishtim you can probably make an educated guess how there can be two of them.

Zava and Dalles were resurrected as demons loyal to Darm. I guess he owns their souls lock, stock and barrel. And those other demons were all originally born from the Black Pearl, it shouldn't have any trouble making new ones.

Tivoc said:
5- If Dark Fact's mission on Earth was to gather as much Cleria as possible, how would he send it back to Ys?

Tivoc said:
6- If Dark Fact was the one who found the Black Pearl how'd he manage to keep in communication with it, if at all?
Hm? Who says he was in communication with it? Seemed like he was pretty much acting on his own.


Yep! Falcom's programmers are masters of the UMD. Neither game has any real load times to speak of, and certainly no difference between loading when playing from the UMD versus playing from PSN. Felghana's utter lack of loading is especially impressive since there is literally NO LOADING AT ALL after the title screen -- everything is completely instantaneous!

I often use that game in my argument when people try to list "long load times" as a downside of the UMD format, since that's really entirely up to each developer, and can be overcome very, very easily.


Great stuff, the videos I've watched showed no loading and I was pretty surprised! Great to hear. Unsure if I want to dust off my PSP so might just buy PSN and the LE versions!


XSEED Localization Specialist
Actually, the entire landmass you explore in Ys II is considered Solomon Shrine back when it was still in Esteria: in fact, the whole of Esteria was originally known as Ys back then. The "shrine" you find Feena in Ys I is the gateway into Solomon Shrine, but in modern times it just stands before an empty crater the locals call Bagyu Ba'dead.

As for the Goddesses, if I recall correctly there's dialogue that points to the Goddesses (as mysterious statues) being found inside the Rastin Mine (Ys I) within a recently unearthed room, but later a miner discovered that one (or both?) of the statues went missing.

To add to this, there are enough clues to suggest that the unopenable door in the final room of Ys II originally led to that back chamber in the mines in Ys I where you fight Vagullion, which is where the Goddess statues were originally found. Back when Ys was on the surface, that would've been how people entered the Core of Ys.



I thought I was the Brandish Man! :<

I seriously saw someone spelling Ys Origin as Ys Oringins once. *facepalm*


So I'm playing through Origin on Nightmare as Toal and uh... does anyone know how to get through the Devil's Corridor? I can't kill these things fast enough before I keel over.
So I'm playing through Origin on Nightmare as Toal and uh... does anyone know how to get through the Devil's Corridor? I can't kill these things fast enough before I keel over.

Here's what I did:

1) Equip ring of ease
2) Go after urns to use BOOST MAX all the time
3) Avoid all the enemies except for the red glowing ones.

Ring of ease helps you by reducing MP consumption, making it easier to use Thunder claw, boost mode should be self-explanatory.

If you already were following these steps and still had difficulty, then a level up or 2 is what you need.


Here's what I did:

1) Equip ring of ease
2) Go after urns to use BOOST MAX all the time
3) Avoid all the enemies except for the red glowing ones.

Ring of ease helps you by reducing MP consumption, making it easier to use Thunder claw, boost mode should be self-explanatory.

If you already were following these steps and still had difficulty, then a level up or 2 is what you need.

Yeah I think I might need to level up some more. Should I stun the monsters before I use Thunder Claw because they keep jumping out of the way. Also should I charge up Thunder Claw?


Is there going to be an OT for Ark coming out on Steam?

There was talk of one being made but i've seen no advancement in that yet =x

If I remember correctly, it was because
they feared there was a traitor among the Priests of Ys. I think they were attempting to force him out into the open
... but I don't recall exactly what they said in Origins regarding that.
Yeah me neither but it was a very risky gamble; had the search party not been sent they would've brought doom upon the world :/

Actually, the entire landmass you explore in Ys II is considered Solomon Shrine back when it was still in Esteria: in fact, the whole of Esteria was originally known as Ys back then. The "shrine" you find Feena in Ys I is the gateway into Solomon Shrine, but in modern times it just stands before an empty crater the locals call Bagyu Ba'dead.

As for the Goddesses, if I recall correctly there's dialogue that points to the Goddesses (as mysterious statues) being found inside the Rastin Mine (Ys I) within a recently unearthed room, but later a miner discovered that one (or both?) of the statues went missing.
Ah figured the Shrine was linked to the bigger one, but the underground dungeon just didn't seem...'Shrine'-like, then again Dark Fact prob. had it re-purposed, but assuming the trek to Solomon Shrine to be seen a pilgrimage of sorts, I don't see how going through an underground passage to be of any purpose :V

The amnesia was probably an after-effect from sealing themselves and the Black Pearl away. As for why they awoke, I think Dark had something to do with it. There's alternate dialogue in some early ports of Ys I that suggests he purposely awoke them to break the seal on the pearl and revive the demons, but that text has been pretty much ignored by newer, more official ports. You can see the dialogue from the Apple IIGS version of Ys I here by scrolling to the near-end of the gallery.
Fair enough, them being entombed in Rastin Mine makes sense as they could've been in the room you fight Vagullion in :p

Did he even know she had it? Didn't she keep it hidden? I don't recall.

Dark was probably aware of the books' powers and didn't want them falling into some do-gooder's hands. Or perhaps he was trying to unlock a path to Ys for himself?
Oh the one hand, assuming the Fact family never stayed in touch with the other descendants, it would be understandable if Fact never suspected her to have a Book of Ys, but the dialog in Chronicles when you fight him goes thus-
"But in unlocking the secrets contained therein, you have brought my plan full circle.

When the six books are gathered, a great power shall be revealed...but sadly, you are not fated to see it!"
I'm guessing he didn't know that they can transport one to the land of Ys?

Hm? Who says he was in communication with it? Seemed like he was pretty much acting on his own.
Read what I wrote above, I ask this because of the translation in this video
Dalles says that they lost communication with Darm Tower, either that means they were in contact with Dark Fact, or that they were somehow able to know what's going on back Esteria due to the power of Black Pearl in the Silver and Darm Tower.


^ oh no, yeah... they were definitely keeping tabs on him, is how I interpreted that scene. No way Darm would allow a descendant of the priests to run amok unless it benefited him in some way. Although I suppose it's possible they were in contact, but of course Ys Chronicles is stingy with the details.
To add to this, there are enough clues to suggest that the unopenable door in the final room of Ys II originally led to that back chamber in the mines in Ys I where you fight Vagullion, which is where the Goddess statues were originally found. Back when Ys was on the surface, that would've been how people entered the Core of Ys.


Wait, what do you mean by "final room"?


The room where you find the goddesses and get the final equipment.

I do recall seeing a door that couldn't be opened in the Core of Ys.

Speaking of which is there a map of Ys 2 or a fanmade/official artwork merging the overworld of Ys 1 and 2 together?
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