Even though I made the OP, I'm actually pretty behind on the show...catching up now and I gotta say, it's really strong and just getting better. Duels are still pretty meh, but everything else about the show catches my interest...the biggest issue are the Action Cards being cheap, but they've been used less lately it seems, and I imagine we might not even see them once we head to the other Dimensions. But I love the characters, the plot is ridiculously cheesy in a good way (I LOVED GX for this reason), and it's a fun little show overall.
I realize my OP sort of makes the show seem lackluster since I made it before we knew all the details on where Arc-V would go...I need to get around to fixing it up one day.
Anyway, I gotta say, I LOVE the new Opening. That's a really great song they've got, and it sounds so different from most anime openings nowadays---sounds sort of, how would I say it, really traditional Japanese at parts?