Here's what I'm currently working with for Spellbooks:
I'm still just throwing things in and seeing what sticks though. I'm thinking about squeezing One for One in there somewhere...
So far, Dark World decks have been the biggest obstacle. Between having their own field spell,
Eradicator Epidemic Virus and Dark Deal, they have too many easy ways to screw you over.
EDIT: Decklist because I didn't realise how unreadable the text is...
Monsters - 17
Batel of the Spellbooks - searches out the "spellbook" spell cards from the deck and is good Wonder Wand/Magical Dimension fodder.
Effect Veiler - serves as a good target for Necro spellbook for your synchro needs. Also, I think it stops monster effects too or something, I dunno.
Ermite the Magical Sage - I've yet to actually draw this card and make use of it, but the level raising is nice on paper for synchro/xyz.
Force the Magical Warrior - Recycles spellbooks into the deck. Nice on paper, but hasn't really done much for me.
Gagaga Magician - For easy Xyz with any other monster on the field. Haven't used him much...
Junon the Magical Priestess - The Queen of the deck. With the way spellbooks can easily recycle themselves, her effect is trivial to pay.
Lependu the Magical Practitioner - Wonder Wand/Magical Dimension/discard fodder. only searching lvl3 sounds bad but...
Temper the Magical Summoner - Is one of the best cards in the deck. Since you (almost) always have a spellbook in hand, she's effectively an instant junon.
Magical Exemplar - her effect is easy to pay for when you can eaily use 3-4 spells a turn. she's an obvious target for the opponent though, so sitting on a load of counters usually isn't a good idea.
Spells - 18
Grimo spellbook - Searches for not only other "spellbook" spell cards, but also for batel. Absolutely no reason to run anything less than three copies of this card.
La Maison the Spellbook Tower - searchable by Grimo, recycles other spellbooks, gives you an additional draw and has a decent effect when destroyed. SO GOOD.
Hygro Spellbook - 1000 ATK boost and a search rolled into one. Sends Junon to a beastly 3500 ATK, larger than most boss monsters in play these days.
Alma Spellbook - Adds one banished spellbook to the hand. Makes Junon's effect trivial and is easily returned to the deck by La Maison/Force. 1 Should be enough.
necro Spellbook - searchable ressurection. All those clauses make it near impossible to use early on, but it's still really useful when pushing for game. Level modding is nice for synchro/xyz, especially with Effect Veiler.
Torah Spellbook - No way that name makes it to the west. As for the card itself, it's searchable/recyclable protection for your monsters. I might start running a second copy...
Magical Dimension - Turns wimpy Batels and Lependus into Junons, and destroys an opponent's monster just for good measure. always fun to set and use during the opponent's turn.
Wonder Wand - Lependu's best friend. And with all the searching/thinning this deck does, you usually bound to draw something good.
2x Mystical Space Typhoon - Do I need to explain this card to anyone?
1x Monster Reborn - If you don't know what this card does, I don't know what to say to you.
Traps - 5
Solemn Judgment - "lol no" in card form. You only need one lifepoint to win, right?
Solemn Warning - "No way you're summoning that"
Mirror Force - "You want to attack me? How about your monsters die instead!"
Dark Bribe - " I activate-" "No you don't, but take a card for trying."
No side or extra deck because I'm lazy. I'm not really using then, anyway.