Jurrac Park!
Jurracs are the first, and in my eyes, best Dinosaur archetype. With a great ability to search monsters from the deck and recover them from the grave, Jurracs are criminally underrated. Without any support cards of their own, they generally just make do with generic cards or by stealing the support of other archetypes.
Velo - He's basically just UFO Turtle, but exclusively for Jurracs. Which is AWESOME. When I go first I'll usually just summon him with no backrow and laugh as my opponent fills up my grave and thins my deck by attacking him.
Guaiba - Your standard tutor. 1700 is kind of low for a beater, so he usually needs help to get over opposing monsters.
Dino - The draw effect is pretty nice, but most of the time I just use her exclusively as a tuner.
Aeolo - The core of the deck. Aeolo allows you to pull whichever Jurrac is best suited for the situation from the grave at a moment's notice and makes Syncro/Xyz summoning a snap. One you have at least one copy of the the above three monsters, Aeolo is a terror.
Super-Ancient Dinobeast - Easy to summon, and can give crazy draw power with all the special summoning that can happen.
Gorz, Emissary of Darkness - Jurracs like to nuke the field, so having an emergency protection card like this is nice.
3x Effect Veiler - Stops monster effects. Enough said.
Fossil Dig - Searches dinosaurs from the deck. This card is SO GOOD.
Rekindling - The other key card of the deck. Originally a Flamvell support card, Special summons up to 5 monsters in the grave with 200 DEF, which is just Aeolo in this deck. But since Aeolo can Special Summon other Jurracs... This card become an instant comeback.
Shrink - I prefer this to other ATK boosting/lowering cards because of the surprise factor and it's harder to stop. Field and Equip spells just get MST'd or warn the opponent not to attack beforehand.
Forbidden Lance - doubles as an ATK reducer and as protection for my monsters.
2x Mystical Space Typhoon - Does that destroying spells/traps thing.
1x Heavy Storm - Does that destroying spells/traps thing, but more of it.
1x Dark hole - Like heavy storm, but for monsters.
1x Monster Reborn - Does exactly what it says on the tin.
1x Book of Moon - useful for stopping combos and making monsters easier for Guaiba to kill.
One For One - Discard a monster (usually Dinobeast) to SS a level 1 monster from the deck (usually aeolo).
1x Solemn Judgment - Well, duh.
2x Solemn Warning - Double duh.
2x Call of the Haunted - Even more Grave recovery!
1x Mirror Force - Mirrors the opponent's force back at them.
1x Dark Bribe - Once I negated Gateway to Drak World with this, only for the opponent to draw another copy. That was a bad day.
Extra Deck
3x Jurrac Giganoto - Get one on the field and all you monsters suddenly become beatsticks. Get two on the field...
Jurrac Velphito - Nice for popping set Ryko and Fossil Dyna.
Jurrac Meteor - Wipes the field clear and brings back Aeolo. Just there in case I side in Ptera.
Evolzar Laggia - One of the Evol Xyz, but Jurracs can use him better. Solemn Judgment on legs is already nice, Paired with a Giganoto is even better.
Evolzar Dolkka - Because you can never have enough effect negation.
1x Stardust Dragon - Because every deck with a tuner should have stardust in the extra deck.
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier - Same for him too.
1x Mist Wurm - Might take this out soon, I don't really use it.
1x Scrap Dragon - has come in handy a few times.