Updated yesterday to include 2 new in-game packs of Gong Strong and Zuzu Boyle. Banlist updated to April 2016. Cards go up to Shining Victories.
New DLC $4.99 each
Waking the Dragon: Yugi's Journey (Fang of Critias and Aromages)
Waking the Dragon: Joey's Journey (Red-Eyes and PSY-Frames)
GX Leaders (Toons and Kaijus)
ARC-V League Champion (Prediction Princess and Igknights)
ARC-V Declan vs. Celina (D/D/D, Zefra, and Lunalight)
ARC-V Yuya vs. Crow (Majespecter and Kozmo)
ARC-V Shay vs. Dennis (Raidraptor and Performage)
ARC-V Jack vs. Yuya (Red Dragon Archfiend and Dinomist)
ARC-V Yugo's Synchro Dimension (Speedroid and Goyo)
Konami says PC fans are next