Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall


So you hated it because it was big and hard?
I'd comment on the other stuff, but opinions and snuff'.
I personally hated it because it was annoying as hell. Puzzle-wise it wasn't harder than any other dungeon, but being constantly assaulted by fire/ice projectiles, bombs and bats while balancing on narrow, slippery platforms prevented me from having any fun in there.


I just beat the game, i almost got 15 hours out of the game on my first play through. It was pretty fun and too short! Gonna go for 100% on the second play through and try out the mini-games.

Oh purchased my first Nintendo handheld since GBA. I'm Loving this Legendary Zelda edition. The gold is beautiful.


Just beat the game, the final dungeon was a lot of fun and there were some clever puzzles there. The final battle was really cool and possibly one of my favorites in the series.
Saw the plot twist that Ravio is Lorule's Link coming a mile away, though Hilda being the "villain" surprised me a bit.

Though I have liked all the recent Zeldas, this was imo the best one since Majora's Mask ( which is my favourite!). Not yet sure if this will take the top spot from LA as my favourite topdown Zelda, will need to play this again with Hero mode.


finished up. got about 17 hours of game out of it. didn't return those stupid maimai things to their mother either. Suck it maimais (I forgot where she lives).

game was pretty damn great. do feel the wall mechanic was a bit underutilised though, I don't really remember a cunning use for it at all and most of the time I just felt like there were lamps/stones whatever to stop you using it in most places. must have been a bastard to design the levels actually.

the tougher wall mechanic puzzles were all in optional caves around the overworld. they said they handled it like that before they game released. I guess they didnt want to alienate some players with hard puzzles.

a shame really, I liked all the dungeons, but especially the ones where I was stuck for a few moments, like turtle rock and the ice caverns.
Does anyone hate that the dungeon map is give to you instantly?

I rarely use the map in any Zelda title anyway, so didn't bother me one way or the other. It would be nice if Nintendo did implement more more hidden rooms / areas that weren't obvious with doors / cracked bombable walls, so the map was more important.


17.5hrs for me, I was basically 100%, but I haven't checked any guides and I had an empty inventory spot, so I'm guessing actually 99.5% lol. Got all the Heart pieces and Maimais, 4 bottles, and I think I upgraded everything. I did rather speed through thanks to the map pins: Red for heart pieces, Yellow for chests/caves and Blue for maimais, made it too easy lol.

Hero mode is destroying me, died 3 times on the first dungeon :( Fun though!


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
I rarely use the map in any Zelda title anyway, so didn't bother me one way or the other. It would be nice if Nintendo did implement more more hidden rooms / areas that weren't obvious with doors / cracked bombable walls, so the map was more important.
Like the walking through walls from the original Zelda?


17.5hrs for me, I was basically 100%, but I haven't checked any guides and I had an empty inventory spot, so I'm guessing actually 99.5% lol. Got all the Heart pieces and Maimais, 4 bottles, and I think I upgraded everything. I did rather speed through thanks to the map pins: Red for heart pieces, Yellow for chests/caves and Blue for maimais, made it too easy lol.

Hero mode is destroying me, died 3 times on the first dungeon :( Fun though!

Apparently there's an empty item slot. Damn you Nintendo.


Does anyone hate that the dungeon map is give to you instantly?

what I hated even more is that you have the whole overworld maps instantly. I thought that was terrible for exploration.
but after finishing it, and especially now in hero mode, I feel it works, together with the short dungeons, the item rental system, the fast pacing of the game. this is how this game is built.
that doesnt mean I want that for future zeldas, but here, it really worked.


Really loving this game! I have plowed through most the game fast. Just a few dungeons left. Probably my favorite game on the 3DS.
Like the walking through walls from the original Zelda?

The original title was at times a little too cryptic though at times and sometimes became simply trial and error. I just mean in a way that makes maps a necessary tool in actually completing the dungeon. Maybe the compass could also double in functionality as something you need to be able to decipher the current dungeon map. I find with 90% of Zelda dungeons now, the difficulty in completing the dungeon is mostly in the puzzles that are self contained in rooms, and not navigating the greater layout of the dungeon. If that makes sense.


17.5hrs for me, I was basically 100%, but I haven't checked any guides and I had an empty inventory spot, so I'm guessing actually 99.5% lol. Got all the Heart pieces and Maimais, 4 bottles, and I think I upgraded everything. I did rather speed through thanks to the map pins: Red for heart pieces, Yellow for chests/caves and Blue for maimais, made it too easy lol.

Hero mode is destroying me, died 3 times on the first dungeon :( Fun though!

I used my Pins a bit different:

Blue for fairy fountains, Red for caves. Gold for the Maimai cave, Rupee Fairy and all active side quests. Since the number of Maimai was shown on the map I didn't bother pinning them down.


Yeah because there's real excitement in not knowing the dungeon layout.

Jesus fucking Christ

What? I do think it's more exciting when you don't know the room layout and the size of the dungeon when you first enter it. Granted you usually get the map a few rooms in so it's not that big of a deal.
Yeah because there's real excitement in not knowing the dungeon layout.

Jesus fucking Christ



I used my Pins a bit different:

Blue for fairy fountains, Red for caves. Gold for the Maimai cave, Rupee Fairy and all active side quests. Since the number of Maimai was shown on the map I didn't bother pinning them down.

Ah I forgot about Rupee Fairy, I forget where she is actually :( don't think I finished throwing money at her. The Maimai I marked were the ones I could hear under the big stones etc just to remind me to go back! But yea, wasn't very essential in the end thanks to the map.


Speaking for myself, but I absolutely adore how arcadey this game is. Gameplay is put up front first and foremost and everything else is shoved to the side. Exploring and filling in maps? Toss that. Progression stopped due to missing items, mostly thrown out. Pre-requisites to getting into the main story? Nope. 60fps gameplay? Absolutely lovely.

Aside from some difficulty tweaks and risk-reward balancing of rupees, there's nothing I'd change about the game. I always had problem getting into 3D Zeldas because they tend to feel slow and tedious (even the great ones), I absolutely won't mind having more Zeldas like this because it's you're always doing fun stuff all the way through. In fact, it feels most like Mario.


Spoilers for the end of the game...

Is it for the bow of light? I don't recall if it has its own slot or uses up the normal bow's.

Yea, it is for the bow of light.

And It's funny, the Ice Palace was by far my favorite and my only complaint with the game was that the other dungeons weren't as complex. Goes to show people have all sorts of opinion.


How does the bow feel useless? When upgraded you use it to deal quite a lot of damage to bosses.

By the time I upgraded my bow I had my lv3 Master Sword so whatevs.

Upgraded bow is ok, but it eats a lot of energy, so you can't spam it like you could in alttp, if you spent the money to get all the arrows.


I was stuck in the Dark Palace on the stupidest thing for like an hour. I get that people are saying the dungeons are easy, but man, when you miss the smallest thing, it's frustrating as hell. In a good way though. That sense of accomplishment. Woot! A couple of more dungeons to go, I think...

I love this game!


I must be in the minority who didn't fall in love with the game. It's perfectly fine for a 3DS entry in the series, but still suffers from typical Zelda design (i.e. archaic)

Overall I give it an 8.5

I like your review and and I agree with most points.

I finished the game, clocking at around 24 hours, and still have 30 mayawhatever to catch. It's a phenomenal experience, with fluid gameplay and AMAZING soundtrack. One of the best 3DS games, but the overall experience is sort of lacking if you compare it to the 3D games, such as Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword.


Finally did the baseball mini-game. I knew it was shit the first time I saw it and it is indeed very shitty to play. So I have been keeping this last piece of heart even if I already started my second playthrought.
Most stressfull and frustrating hour of play (thankfully the only one of course) of the entire game, but not as bad as the cucco mini-game from The Minish Cap (which maybe is the only piece of heart I never got myself in the whole fanchise).

I need to do some review of all the mini-games from all the Zelda games. I'm not sure the franchise have an overall good quality of those. I rather prefere the timed course over Hyrule to get the biggoron sword in OoT than those more conventionnal mini-games. Mounted archery was pretty good too and far better than this bullshit. Worst part is they put it in a pretty emotional place from ALttP.


Still cannot believe the baseball mini game is that perplexing to some.

3 rows. Down, neutral and high on the circle pad.

Timing - late or early swing - places your ball on the field. As a hint: a late swing is basically when the ball is on the plate.

Your base strategy should be to stick to one row once you have timing down. You'll get 3 in a row quickly. When the crow comes by, use timing to hit it (you'll miss if it's far right but you swing late since your ball will go left) and if you're close enough in your swing you'll get a the homing assist.

Repeat this and just switch rows every time you hit a bird. Use the crabs to reset when/if you run low on pots.

The most important thing is getting the early/late swing timing down. Early is fairly easy, in my opinion. Late is harder since you need to visually identify where on the plate the ball needs to be for your swing to connect.

The game took me <10 mins. You can get it too!


El Capitan Todd
I'm liking it, but up to now (just the beginning: I've just rent the the first item after the bow) I'm not completely in love as a lot of people is with the game
is that a matter of proceeding in the game, as I suppose?


I'm liking it, but up to now (just the beginning: I've just rent the the first item after the bow) I'm not completely in love as a lot of people is with the game
is that a matter of proceeding in the game, as I suppose?

Are you on the verge of putting the game away?

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I'm liking it, but up to now (just the beginning: I've just rent the the first item after the bow) I'm not completely in love as a lot of people is with the game
is that a matter of proceeding in the game, as I suppose?

For me, it really took off after getting to Lorule

that music *swooooooooons*


Finally did the baseball mini-game. I knew it was shit the first time I saw it and it is indeed very shitty to play. So I have been keeping this last piece of heart even if I already started my second playthrought.
Most stressfull and frustrating hour of play (thankfully the only one of course) of the entire game, but not as bad as the cucco mini-game from The Minish Cap (which maybe is the only piece of heart I never got myself in the whole fanchise).

I need to do some review of all the mini-games from all the Zelda games. I'm not sure the franchise have an overall good quality of those. I rather prefere the timed course over Hyrule to get the biggoron sword in OoT than those more conventionnal mini-games. Mounted archery was pretty good too and far better than this bullshit. Worst part is they put it in a pretty emotional place from ALttP.
So you suck at a minigame and it's developers fault? I don't get it. Maybe you didn't understand how to properly works if it took you 1 hour to make 100+ rupees. You have full control to everything you do in that game. The characters near the minigame even give you hints about how to play and there are ingame instructions. Just read and apply what you read and you'll be fine.


Mother Maiamai
she's to the east of your house
go right and down, there's a blocked cave entrance with two "eyes"

Oh snap I didn't think I'd get anything until I finished that. I expected Rovio to upgrade, what a lazy bunny.

Dark Palace was pretty interesting and had a unique bomb-themed boss fight. The dungeons are definitely jarring considering how short they are, but they have interesting gimmicks thus far. So far I wouldn't put any in a list of best Zelda dungeons but they are not unbearable like some I can think of.


This is seriously amongst my top 3 games and the best zelda for me. Loved every moment of it. Godly OST aswell.

Best dungeons were probably the ice and the desert palace, so good.gif.


I'm liking it, but up to now (just the beginning: I've just rent the the first item after the bow) I'm not completely in love as a lot of people is with the game
is that a matter of proceeding in the game, as I suppose?
You've barely even started the game lol.
Doing good with my hero playthrough so far; got three Lorule dungeons done already and about to enter Turtle Rock.

Funny feeling taking 8 heart damage upon setting foot in Lorule... Good job I got every single piece of heart and had 9 hearts to not get OHKO'd.

Also, went back to my finished game and got the last two items...

Super Lamp and Super Net from Treacherous Tower

Just three more StreetPass challenges to do: kill somebody with the bees and win without B, X or Y. Come on Zelda newbie, let me kill you.

'Cause somebody mentioned it, I didn't like the baseball game at first, but then it kind of clicked. Only took 15 minutes to get the piece of heart again.


Is there a game-breaking bug in the game? I'm in Swamp Palace right now and I'm locked in the most southwestern room in 1F. I believe to get out of here I must have raised the water level but I didn't. Now the door was locked behind me and I can't get out of here. I can't die either, I killed all the hermit-narwhal things. Just locked there with no way out. I don't want to reset game, all the progress I made will be gone...


would have been more interesting <End Game Spoiler>
if he actually was a Dark Link and was a final boss. Or had he put on the Majora's Mask on Link's wall out of curiosity when he first wandered into the house and it affected him more as the game progressed. He was just a relatively disappointing plot twist. Also no reference to why Majora's Mask was on Link's wall was also unfortunate.


7 dungeons done on hero mode. Piece of cake so far.

Also a small glitch I noticed. In Hyrule castle there is a chest that respawns. It's on the left side of the murals. I opened it at the beginning of the game and when I had to revisit the area it was there waiting to be opened again.
Is there a game-breaking bug in the game? I'm in Swamp Palace right now and I'm locked in the most southwestern room in 1F. I believe to get out of here I must have raised the water level but I didn't. Now the door was locked behind me and I can't get out of here. I can't die either, I killed all the hermit-narwhal things. Just locked there with no way out. I don't want to reset game, all the progress I made will be gone...

What's the water level like?

Is there a water control panel in the room?

This any help?

Upstairs is a room with another water control switch. Drop down right and step on the switch to open the door further ahead; next, you need to reach there. Swim down and left and head back to where you started. Next, step directly on top of the floor tile with a hookshot symbol and fire the hookshot up at the wooden frame. Wait for "Merge (A)" icon to appear in the bottom-right of the top screen and immediately press A to merge; the timing can be tricky to master. While merged, walk all the left until you reach the stairs, then emerge.

Head right, up the stairs and stand opposite the water control switch, this time on the right side. Hookshot up and pull back to raise the water level to two bars, then do it again to raise it to three bars. Next, swim right and onto the raft to collect a Small Key from the chest. Swim back and stand opposite the water control switch, to its left. Hookshot up to lower the water level back down to two bars. Leave the room through the door in the top-right corner. The next room should be very familiar.


Neo Member
Got stuck in the Dark Palace
because I didn't know you could pick bombs up and throw them
. God I felt dumb. lol
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