Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall


I've been breezing through all of the dungeons, but
turtle rock
has me lost. No clue where I'm supposed to be going lol.


Interesting, I found that to be one of the easier ones. It's really small in comparison I feel.

I figured it out like 30 seconds after posting that. I had tried
freezing the teeter-totter platforms
when I first entered the dungeon and apparently missed or something and assumed I couldn't do it, but did it again by accident and was all "Ohhhh....."


Well managed to get all the items/upgrades, clear all the treasure dungeons, all I'd have left to do are the advanced courses for Treacherous Tower and the running challenge.
It was a good game, but definitely not my favorite The Legend of Zelda game of late, I definitely liked Skyward Sword and Wind Waker a lot more, but this was more enjoyable than Twilight Princess, and about as good as Spirit Tracks for me.

My main problem was that it was so short, and everything happened really fast.
I couldn't appreciate boss battles, because minus the final boss (which I liked), and maybe 1 other (I can't even remember), they were all over within like 1 or 2 minutes tops.
This was the same with dungeons as well, lasting only about 20-30 minutes or so, save for 1.
I couldn't really appreciate the characters, minus Irene and the main cast.

That said, I really did enjoy the dungeons.
While short, they were definitely very satisfying.


Finished it yesterday and wanted to let it sit for a bit before i even tried to formulate a opinion. LttP is one of my favorite games of all time, top 5 probably.

The game was great, and i feel almost bad for criticizing the rent-a-item, because we give a ton of shit to Zelda teams for not doing anything different, and now they try and...well you just feel bad doing it. But it just did not add much to the game. I rented everything, just like everyone here, and i never died because i stocked up on ferries.

Other than that small complaint, the game was fantastic. One of the best games of the year, up there with GTA 5 and The Last of Us.

Also, am i the only person who found the ending to be..
.touching and heartfelt
When Hilda and Brunette Link saw the Triforce again, it was a really touching moment and a perfect ending.

Most other Zelda games just have bland endings, at least i found them to be predictable and lame.


Finished this last night and passed it onto a friend. Now I'm sat absolutely lost that I don't have Zelda to play tonight :/


You should play Wind Waker, Spirit Tracks, and Twilight Princess

Oh i did play WW and TP when they came out. It just did not click with me, i could see where they were going, especially in TP, but just did not work for me.

LBW really did,
the end boss and the twists
were unexpected


Yes, it's the races.
There's a trick to the race though.

Did you not pay attention to Hilda's monologues at all?

yeah that was super telegraphed.

is the races trick
switch to dark side and use broom? I guess I could just try that,tried with the broom earlier and got busted lol

pizza dog

Finished on the plane home from Thanksgiving last night. Top-shelf game.

Was really disappointed that the game kicked me back to my before-Lorule-Castle save tho. I was excited to go change my Dark Link challenger to the Motherfuckingest Link Around for posterity, but after I reloaded I didn't have the Lorule item any more. :/

Easy enough to pick it up a second time, was just weird.


is the races trick
switch to dark side and use broom? I guess I could just try that,tried with the broom earlier and got busted lol

Yeah, they know if you use it in Hyrule, but since they're not in Lorule, they have no way of knowing.


Ice Ruins done. Really fun. Boss was good too.

Now Dark Palace and surrounding area remains. All squids collected except the ones around DP. Four heart pieces left. Will probably do DP and clean up today, then finish tomorrow. Fantastic game.


Got into this a bit over the weekend - Link controls exceptionally well, better than expected. Would take 60fps at full 3D over a visual showpiece every time for a game like this, the speed makes it stand out as special.

Feels like I'm going through the motions of a Zelda game for better or worse, kind of glazing over the story bits but enjoying just exploring the world. Lots of touchstones for nostalgia. Nothing mind blowing so far but thoroughly charmed and looking forward to digging in further.
What are everyones records on Rupee Rush? I've got 519 so far, seems such an amazing way to grind rupees whilst having fun. I've only just got into Lorule and I've bought every item available so far. It's soo addictive!
4 of 7 sages in Lorule
so far, been having a great time. Although sometimes it does feel a bit overwhelming to think about which dungeon to tackle next (but that feeling subsides quickly enough). Some nits and picks:

- I really wish the Roc's Cape was in LBW instead of the Hammer or the Gale Wand. Especially the Gale Wand. It feels really limited for the most part and I thought the Roc's Cape would've been more fun to play with in 3D. Hammer was useful for busting boulders and small pillars and the gargoyle lizard things on Death Mountain I guess. But the Hammer's deal with the springy faces and the Gale Wand's "jump" were vertical traversals that would've been better done by the Roc's Cape imo.

- Funny thing, I didn't get the Pouch until after I rescued 3 of the sages. Oooooooops. That could've helped with item micro a bit.

- Oh yeah that's right, I do have a house in Lorule, which is probably the most convenient weather vane that's also really close to a dark fissure. AND there's a bottle in my Lorule house. Neat that I managed to miss these details for so long.

- Bee Badge is funny. I'm a Protoss Carrier now! Sometimes I enjoy sitting around to see how long it would take for my buzzy friends to kill an enemy.

- The boomerang doesn't seem as useful to me in this game due to how early one can get the bow. I can use the bow to kill my enemies, why do I need to stun them? The sword beams from the master sword can cut grass anyway, and I don't mind walking a little more.

- So what's the best Shadow Link that anyone's made far?
I've come across someone that got to the Master Sword++ when I was still using Master Sword+ and he also had the Nice Sand Rod and the Nice Fire Rod. Basically would line stun me if I didn't move around enough and the Nice Fire Rod toasted me :(

All in all, I don't mind that I could potentially miss out on details and items if I don't pay attention, as it rewards me more for exploring where I didn't think to go at first. Not requiring wallet upgrades made me care less about chests containing rupees for the most part (and I really think they should do away from wallet upgrades forever and just let players max out from the start). The item rental system was just okay for me, but imo the best thing it did was let the dungeons be more mixed about item usage instead of needing to create a dungeon for each item.


4 of 7 sages in Lorule
so far, been having a great time. Although sometimes it does feel a bit overwhelming to think about which dungeon to tackle next (but that feeling subsides quickly enough). Some nits and picks:

- I really wish the Roc's Cape was in LBW instead of the Hammer or the Gale Wand. Especially the Gale Wand. It feels really limited for the most part and I thought the Roc's Cape would've been more fun to play with in 3D. Hammer was useful for busting boulders and small pillars and the gargoyle lizard things on Death Mountain I guess. But the Hammer's deal with the springy faces and the Gale Wand's "jump" were vertical traversals that would've been better done by the Roc's Cape imo.

- Funny thing, I didn't get the Pouch until after I rescued 3 of the sages. Oooooooops. That could've helped with item micro a bit.

- Oh yeah that's right, I do have a house in Lorule, which is probably the most convenient weather vane that's also really close to a dark fissure. AND there's a bottle in my Lorule house. Neat that I managed to miss these details for so long.

- Bee Badge is funny. I'm a Protoss Carrier now! Sometimes I enjoy sitting around to see how long it would take for my buzzy friends to kill an enemy.

- The boomerang doesn't seem as useful to me in this game due to how early one can get the bow. I can use the bow to kill my enemies, why do I need to stun them? The sword beams from the master sword can cut grass anyway, and I don't mind walking a little more.

- So what's the best Shadow Link that anyone's made far?
I've come across someone that got to the Master Sword++ when I was still using Master Sword+ and he also had the Nice Sand Rod and the Nice Fire Rod. Basically would line stun me if I didn't move around enough and the Nice Fire Rod toasted me :(

All in all, I don't mind that I could potentially miss out on details and items if I don't pay attention, as it rewards me more for exploring where I didn't think to go at first. Not requiring wallet upgrades made me care less about chests containing rupees for the most part (and I really think they should do away from wallet upgrades forever and just let players max out from the start). The item rental system was just okay for me, but imo the best thing it did was let the dungeons be more mixed about item usage instead of needing to create a dungeon for each item.

RE: Boomerang:
Unlike most other weapons, the boomerang is not locked into 8 directions so no need to line up the shoot, and is really really good in the Hero Mode Early game


I thought the use of rental would destroy the feel of your character getting more powerful as you progressed trough te game, but a good surprise was that the upgrade items instead appeared in the dungeons.


In the huge room south of the enclosed chest, place a bomb on the south crystal while wall merging to the north, it's a rotating wall!

I attempted your tip. Still couldn't find it. I was talking about this chest

Ohhhhhh south crystal. Lemme try it

Disregard: I love you
Nice sand rod is godly if you need to stun enemies since it will hit from across the screen, faster than the boomerang, Tornado Rod, and hookshot, but really, they should have allowed you to be able to dig normal dirt in this game
So when I bought this XL, I did the system transfer, but the only thing it didn't transfer were my Ambassador cert and the games related to it.. how do I go about getting those on my XL? I tried copying the data from SD > SD, but unless I copied the wrong data (no idea what I just copied then..) how do I do it? The XL seems to be "my" system, with my Shop data and all, but where's my Ambassador Cert and games? :(

I can't access the net right now, so it's possible I can "redownload" from my history, the games, but what about the Ambassador cert itself? Also, why would other things transfer, but simply not that? :-??


Two dungeons left, missing 3 heart pieces (aside from the full ones from the dungeons) and 5 of the little octopus buddies. Still loving this game. Easily becoming one of my favorite Zeldas as I'm approaching the end. Will probably clear it by the end of the week!


Finished yesterday. The character movement and pacing is god tier. And the fact that there's practically no filler, makes this game perfect to play over and over. Forget cinematic, this is what Zelda should be.


to anyone having trouble with the baseball minigame, here are some tips that made it really easy for me to get the heart piece:

Each regular pot will get you 1 rupee
Each gold pot will get you 5 rupees and once hit will spawn a new golden pot over an existing normal pot

Hitting three pots in a row without missing will spawn a crow. hitting the crow will net you 20 rupees.

If you are good at timing, the timing to hit the crow will always be the same since it spawns immediately after you hit your third pot (in a row)

Not only that, as long as you hit NEAR the crow the ball should "home in" on the crow and hit it.

Missing the crow and hitting a pot instead will count towards the next batch of 3 pots

Basically always go for a 3 pot combo and hit the crow, practice your timing a bit. I was always scoring over 70 rupees each game so i was making profit, and once I actually found out about how to spawn the crow I got the heart piece in like 3 games


Oh i did play WW and TP when they came out. It just did not click with me, i could see where they were going, especially in TP, but just did not work for me.

LBW really did,
the end boss and the twists
were unexpected
What? Those were super expected...
You see the final boss less than half way through the game. The first time you meet Yuga he says he's working for a female monarch. Every 2 dungeons Hilda interrupts the game and says "I'm the bad guy!"

Wind Waker ends with
Ganondorf's humble admission that he was jealous of Hyrule and King Hyrule wishing for the destruction of his land and remaining at the bottom of the sea forever with Link and Tetra tasked with finding a new land.

Twilight Princess ends with
Midna almost dying and then destroying the portal between her world and Hyrule despite coming to love Link and befriend Zelda.

I beat ST, can't remember the ending. What happened?
Byrne gets betrayed by Cole and is badly injured. Anjean and Byrne tell Link and Zelda that they will defeat Cole and Malladus, but Link and Zelda resolve to finish the quest themselves.


After defeating Maladus in Zelda's body, Byrne helps Zelda regain her body but he is killed. Malladus takes Cole's body, but it isn't suitable. He decides that if he can't live he'll take the entire world with him. Link fends off Malladus while Zelda builds power, then the two perform a duet that gets accompanied by the rest of the Lokomo to create a way to beat Malladus. Then Link distracts Malladus so that Zelda can get a clean shot with the bow of light, and once hit Link can injure Malladus. With the final strike, Zelda runs over and helps Link push the sword into Malladus' head. With Malladus defeated, the Lokomo leave the world and Link and Zelda go back to their normal lives, with Link either becoming a conductor or knight depending on a choice you make earlier in the game. The whole relationship between Link and Zelda and the whole journey just comes to a beautiful head at the end. The music is also top notch.


Junior Ace
Anyone care to give me the vaguest of hints for the 2 bottles I'm missing? I already have the
milk one, fairy one, bee one.
Anyone care to give me the vaguest of hints for the 2 bottles I'm missing? I already have the
milk one, fairy one, bee one.

You will have to swim under something in Hyrule for one of them.

You will have to investigate an abandoned place in Lorule for another.

I imagine these are actually pretty straightforward clues, but hopefully they're helpful in any case!


to anyone having trouble with the baseball minigame, here are some tips that made it really easy for me to get the heart piece:

Each regular pot will get you 1 rupee
Each gold pot will get you 5 rupees and once hit will spawn a new golden pot over an existing normal pot

Hitting three pots in a row without missing will spawn a crow. hitting the crow will net you 20 rupees.

If you are good at timing, the timing to hit the crow will always be the same since it spawns immediately after you hit your third pot (in a row)

Not only that, as long as you hit NEAR the crow the ball should "home in" on the crow and hit it.

Missing the crow and hitting a pot instead will count towards the next batch of 3 pots

Basically always go for a 3 pot combo and hit the crow, practice your timing a bit. I was always scoring over 70 rupees each game so i was making profit, and once I actually found out about how to spawn the crow I got the heart piece in like 3 games

Also if you hit the crab (ground ball) it respawns all pots. About halfway through the game I hit a few towards the crabs.

Does hitting the pitcher do anything? I've only hit him twice in a row at the end of a game.
I used Sand Rod + Fire Rod. Create sand paths to the monster and let the fire walk the walk and talk the talk.

I tried fighting it with the fire rod. Half an hour of burning it and it still wouldn't die, and I burned through three fairies trying. Retried and killed it in five minutes just swiping at it with the sword. :\


So I think I just about have everything done...
20 Hearts, Blue armor/Red armor, all 100 Maiamais, super Bug Net/Lantern, Pegasus Boots, all 5 Bottles, Bee Badge, pretty sure all Rupee challenge dungeons completed, and I think all chests opened out in the wild

I know 1 thing I'm missing, but not going for...
Giant Cuckoo

But other than that, is there anything else I'm missing?


Holy shit the baseball mini game is awful! I tried so many times. It's like the ball goes wherever it feels like. I give up. I'll just pretend there are only nineteen hearts in this Zelda.

Just terrible........
Holy shit the baseball mini game is awful! I tried so many times. It's like the ball goes wherever it feels like. I give up. I'll just pretend there are only nineteen hearts in this Zelda.

Just terrible........

It's not that bad - I kind of liked it. Although I only played it two times technically (got 104 on the 2nd one). Swinging early = ball goes to the right. Swinging late = ball goes to the left. Swinging on time, ball goes to the middle. And you change your stance with the analog stick to shoot higher or lower. You need to hit 3 pots in a row, then hit the bird for 20 points and repeat that again and again. If you need more pots to respawn, hit a monster. I'd ignore the gold pots unless they are just in a really easy location to hit.


Just finished it. Great game. Some of the best stereoscopy on 3DS too.
I'm a few dungeons from finishing, but did want to agree with you on the 3D. I've played the game with it full-blast on my XL, and it's been fantastic. First time I've played a game with it on since SM3DL.


Also if you hit the crab (ground ball) it respawns all pots. About halfway through the game I hit a few towards the crabs.

Does hitting the pitcher do anything? I've only hit him twice in a row at the end of a game.
It will piss the pitcher off, he'll shoot a Fast Ball immediately after you hit him.
Does hitting the pitcher do anything? I've only hit him twice in a row at the end of a game.

He spits out another ball, rapid-fire, and it counts against your total. I would not hit him if I could help it.

Holy shit the baseball mini game is awful! I tried so many times. It's like the ball goes wherever it feels like. I give up. I'll just pretend there are only nineteen hearts in this Zelda.

Just terrible........

As the poster above said, early swings go right, late go left, and you can control height with the analog stick. The main thing is to get three pots in a row and then hit the bird, so you should generally ignore the gold pots unless it's a "safe" shot--meaning that it's surrounded by other pots and you're sure to at least hit something. If you're reliably hitting to some areas but not others, save the safe hits until later in a 3-hit sequence to be sure that you finish the combo. Once you've depleted the pot supply, be sure to aim for the crabs to replenish.

It's a tough heart piece, but it shouldn't take you more than an hour of trying to get it.


Thanks for the tips. Maybe I'll give it another shot tomorrow. Right now I don't want to go anywhere near that mini game though. Lol


Just finished. Great game. Not sure where I'd rank it in the series, but definitely high among the 2D games. I liked the freedom of doing stuff in whatever order for the most part, but I'm not sure the rental/buy item system was the best way to achieve it. Like since most dungeons were one item affairs anyway, they probably could have worked in discovery of the items still (maybe outside the dungeon like one user here suggested). I suppose it did allow for better exploration for the overworld from earlier in the game which was cool. I'm not really complaining about the system here, but think if they want to give this freedom again maybe there is a better way to do it.

Anyway, I found this to be a well-rounded Zelda. Does most everything well which made for a great game. Sand Palace was my favorite dungeon. Dark Palace was cool too.


Holy shit the baseball mini game is awful! I tried so many times. It's like the ball goes wherever it feels like. I give up. I'll just pretend there are only nineteen hearts in this Zelda.

Just terrible........
It's really easy. I got the piece of heart in my second attempt.
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