Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall

I literally played for like 6 hours straight on my first sitting. I never do that. The gameplay is just so fluid I love it. They cut out all the fat. This is how nintendo games should all be.


Would you be happy with a sequel? Something like PH->ST?

Because I sure as hell would be. I just can't get enough of this masterpiece. Just give me next 11 dungeons and call it a day. I will bend over and take everything you have for me.

SS broke my heart, but ALBW delievered as fuck, and helped me believe in Zelda franchise again.


Okay, I finished everything over the weekend with the exception of a few stray heart pieces.

MY VERDICT: This game shits on all other 2D Zeldas from a great height. I could accept an argument that LTTP is better just because this ingenious overworld structure began there. But so many changes have been made due to the wall mechanic that I consider it a separate thing anyway.

-- The pacing is relentless in this game. I found myself never wanting to put the game down, something that rarely happens in this series for me, and Zelda is my favorite franchise.

-- The story was bare bones but very effective in my opinion. EAD can learn that you can have an epic Zelda game that does not need to have an overly complex story. Simple is sometimes better.

-- Perhaps the best musical score in the series, even though much of the music is recycled.

-- 60 fps in Zelda is a revelation. I never want them to go back.

After you get the triforce of courage and get warped back to the dark world, the acoustic version of the dark world theme gets replaced with the grand orchestral version. CHILLS UP AND DOWN MY SPINE


Is there a game-breaking bug in the game? I'm in Swamp Palace right now and I'm locked in the most southwestern room in 1F. I believe to get out of here I must have raised the water level but I didn't. Now the door was locked behind me and I can't get out of here. I can't die either, I killed all the hermit-narwhal things. Just locked there with no way out. I don't want to reset game, all the progress I made will be gone...

We had this question before. No, you are not locked in, there are ways to get out of there.

You can hookshot into a spot in the wall. After you hit the wall, merge into it.


I've just finished the first temple and I'm really enjoying the game so far. The game is absolutely gorgeous, especially the smoothness of 60fps. The lighting is superb in caves and the music is godly. I can't wait to play some more.


B-but I've got
5 bottles
. Got one from the
Great Rupee Fairy
a while ago.

That's what I miss, thank you sir! I threw all my moniez at her, but it wasn't enough, so I stormed out and forgot she ever existed :(

Kinda like my ex, except she stormed out instead of me...


Get Inside Her!
Is there a game-breaking bug in the game? I'm in Swamp Palace right now and I'm locked in the most southwestern room in 1F. I believe to get out of here I must have raised the water level but I didn't. Now the door was locked behind me and I can't get out of here. I can't die either, I killed all the hermit-narwhal things. Just locked there with no way out. I don't want to reset game, all the progress I made will be gone...

Game's not bugged.
Okay, I finished everything over the weekend with the exception of a few stray heart pieces.

MY VERDICT: This game shits on all other 2D Zeldas from a great height. I could accept an argument that LTTP is better just because this ingenious overworld structure began there. But so many changes have been made due to the wall mechanic that I consider it a separate thing anyway.

-- The pacing is relentless in this game. I found myself never wanting to put the game down, something that rarely happens in this series for me, and Zelda is my favorite franchise.

This is what I have found as well, everytime I get stuck I know its something im missing, and the solutions turn out to be very easy once you stop to think about it. Anyway, cant put the game down. Only complaint is the 3DS itself, very uncomfortable to hold for long periods of time, will probably get a grip.


Finally did the baseball mini-game. I knew it was shit the first time I saw it and it is indeed very shitty to play.
Most stressfull and frustrating hour of play.

hahahahaha - another one who lacks skill and timing. Take it easy! You're not the only one. My bro asked me today if i could do it for him. first try, no problem :p


Junior Ace
hahahahaha - another one who lacks skill and timing. Take it easy! You're not the only one. My bro asked me today if i could do it for him. first try, no problem :p

I hated it until I figured out when the birds come out. Then it was simple.

I really have to give them credit. Forcing you to actually swing early/late to hit the ball to right and left field made it feel genuine. I was shocked it wasn't dumbed down to just "hold left or right".


Finished this up last night. Great Zelda game, definitely my favorite handheld title since LA.

I think I've 100%ed this, too. But it seemed remarkably easier than past games, but whatever.

I think the Desert Palace and the Dark Palace were my favorite dungeons. The Desert Palace boss was most definitely my favorite. Pacing was great, cutting filler was great, items were great, dungeon designs were the best in a long time, bosses for the most part were great (didn't care for the recycled ones). The only thing I didn't care for was the rental system. I liked it in the beginning, but soon had all the items. The economy is still broken (just like very Zelda), and I could quickly afford every item. I definitely prefer the challenge and accomplishment of working for an item and gaining it. But god, do I love the any-order dungeons.

I think a good compromise for the next game, would be something similar to ALBW and SS. The overworld section nearest the dungeon has some puzzles and challenges you need to do that unlock the next required item for the dungeon. This way, you'd be able to do dungeons in any order, but still have the satisfaction of discovering items on your own. Most of all, getting new items on the overworld would lead you into your next dungeon.

All in all, definitely the most polished Zelda game in a long, long time. I don't know where it sits on my list just yet, but I had a blast playing it.


So you suck at a minigame and it's developers fault? I don't get it. Maybe you didn't understand how to properly works if it took you 1 hour to make 100+ rupees. You have full control to everything you do in that game. The characters near the minigame even give you hints about how to play and there are ingame instructions. Just read and apply what you read and you'll be fine.
Sure I sucks at it I'm denying it! :)
But I'm not sure there is instructions about the width aiming is related to the timing.
For non-US and non-Japanese people who havn't a clue about baseball it probably is harder to get, especially because the ball is quiet fast (or seems to be) and you have those tiny stick/fire rod to hit the ball, making difficult to predict the horizontal angle. It probably is meant to use the 3D effect but it's also badly done.
For a game that isn't related to sports it shouldn't be there if it is not perfectly executed - and the number of people like me that seems to complain makes it not perfectly executed.
I can't get the hang of the baseball minigame either, so don't feel too bad.

The game does get a bit framey in spots, especially if you use the wall merge as a way to avoid damage. But it's never enough to actually hurt gameplay.

I just have the
dark palace
left and I still haven't found the
dash boots
! Hopefully they're in there...


What's the water level like?

Is there a water control panel in the room?

This any help?

Upstairs is a room with another water control switch. Drop down right and step on the switch to open the door further ahead; next, you need to reach there. Swim down and left and head back to where you started. Next, step directly on top of the floor tile with a hookshot symbol and fire the hookshot up at the wooden frame. Wait for "Merge (A)" icon to appear in the bottom-right of the top screen and immediately press A to merge; the timing can be tricky to master. While merged, walk all the left until you reach the stairs, then emerge.

Head right, up the stairs and stand opposite the water control switch, this time on the right side. Hookshot up and pull back to raise the water level to two bars, then do it again to raise it to three bars. Next, swim right and onto the raft to collect a Small Key from the chest. Swim back and stand opposite the water control switch, to its left. Hookshot up to lower the water level back down to two bars. Leave the room through the door in the top-right corner. The next room should be very familiar.

We had this question before. No, you are not locked in, there are ways to get out of there.

You can hookshot into a spot in the wall. After you hit the wall, merge into it.

Wow thanks guys, never thought of it. Frankly, this room was the only place to be stuck in the whole game.
I can't get the hang of the baseball minigame either, so don't feel too bad.

The game does get a bit framey in spots, especially if you use the wall merge as a way to avoid damage. But it's never enough to actually hurt gameplay.

I just have the
dark palace
left and I still haven't found the
dash boots
! Hopefully they're in there...

The pegasus boots are on the thief in Kakariko village that runs when you approach him. Wall merge and pop out behind him and he will give them to you.


Finished the game, 20 hrs, took my sweet time. Got the 100 little octopi, missing a few heartpieces, but I think I have most if not all equipment upgrades.

Great pacing, no handholding, fun exploration/dungeons. One of the best Zelda games. It's hard to say if I like it more than LTTP (my prev fav Zelda) since that was my first and everything was brand new, but it's a definitely a step in the right direction.

I'll say renting all items was too easy. After 1-2 dungeons, there was no reason to not be able to afford everything all the time. They should have added periodic rental fees (and made them pricier) so that that there would be a heavier cost associated with wanted to have all items at the same time. Or, perhaps having each additional rental cost more and more money (so, the more you're already renting, the costlier it gets).

Also, they should have made item upgrades more useful for puzzle-solving and exploration. So, while sure, you could solve most puzzles with the rental items, some secrets on the overworld/dungeons could only be accessed with the upgraded purchase.


Sure I sucks at it I'm denying it! :)
But I'm not sure there is instructions about the width aiming is related to the timing.
For non-US and non-Japanese people who havn't a clue about baseball it probably is harder to get, especially because the ball is quiet fast (or seems to be) and you have those tiny stick/fire rod to hit the ball, making difficult to predict the horizontal angle. It probably is meant to use the 3D effect but it's also badly done.
For a game that isn't related to sports it shouldn't be there if it is not perfectly executed - and the number of people like me that seems to complain makes it not perfectly executed.
Well, I'm European (Italian) and here baseball is non existent, I don't even know the rules besides the basic ones. Lucky I'm good at it I suppose ;)


I can't get the hang of the baseball minigame either, so don't feel too bad.

The game does get a bit framey in spots, especially if you use the wall merge as a way to avoid damage. But it's never enough to actually hurt gameplay.

I just have the
dark palace
left and I still haven't found the
dash boots
! Hopefully they're in there...

Emm, you can get the boots after you visit the Queen Sora for the first time (so, just after you leave to get the stone that makes her thin)

The theif has them, you need to surprise him to get them. Merge into the wall and get him


Damn, spent a good hour last night trying to figure out how to get that heart peice at the very top of the map.

I am pretty sure it is something with all the floating platforms in the mine but fuck.


The baseball game is fun, IMO. I only got 30-40 rupees the few times I tried it, so I guess it could become frustrating aiming for 100+ to get a Piece of Heart. But it seems doable. It probably would've took longer for me to reach that conclusion if I hadn't read how it works here.

Namely: Hit soon, ball goes to right. Hit late, ball goes to left. Push forward to aim high, pull back to aim low. Bird spawns every three pots hit in a row.

Back to the main quest, I just beat my first two Lorule dungeons, Thieves' Hideout and Swamp Palace. The two couldn't look, sound or feel more different -- I love it! Now it's off to the Desert Palace. I'm sporting some flashy Blue Mail. I also have 11 heart containers -- it's kind of distracting having two rows of hearts in the bottom of the screen, lol.
Absolutely love the game, one Lorule dungeon to go but I must admit the game is just way too easy, especially late game. Is there any enemy scaling at all?

I've played approximately 14 hrs and have yet to die once. Got revived by a fairy once or twice early on when getting my feet wet but it's been a breeze ever since, doubly so since finding the
blue tunic
. I wish a higher difficulty was available from the start because I personally prefer a solid challenge in SP games.


I can't get the hang of the baseball minigame either, so don't feel too bad.

The game does get a bit framey in spots, especially if you use the wall merge as a way to avoid damage. But it's never enough to actually hurt gameplay.

I just have the
dark palace
left and I still haven't found the
dash boots
! Hopefully they're in there...
I won't say where, but I will say you could've got the boots eight dungeons ago (and still can get them). :)


Did Swamp and Skull Woods back to back. I have to say, this is by far the easiest Zelda game I've played. Not just in battle, but in puzzles too. I usually suck at Zelda games when it comes to their puzzles. Not to mention dungeons are long affairs generally. It's the reason why I've yet to extensively play and complete about half the series. But I've yet to get stuck even once here. I'm not complaining though, it isn't making me feel moronic like usual when it comes to the series, and it's loads of fun.

I may just finish it today. Can't put it down. Two dungeons/sages left, but first I'm gonna collect all the squid kids I've missed before going to the next area and dungeon. I've also only got 8 heart pieces left. I want them all, but it depends on whether or not I feel like doing the minigames if I'll get them all. Not like I really need them anyway.


Just got the game today. Played a bit and I'm already hopelessly distracted by the dodging cuckoo game. Which may be in parts because of the great music that plays during it, also really loved the music you can listen to in the milk bar.

Velcro Fly

So is there something really obvious I'm missing or do I just need to
merge spam
on the
Skull Woods boss
. Because there is seriously no avoiding any of that. And I must have hit it about 40 times with my sword before killing it. Seriously what the fuck


So is there something really obvious I'm missing or do I just need to
merge spam
on the
Skull Woods boss
. Because there is seriously no avoiding any of that. And I must have hit it about 40 times with my sword before killing it. Seriously what the fuck

Having just done that boss, yeah, I've no idea how to dodge the crashes. I just spammed wall merge. It didn't take me nearly as long as you to kill him. Master Sword +1, hell yeah.


Junior Ace
How many bottles are there anyway? I'm up to 3 after friggin' 30 hours. I'm thinking I'm not meant to find the others.

Velcro Fly

Having just done that boss, yeah, I've no idea how to dodge the crashes. I just spammed wall merge. It didn't take me nearly as long as you to kill him. Master Sword +1, hell yeah.

I didn't even think I would have needed to leave the dungeon and upgrade my sword but it probably would have helped. I thought maybe there was a way to damage it underneath but I guess not. Took tons of damage trying that because towards the end if you get hit by one crash you get hit by 3 or 4 because the arena was in shambles and I was nowhere near a wall to merge.


I didn't even think I would have needed to leave the dungeon and upgrade my sword but it probably would have helped. I thought maybe there was a way to damage it underneath but I guess not. Took tons of damage trying that because towards the end if you get hit by one crash you get hit by 3 or 4 because the arena was in shambles and I was nowhere near a wall to merge.
Interestingly enough, you can actually glitch out of that boss fight right near the beginning with the tornado rod.

(I totally just spammed merge too.)

Velcro Fly

Interestingly enough, you can actually glitch out of that boss fight right near the beginning with the tornado rod.

(I totally just spammed merge too.)

Yeah I've heard that. But then you don't get a heart piece right? Fine for speedruns but I want all my hearts :(

Also realized I have 41 maimais and haven't upgrade anything yet. Oops


Ok I need a little help. In the dungeon where you use the tourch to see things. " I forgot the name of it" but on one of the levels is a chest dead center. I believe level 2. I can't find anyway to get it. I've went into every room in the dungeon. Please haaalppppp me :(


Ok I need a little help. In the dungeon where you use the tourch to see things. " I forgot the name of it" but on one of the levels is a chest dead center. I believe level 2. I can't find anyway to get it. I've went into every room in the dungeon. Please haaalppppp me :(

Are you talking about the room with the
invisible walls? (they're like blue-ish when you have a torch).
. If so, then use merge on the walls. There is a
small crack
in most of the walls in those rooms.

The one from
the bird guy?
I got both of those, hmmm, wonder which I'm missing then.

Well, there's another one you need the
big bomb flower
to get. I don't remember where, but it's somewhere near there.

Velcro Fly

Just finished the Ice Ruins! About 11 hours in now with four dungeons left. Still a ton of side stuff to go though. I can totally see this being 20-25 hours. Plus getting streetpass achievements could take a while. 10/10 game for me so far.
I can't believe how many people beat this game in 1-2 days. I've been playing it like 3 hours a day for a week straight. I'm just soaking it all in.


Ok I need a little help. In the dungeon where you use the tourch to see things. " I forgot the name of it" but on one of the levels is a chest dead center. I believe level 2. I can't find anyway to get it. I've went into every room in the dungeon. Please haaalppppp me :(

In the huge room south of the enclosed chest, place a bomb on the south crystal while wall merging to the north, it's a rotating wall!
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