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Zelda TWW and all Player's Choice to $19.99?


about time they did this,

"As well, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker will make its transition to the collection, however, rather than lower in price later on it will immediately go straight to $19.99.

According to a Nintendo representative, Nintendo is trying to phase out the $29.99 price point to start selling Player's Choice titles exclusively at $19.99."



Pedigree Chum said:
Took 'em long enough... Sony and MS sell GH/PH for $19, what does Nintendo do? Sell PC for $30...smart.

Selling Super Smash Bros. Melee at $30 was smart...the rest was not.


It actually was pretty smart considering the extra money they made... just not very good for fans. I sure as hell wouldnt buy a $30 PC game though that's for sure (I bought most on their respective launch dates anyway).
Pedigree Chum said:
Took 'em long enough... Sony and MS sell GH/PH for $19, what does Nintendo do? Sell PC for $30...smart.

Let's not be too quick to saint MS (Although it's about time Nintendo). The one MS title that was truly a mega seller (Halo), sat at 49.99 forever. And games that sold like shit made the "Platinum" collection.


So my prediction's coming true about SSBM going $20 and TWW going PC this holiday season.

TWW really needed to. It was being outsold by SoAL even.


Link316 said:
if you mean Halo, MS doesn't need to cause it still shows up in the top 10 :D

Yeah, but so does Smash Bros., but that doesn't keep people from bitching about it. Halo is not above ridicule, I'm afraid,


ravingloon said:
Let's not be too quick to saint MS (Although it's about time Nintendo). The one MS title that was truly a mega seller (Halo), sat at 49.99 forever. And games that sold like shit made the "Platinum" collection.
yeah, this is true, most "Platinum Hits" are 3rd Party anyway, and 3rd party games hit $20 on GCN Player's choice, so there is little difference. The only 1st party million-seller that went straight to $20 after a long while was Project Gotham Racing I think (on XBox).

Selling games like Mario Sunshine, Smash Brothers, and Animal Crossing in step-by-step reductions wasn't such a bad idea considering they still get a good 50,000+ a week combined.


Sucks at viral marketing
My biggest concern with this is that it'll just mean 1st party games will take longer before they become PC titles. They're are number of earlier games that I'd like to get, but don't want to pay $50. I'd rather pick some of them up sooner at $30, than wait another 6 months for it at $20.

Mrbob said:
Halo isn't part of the Platinum Hits collection.
Yeah... That makes it all good.


JJConrad said:
My biggest concern with this is that it'll just mean 1st party games will take longer before they become PC titles. They're are number of earlier games that I'd like to get, but don't want to pay $50. I'd rather pick some of them up sooner at $30, than wait another 6 months for it at $20.
true, the big games are no doubt gonna take forever to hit $20.

Wario Ware and Mario Golf were summer hits, and Nintendo decided on the step-by-step for them, but for Wind Waker, it was a March '03 release, and even with slowing sales, I think Nintendo decided that for a franchise like that keeping it at $50 for the longest possible time would be best...

Mario Kart is still selling very well and will likely get a healthy bump this holiday season, so I wouldn't expect that to go Player's Choice until next Fall...
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