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Zeno Clash II |OT| Punching the crap out of weird looking things


How is the combat in this one compared to the original? Because by the end of that one I was not having any fun with the combat at all, it felt like it wasn't designed for group encounters yet that's all they threw at you.

They give you more crowd control weapons in this (chain and another cool weapon I don't want to spoil). That or you can bring in a friend online. Also the trick to ZC combat is to not stick to one guy, move around a lot and barge into enemies for quick attacks.



How much of that area is actually explorable? Looks massive.


Likely to be eaten by a grue
Time to break down my thoughts on the reviews. After finishing the game, checking out the reviews, I'm just baffled. Some of the complaints are odd or just false. I'll fully agree that the map isn't good.

One general piece of advice: Keep AUTO-LOCK OFF. You're better off enabling it yourself.

There's no discernable differentiation between a mandatory and optional quest, and it's far too easy to simply lose track of where you're supposed to go. Even when you know what you're doing it takes too long to do it, as sometimes the quest objective markers will simply vanish, leaving you to try to stumble into the right place.
Uh, side quest is grey and story quest is white. That's just a straight up lie. If you're lost, just check the bird flying that's tethered to a line. That is the exit. Quest markers vanish when the game's asking you to explore an uncharted area. Can we not explore and figure out the levels by ourselves?

Though the visuals are strong, we were surprised at how many glitches we encountered throughout the 10-hour campaign. We'd watch characters fall through the world and quest markers simply vanish, forcing us to reset at checkpoints or restart the game in hopes of fixing things. In one instance we hit a section where the game would repeatedly crash every time we entered an area we needed to go to--and it wasn't until we joined a co-op game that was past the section that we were able to progress.
I didn't encounter a single glitch or anything game-breaking. Was this limited to review copies? Either way, too bad for people experiencing them.

Hardcore Gamer:
With everything so weird and different looking, it can become hard to form logical points of navigational reference to fall back on.
Just look at the exits, they have a bird flying tethered to a line from there. Or the fast travel totems usually have beams of light shining into the sky. Do people really expect games to now have braindead bread crumbs (Fable, Dead Space)? It's not like areas have dozens of directions, just do a little exploring and the quest marker will guide you in the right direction.

Punches and kicks still feel sluggish, and the wind up animations for power moves take so long that it leaves you vulnerable to attacks. Especially when you are surrounded, which is about 90% of the time. Blocking and dodging will only get you so far until you have to begin relying on stringing together super complicated combos really quickly; constantly. The problem with that is that the hit detection in the game is far from perfect, and you can find yourself air punching enemies that are 6 inches away from your face.
I'm baffled, I haven't encountered any problems with hit detection. When I hit an enemy, I get clear feedback that they're getting hurt. If you find yourself air punching, just close the distance or lock-on. Know how far your attacks travel, like the hadouken (forward+left+right) goes really far compared to the launcher (left+right). Power moves take too long? That's because there's a risk/reward to using them, and you need to time them better.

Zeno Clash II does give you guns and Alien tech to play around with in later segments, but those things are so stupid and worthless that unless you are using one of the alien gadgets to solve a puzzle, you’ll likely not pull them out in a fight.
Not use Golem's Hand or Sun/Moon Harvester in combat? Insanity! They're life-savers for group combat. Clearly, this reviewer just didn't want to experiment. The Harvester is perfect when you have enemies coming in single file or bunched up, so when the fire line comes, they all get hit. Golem's Hand is great for lowering big enemies' health by piling on the little guys. I used Golem's Hand a lot for boss battles.

Unfortunately for me, I didn’t get to see the ultimate resolution of that story because the game flat our broke on me and ate a crucial late game character.
Wait, reviewer didn't even finish the game? Great job, there :/

There's a strange dearth of character or world building, with the journey itself becoming the focus.
Odd, I got enough world building even with the economical storytelling. Audio diaries really have spoiled some people. The shop keeper in Family Plaza tells you about Marauders. You're given a lot of info on the Tiamte who wear masks to hide their prawn bodies (the more masks, the more important). Each direction has its own Golem, and you're told enough about their history. If you really want to know more about the world, you can find it out by asking NPCs or reading the cryptographic text when later you can translate them.

Anywhere else, being surrounded by foes is just, frankly, fucking awful. With its temperamental lock-on feature, first-person perspective, and uncompromising field of view, Zeno Clash II seems to have been designed specifically with one-on-one battles, yet continually throws little armies at Ghat.

Foes get in each other's way, constantly jockeying for position, and fill the screen with flailing limbs and angry bodies. It becomes even more infuriating when you have no idea that there's a bugger right beside you, about to punch you right in the head, but you can't see him because of the ridiculous limitations of the FOV (which are apparently going to be fixed in a patch). The hit detection can be fairly iffy, as well, with strikes often not landing when it really looks like the should. It is far more noticeable in these big, annoying brawls than in less crowded fights.
I keep auto-lock OFF and really you only ever really need to use lock-on for bigger enemies. Use the Golem's Hand, Sun/Moon Harvester, and Chain Whip to manage the groups of enemies. If an enemy's behind you, no problem reverse kick. Since I never had auto-lock on, I didn't have issues with enemies ganging up on me from different directions. Again, didn't have an issue with hit detection once you know the distance of each of your attacks.

It's also nice that there's constant AI vs AI if you can cheese enemies into hitting each other. A boss might start attacking its minions if you stay far away. It's always a pleasant accident when it happens :)

It is in these orgies of kicks and punches where Ghat's companions -- limited to two at any one time -- can be employed. I hate them. They are a plague sent to test me. Regardless of how difficult they are to recruit, they are all appalling brawlers, and serve only to distract enemies so that Ghat can get a bit of breathing room before they drop a smoke bomb and vanish, leaving players to fend for themselves at inopportune moments.

And whatever you do, don't go near them in a scrap. Inexplicably, allies seem to close their eyes during battle, and don't appear to notice if Ghat's standing right next to them. This inevitably leads to friends punching you in the face as often as foes.
I'll agree ally AI can be spotty (but then, ally AI in AAA games is no better), and I use them more as distractions but it's nice when they take down enough damage on the bigger enemies. They're not there for you to cheat, you're the one who should be handling everything. Also, use Golem's Hand on the enemies your allies are fighting so you can both work on the same two dudes even from a great distance. Then there's always co-op if the AI is not to your liking.

Lamentably, the world is never elevated beyond a gorgeous, bizarre battle arena, and its colorful denizens immediately become less interesting when they start to speak thanks to the shoddy voice acting and the rather dreary, pseudo-philosophical script.
Sounds like the reviewer just wants a codex or audio diaries to fill out the world, which is just lazy. Enough of the world is explained by talking to NPCs or reading the crytographic signs. How much more of the world needs to be explained before it becomes a bore?

Combat could use more depth, though; getting the pace of the clicks for combos takes a little practice. Once I learned the rhythm, it was a little too easy to fall into a pattern of reusing the same moves over and over again, since enemies never learn to block a frequently used attack.
I saw plenty of depth. Some enemies even put their hands, clearly asking you to aim your punches. Some enemies have shields that can't be broken, so either you aim for their midsection, go around them, or go for the power moves like launchers. The wood enemies like to use kung fu attacks, so don't let them use their distance.

The other one, a gauntlet that harnesses the energy of the sun or moon, is an extremely clever idea that just doesn't work in practice. I love taking a moment to find the sun or moon in the sky and position myself so that the enemy is between me and the heavenly body, but hate that I have to look at the sky to actually trigger the device’s explosive attack because I can't see what I'm trying to kill.
Huh? Ok, so here's my strategy. I see the enemies. I see an opportunity to use the gauntlet. I find a good spot to make a bee line from the sun/moon to the enemy. I aim at the sun/moon, and voila! Is he actually complaining that he has to aim the gauntlet?

Combat is rarely too hard, but some strange balancing issues pop up in the aftermath. There's nowhere near enough health pickups to let you recover from taking even a few hits in every fight, but dying restarts you nearby with completely full health and a fully recharged stable of summonable allies. I felt strangely incentivized to die, and that's something a game should pretty much never do (martyrdom excluded).
I think we can all agree, the game's too stingy on giving out health compared to the first game with its oranges.

Even though there are a wide variety of characters to recruit, none of them felt like a particularly effective fighter, and thus spending skill points in the leadership skill didn't feel like it gave me much return on my investment.
He says that, but he never got to experience the tankness of WORD in the last 4 hours of the game. Dude would stick around to see most of my fights end.

Ghat's voice performance is actually pretty good, and many of the screeching and grunting monster-people – most notably the birdlike ones – have a lot of character, if not nuanced performances. That makes the voice actor playing Rimat, Ghat's "sister" and co-op partner, stand out as really distractingly awful.
Yeah, not a fan of the voice acting for Rimat, while everyone else was interesting to hear.

The Escapist review is actually pretty good. Specifically they seem to get what you should be doing during combat:
Ghat can block, dodge and counter, but even on hard mode the key to a successful defense is positioning rather than timing or savvy skill use.

Ostensibly, you can use these skills to create combos, but there's no real creativity to be had here. All the combos are pre-defined, meaning you'll likely be using the same seven or so attack patterns throughout the game. The camera has a nasty habit of zooming in on enemies when you focus on them, meaning shorter opponents often end up throwing punches from outside your field of view. Imagine trying to box a midget, only you can't look down and he keeps throwing haymakers at your genitals. Not fun.
It's no God Hand, but there's enough creativity in just the moves. I used the counter kick A LOT against the Mountain Dwellers because the kick sends them flying, and then you can kick them off the cliff because they have plenty of health that you don't want to bother with. The enemies who block a lot, I just did the charged right hand strong attacks, or power moves. I didn't use the dodge+punch as much because I focused more on positioning to get the drop on them.

For the little Enforcers, I'd just sprint bash into them and get right up in their grill.


18 hoursI have questions (
are the Golems time travellers? What's with the modern cities beyond the end world? What was that dream about with the white room and furniture and harp and Earth
Well according to some folks from ACE team:
-Zeno clash takes place in the future. The land of Zenozoik was created to keep its inhabitants isolated from the outside world (the city you get a brief glimpse of during the story).
-The golems are some kind of cyborg-esque creatures put at the four borders of Zeno territory to keep its inhabitants inside.
-The moon harp I believe was said to be some sort of out of body experience.
-No idea on the white room.


Finished this last night. Took me roughly 9 hours to complete with having done basically everything. Still have to get a few more totems though.

Anyone who wants to help me get the co-op achievement by the way ? Add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/markdj/ :)

Such a great game ! I doubt it's selling well, however, since it's nowhere to be found in the Top 100... :(


I haven't played the game yet, but this metacritic is making me sad... Meanwhile every single AAA game, no matter how shitty it is, gets at least 70+% just for not being downright broken...
Well according to some folks from ACE team:
-Zeno clash takes place in the future. The land of Zenozoik was created to keep its inhabitants isolated from the outside world (the city you get a brief glimpse of during the story).
-The golems are some kind of cyborg-esque creatures put at the four borders of Zeno territory to keep its inhabitants inside.
-The moon harp I believe was said to be some sort of out of body experience.
-No idea on the white room.

That's pretty fucking cool, I'd figured as much.

Finished this last night. Took me roughly 9 hours to complete with having done basically everything. Still have to get a few more totems though.

Anyone who wants to help me get the co-op achievement by the way ? Add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/markdj/ :)

Such a great game ! I doubt it's selling well, however, since it's nowhere to be found in the Top 100... :(

My Steam ID is: digi_matrix if anyone needs a co-op partner. Is this the achievement where you hit a thrown enemy by a friend?
No free camera via UE3 commands (for screenshots)? I could easily do a Cheat Engine no-clip for the game. Might do that tonight.


Unconfirmed Member
I gotta say, this game with the Oculus Rift and Motion Controls could be quite something.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
What a shame. One flop means life or death for most indie studios. Let's hope it's not the end of Ace team. There are highs and lows for every creator, they should get one more chance.


I wouldn't say people like him "so much." I mean his videos don't get nearly as many views as some other folks on youtube. He has pretty extreme opinions, but I appreciate his channel and I like listening to him rant at games :p I also love his "WTF IS" series simply because I've purchased many games because of them. He also does quite a bit for the StarCraft 2 scene (sponsors his own team, hosts tournaments, etc etc).

If you're one of the people that don't like his opinions than yeah... I suppose you wouldn't like him :p But I don't see the point in having a discussion about how much we don't like him because he pointed out some flaws in this game. And hey, he actually removed his video now that the FOV issue is fixed. And posted this on twitter.
I don't know, normally when I see TB I see praise with it. I used to like his videos, then I started paying attention to what he's actually saying and realizing that he's just nitpicky. I mean there's legitimate complaints, and then there's full on excessive nitpicking. He does the latter.

I never paid any attention to what he's done for the SCII scene because I don't play SCII and have zero interest in it. Kudos to him for helping it out though.

I also agree. This TB discussion should just end here I guess.

Also, he still comes off as an asshole in that tweet. Maybe it's just me.


Seek victory, not fairness

Good lip (jaw?) sync for "what the fuck?" there.

We gave it a slightly higher score, with a slightly odder review than normal. Think any fan of the game would enjoy it on an entertainment level, at least. http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/cqmg2t/zeno-clash-2-review

rocks should not keep secrets.

I think this review does a good job of representing the game world, really. The kind of person who enjoys that review would also appreciate this game. "With enough punching and walking, you will find the answers you seek". Hell, I could go for some punching and walking, sign me up


Just saw this, a lot of respect to the developers.
This is the same guy that spent the better part of last week properly supporting his team's game online, on the Steam forums and such. Fielding technical issue concerns himself.
Cool guy, I wish more devs were as real as he is. Or had the capacity to be.

I'm going to leave this here.


Finally finished it, and gotta say I really enjoyed it. Definitely not short of the "weird" of the first game. Still kind of sitting here and just thinking to myself "who's the good guy here?"

Probably my only major complaint for me is the voice acting. Like, it wasn't good in the original, but it seemed like it fit better. In the original Zeno Clash, the voice acting was very stiff, which kind of felt appropriate with their kind of uncivilized and uneducated ways. The voice acting in Zeno Clash 2 tried to be more natural, but just ended up kind of flat. Particularly Deadra's. I had just replayed the original Zeno Clash before 2 came out and the difference in her voice acting is pretty apparent.

Probably the biggest thing I'm still wondering about:

In the original Zeno Clash Golem had a Rubik's Cube at his throne. In the second game, the West Golem had a Go board and the East had a Chess game. I wonder if there's any specific importance to them? They said the East Golem died of boredom, which maybe makes sense since he has a two player game versus North Golems solitary Rubik's Cube. Then what of the West Golem? When you meet him, I just assumed he was actually already dead and Ghat talking to the bird was just a bit of humor showing that Ghat and Rimat are just kind of idiots.

Either way, good fun. I do wonder if there's enough for another game.
I've never done this, but would love to try if you figure it out and want to share. They should do a no-HUD patch, too.

No need to. You can just use "ghost" to fly around and "walk" to come back down to the ground. You also have PlayersOnly (completely pauses the world but you can still move around) and showhud.

Go in: "\Documents\my games\UnrealEngine3\ZC2Game\Config\ZC2Input.ini"

You must add your bindings directly under "[ZC2Game.ZC2Bindings]" like so:


You can change the keys around but those are the commands that will work. They will not work if you place them elsewhere in the file. Kinda strange. I've tested a ton of UE3 commands and these are the only ones I've managed.

I'll update the compendium with this info


I'm re-posting this from one of those backlog threads...

I just finished the game this afternoon. Holy shit. WOW! What an incredible game. This has EASILY become my GOTY. I'm so glad I replayed the original before jumping into this one too. Zeno Clash probably has the most interesting world/universe I've seen in a game. It's definitely the best I've seen in awhile. I've never played a sequel either that respects the original game quite like this. The continuity between the first and second game is astounding. Ace Team has something really good here. Someone needs to pick these guys up and give them whatever resources/money they need to make an even more amazing 3rd game, lol!

I'm so ridiculously impressed and enamored by what they've created. I finished the game on Hard, collected all 70 Moths on my own (which I had no idea how I pulled that off) and only have two remaining achievements to earn. So amazing. It's going to be tough for another game to top this one.

Yes, probably my favorite track too! OST is sooooooo good!


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I never understood what this game was all about. Besides the odd designs of the characters and world oh yeah and that gameplay involved a lot of melee combat. Whats so special about this title anyways for the vets of the first one?

Just saw this, a lot of respect to the developers.
This is the same guy that spent the better part of last week properly supporting his team's game online, on the Steam forums and such. Fielding technical issue concerns himself.
Cool guy, I wish more devs were as real as he is. Or had the capacity to be.


I think the problem is once you enter the "machine" larger companies you really do get a muzzle put on to prevent PR nightmares and such. That and usually all information has to pass through the correct chans. Am sure you are familiar with that sort of stuff.

But yeah do agree with you 100% that its awesome when you do see devs who do take the time out to genuinely bust ass for their own product from the heart and not be a shill.

Though can see why a lot of other devs dont want to do such things, esp with how vocal and venom filled the internet is these days too.

Double Edged Sword and all that.
I never understood what this game was all about. Besides the odd designs of the characters and world oh yeah and that gameplay involved a lot of melee combat. Whats so special about this title anyways for the vets of the first one?

You kind of answered your question in the first sentence, the art style and combat are terrific. Also, if you can see past the bad voice acting the stories for both of the games are really interesting.

*Edit* I glossed over the part where you said "besides the art and combat...", but those two elements are what makes ZC stand out the most.
I didn't enjoy actually playing the first game that much but it's like being in an interactive Yes album cover and I definitely want some more of that


Zeno Clash reminded me of Breakdown at first. There aren't too many first person brawlers out there. Both Breakdown and Xeno Clash are weird, hybrid first person games with mysterious worlds, settings, and characters. Although, after playing both Zeno Clash 1 and 2, I think Ace Team has more satisfying/crunchy melee combat than Namco's Breakdown (which was pretty fucking crunchy on its own). The game even has Zelda-like tools which can be used to solve puzzles. These same tools can be used in combat as well. The tools/items are unique as shit too. I don't think I've ever played a game with these kinds of artifacts. How they're used and what you manipulate with these items is really interesting. All the items/tools are tired into the narrative/story as well. The small details which matter the most are covered in spades here.

As I said in my last post, given more time and a larger budget, these guys could do REALLY GOOD things. It's all there in Zeno Clash 2. I'd say these guys can only get better.
Update 1.02

1.1 GIG patch!

Zeno Clash 2 Version 1.02 is up!
Fixes / Improvements:

-Gamepad buttons appear in tutorials / gameplay when playing with controller.
-Improved Russian localization. (Still not final)
-Fixed unresponsive weapons bug.
-Added +1 / +3 indicator when picking up skill totems.
-Added flashing bar indicator when picking up power shards.
-Fixed leaderboards screen navigation.

Coop Fixes:

-Fixed targeting, grabbing and throwing issues on the client side player.
-Rimat now kicks with weapons.
-Fixed Ghat sounds on Multiplayer games.
-Fixed Rimat's pre-dying animation bug in coop.
-Fixed Bully achievement.


-Slightly increased chain weapon damage.
-Slightly increased health item values.
-Slightly reduced HP of enemies appearing in large crowds.

*** As of now if you have any new issues please report them in this thread. The original "General bugs thread" has been unpinned (but we're still looking at it). Too many of the old issues have already been fixed, so it is better to follow up new stuff here. Here is a link to the old thread in case you want to look it up:


These guys are so responsive.

Picked up both games during the sale. Jumped into ZC2 first, but it was, rightly, confusing as shit to me. So i picked up ZC and gave it a whirl. Ended up loving it, its mental as shit, and the combat was great fun. Didnt like how it only had a few different enemy types (as fantastically designed as they were), and didnt like its propensity for throwing you into group battles right after just finishing a big fight, made for some really tough fights. but, overall, ti was damn enjoyable. So now ive restarted ZC2 and am feeling it alot more. Cant wait to press on with it :D
Woah, busy thread here...

Anyways, just finished ZC2 last night. Loved it from start to finish. Well, the start was actually a bit rough. In fact i stopped playing it after 3 hours, bought ZC1 in the steam sale, and started that instead. (i had assumed wrongly that you wouldnt really need to have played the original). I ended up getting hooked on ZC1 and ploughed through it in a few hours, then restarted ZC2. So glad i did, the game is just brilliant. The first coupel hours are a bit confusing even if youve played the original, its quite a bit different and less linear, but the map is fairly shitty to use and it can be totally confusing trying to remember where shit is in Halstedom.
But, once you give it a few hours its a game that just clicks. The combat is great, really brutal, much improved on Zc1. The art, and world design is FUCKING MENTAL. I absolutely loved it. It totally sucked me in. For a game whos story i initially dismissed as nonsense, i wound up getting totally involved in it. And the story is actually damn good. Not in an ironic 'so bad its good' way that you might think, but actually really intriguing.
The last few areas in the game jsut flew by for me, i couldnt put it down, By the time i got to pink tower, i was practically on sensory overload, every new scene was greeted with a "what the FUCK...".
Anyway, yeah, its a great game. You all should play it.
Also, one of the devs replied to a comment i made on steam about the game

What did you not like about the first one?

It's been so long I can't even really elaborate on what my issues with the gameplay were in the first game. I remember being bored/annoyed by the combat, but all I remember specifically is the visuals.

That's how it's going to be here, too. I don't find the combat satisfying at all. I cringe whenever I have to fight a bunch of guys at once, it's just slow and totally repetitive. No enemy variation at all, small arsenal of moves, obnoxious having to deal with mobs. And I just can't seem to gauge distance properly, I'm constantly whiffing and coming up an inch short of their faces. Even more annoying when trying to hit the midget characters. The feel of the combat just sucks.

The larger scope here also bothers me. It's about as "open" as Uncharted, most of the time you're just walking down paths with beautiful scenery on either side cordoned off by ankle high rocks or something, and you can't jump or climb or talk or do anything but run until your next fight. There's little interaction. It's just a web of small paths with the one or two big areas offering little incentive to run around in. The linearity in the first game didn't bother me because I was just there for the visuals anyway... it was a guided tour through a dream world with some perfunctory gameplay. Now you can go to off the beaten paths to less beaten paths to find items, almost never of any substance, and do lots of pointless backtracking through the static world. I wish the warp points were marked on the HUD. I wasn't expecting much in terms of its open-endedness, and was still disappointed and actively annoyed by the way the world and geometry is laid out.

The story sucks. The characters are unlikeable and I didn't give a shit where I was going or why. But I kept going because the game looks amazing and I wanted to see what's next. It's so inspired and always interesting. And that's good enough for me, I got exactly what I wanted out of this game, I enjoyed it.


I'm a few hours in, just went up North and got sent East. How much more do I have to go?

A very pleasantly weird game. Gameplay is solid, if a little slow for my tastes. If it's anything like ZC1, I'll probably spend a bunch of time in the tower just wasting fools.


New Game Mode: Rock of Ages!?!
Need a break from all that punching? You’re in luck because the Rock of Ages wants to crash the party! So we’re rolling out a brand new game mode! Get prepared to smash your enemies into dust... Then smash them some more!

The silliest videogame crossover ever created! Zeno Clash meets Rock of Ages!

- New “Rock of Ages” single-player mode: Use the Rock of Ages to crush wave-after-wave of foes.
- Added Leaderboard for “Rock of Ages” mode.

Bug fixes:

- Fixed co-op bug where the client was unable to resume locking onto a tagged opponent.
- Fixed Colosseum bug where enemies could path behind the perimeter walls.
- Fixed invisible allies that help in Colosseum mode.
We are just a few days from announcing our upcoming new game, which is our new major development being done in the studio. It isn't a Zeno Clash or Rock of Ages - it is something new. So stay tuned for future announcements. We'll be showing some new exciting stuff soon!


I just won this from the Steam giveaway topic.

I really went into this blind, just knew it was "that weird game"

ok the gameplay does kind of blow but what in the unholy fuck at the surrealness of this game. Totally fucking bizarre, and AWESOME for that. I'm perfectly glad to play shit gameplay to experience this nonsense world :D
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