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Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward |OT| -- More Hours, More Persons, More Doors



Starting on the upper left T (counting T as 1) you count 15 spaces clockwise and land on the S, then you go 7 spaces counterclockwise (don't count S again) and land on the P.
I also got confused that I am supposed to count the starting T, but for all other purposes I never should count the letter I am starting on (for the secret password and for the counterclockwise moves). They should have drawn a separate Start field right next to the T.

Ah. Now I get it. I was doing the hours first, then the minutes. Bizarre how it matches up when it's just 1 piece instead of the 4, though. Oo


Was watching some 3DS gameplay videos for comparison purposes since I'm playing on Vita. They were in the lounge section. Regarding the golden file puzzle with the cocktails... I think perhaps I might've solved it by mistake!

You're supposed to realize the bartender is seeing them from a different perspective and therefore mom and son's drinks should be switched... However, my train of thought was based on the drink's names and their relation to the lunar eclipse theme, which I might've mistook to be a hint but am really not sure wether or not that's the case...
I ended up solving it because during a lunar eclipse, the moon turns red (RED PLANET) because the sunlight bounces off the ocean (BLUE OCEAN). And I took the whole solar reflection (key word, here) thing to mean the drinks were mirrored.

I highly doubt that's what the game intended, but I found it funny that my farfetched logic still landed me the right solution, despite being technically wrong.

I'm not sure what to make of these constant "think outside the box" type solutions for the secondary puzzles... On the one hand they're quite fun, but at the same time I feel they're a tad bit too inaccessible, effectively rendering the game slightly unfair to those with more streamlined thought patterns. It's a somewhat exclusionary design choice... I like it, and since they're optional it's not a big deal, but impartially speaking, I'm not sure how I feel about them.
Usually, I would manage to get on the right track for both answers at about the same time, and it was just a matter of following one to the end before backing up and doing the other. I even remember at least one occasion where I found the hidden answer first, and was left scratching my head for a moment wondering how the heck I was supposed to find the main answer!

The most notable stumper for me was the infirmary. That was one of the few times I had to look up the answer online, and I was still shaking my head in confusion once I saw it.


The pantry nutrition puzzle is supreme bullshit. Easy, but suuuuuch a fucking chore. Always going back and forth between menus, what a fucking pain in the ass. Boo, chunsoft... Booo!


Lol... The Myrmidon password deciphering bit. Ridiculous design choice. Prohibiting me from touching the screen made it even dumber.
This game is awesome, but some bits are just terribly designed. =p


So I just got my first ending, the
one. What the hell happened? And it ended so abruptly, too. Having played 999 and Ever 17 I can see where it's all going to though.


So I just got my first ending, the
one. What the hell happened? And it ended so abruptly, too. Having played 999 and Ever 17 I can see where it's all going to though.

Don't think too much and just choose another option via the flow chart. :)
On your way to the true end you will see everything so don't worry about any order.


So, some parts of the flowchart are hidden? I thought it was weird that a novel segment should go on for that long, but then another escape portion started and the flowchart got expanded.


So, some parts of the flowchart are hidden? I thought it was weird that a novel segment should go on for that long, but then another escape portion started and the flowchart got expanded.

It's not to spoil the entirety of the surprise. In some cases branches will end where you see them end, in other they will continue on. That way you won't be able to guess that yeah, this is where it truly ends, or you get near something that looks like an ending but you can see from the flowchart it should go on for quite some more time.


It's not to spoil the entirety of the surprise. In some cases branches will end where you see them end, in other they will continue on. That way you won't be able to guess that yeah, this is where it truly ends, or you get near something that looks like an ending but you can see from the flowchart it should go on for quite some more time.

Yeah, that's a great way to implement this system. Before I hit that part, I though that the flowchart negatively affected the sense of tension (so prominent in 999), but I understand how it works now.


The Tangram puzzle is an absolute disgrace.

It simply will not recognize my correct answer. Thought I was doing it wrong so I looked it up. Nope, it just doesn't recognize it. What the fuck, chunsoft? WHAT. THE. FUCK.

Edit: I've tried rearranging in several different positions. Can't win. It doesn't recognize the damn thing. You made a game that's impossible to complete without cheating, Chunsoft, congrats!
Why are there so mant terrible puzzles in the damn game? Oo
The VN sections are amazing, and yet this crap, which is the easiest to nail, is where they screw up... I don't understand.


The Tangram puzzle is an absolute disgrace.

It simply will not recognize my correct answer. Thought I was doing it wrong so I looked it up. Nope, it just doesn't recognize it. What the fuck, chunsoft? WHAT. THE. FUCK.

Edit: I've tried rearranging in several different positions. Can't win. It doesn't recognize the damn thing. You made a game that's impossible to complete without cheating, Chunsoft, congrats!
Why are there so mant terrible puzzles in the damn game? Oo
The VN sections are amazing, and yet this crap, which is the easiest to nail, is where they screw up... I don't understand.

Post a picture of your solution.

EDIT: Just redid the puzzle and had no problems. Are you maybe making the pieces overlap? You shouldn't do that.


Post a picture of your solution.

EDIT: Just redid the puzzle and had no problems. Are you maybe making the pieces overlap? You shouldn't do that.

As you can imagine, at that point I'd already moved on and just input the password.

But the solution was the correct one, I checked online. The game just didn't recognize it. I did overalp at first, but then realized that could be it and changed it so it didn't. In several different positions. It didn't recognize the solution at all.

The less said about how clunky the puzzle interface was the better, but this was just absurd. These escape sections make mobile games look amazing by comparison, as far as gameplay's concerned. I'm starting to regret buying the Vita version, something tells me the 3DS is probably far superior when it comes to the precision of the gameplay.

Anyway, this was my solution (even though this is just someone else's pic from google):
(had to edit it, the other pic couldn't be linked)



I just got this game last night.

Should I do a couple playthroughs before reading a guide?

Why would you even read a guide, lol? It did make sense in 999 (where it was easy to keep track of what combination you already tried), but in VLR you can see the whole flowchart and you can just explore it as you see fit.


I just got this game last night.

Should I do a couple playthroughs before reading a guide?

Don't use a guide for story paths, the game leads you naturally to the conclusions. If you get stuck on a puzzle or something sure.. But never look up story blocks or passwords, if you can't get past that section of the story it's because you still don't have the necessary information to.


Why would you even read a guide, lol? It did make sense in 999 (where it was easy to keep track of what combination you already tried), but in VLR you can see the whole flowchart and you can just explore it as you see fit.

i didn't know that until 1 hour into the game. :p


As you can imagine, at that point I'd already moved on and just input the password.

But the solution was the correct one, I checked online. The game just didn't recognize it. I did overalp at first, but then realized that could be it and changed it so it didn't. In several different positions. It didn't recognize the solution at all.

The less said about how clunky the puzzle interface was the better, but this was just absurd. These escape sections make mobile games look amazing by comparison, as far as gameplay's concerned. I'm starting to regret buying the Vita version, something tells me the 3DS is probably far superior when it comes to the precision of the gameplay.

Anyway, this was my solution (even though this is just someone else's pic from google):
(had to edit it, the other pic couldn't be linked)
That's too bad. I really wanted to see why the game wouldn't recognize your solution.

Did you click the ''check''' button in the bottom right to test your solution?

Using the stylus is undoubtedly more precise than using your fingers and having 2 screens to display information comes in handy but some puzzles, like this tangram one, still suffer from interface issues. On the flip side, you don't have to worry about your save data getting corrupted and having to start over.


I'm currently doing the rightmost path and it's kinda weird that
Alice chooses "ally" if you choose "betray" while choosing "betray" if you choose "ally"
. Don't recall it happening on the leftmost path (I explored it fully, well, as much as I could).

All right, now Sigma himself noticed it. I guess this is where he realizes that he's plugged into the MORPHOGENETIC field or something lol. What would happen if I picked "betray" the first time around, would the dialogue be different?


I'm currently doing the rightmost path and it's kinda weird that
Alice chooses "ally" if you choose "betray" while choosing "betray" if you choose "ally"
. Don't recall it happening on the leftmost path (I explored it fully, well, as much as I could).

All right, now Sigma himself noticed it. I guess this is where he realizes that he's plugged into the MORPHOGENETIC field or something lol. What would happen if I picked "betray" the first time around, would the dialogue be different?
My memory may be hazy, so don't quote me on this.
I chose betray first and when I later chose ally, Sigma was dumbfounded. When he asked for clarification, Alice turned all smug and said that he was an idiot for trusting a stranger.


My memory may be hazy, so don't quote me on this.
I chose betray first and when I later chose ally, Sigma was dumbfounded. When he asked for clarification, Alice turned all smug and said that he was an idiot for trusting a stranger.

Oh, then it was a bit different for me.

My "ally" dialogue was the same, Alice said Sigma was a fool and all that. But when I subsequently chose "betray", Sigma was very surprised by Alice's choice of "ally" and said multiple times that "it was different last time" (which is how it actually was from my, the player's, perspective), but everybody just shrugged it off.


This coloured dice puzzle is supremely annoying. The controls are awful and I also accidentally
put in a dice with a wrong number while trying for the secret password, which gave me the escape password and made me do it all over again.

I generally dislike puzzles in this games. They are stupid and the controls are bad. It was much better in 999.


This coloured dice puzzle is supremely annoying. The controls are awful and I also accidentally
put in a dice with a wrong number while trying for the secret password, which gave me the escape password and made me do it all over again.

I generally dislike puzzles in this games. They are stupid and the controls are bad. It was much better in 999.

Yeah, many of the puzzles in VLR are unnecessarily complicated. I enjoyed the puzzles in 999 more too.


What's so bad about it? It's fair, clear and quite easy.

In retrospect, saying it was the worst was too much, but it was a such pain connecting those dots on the 3DS. You have to actually draw those lines (unlike the Vita version) and it's very easy to screw up while drawing (which means that you have to draw the whole thing again).


In retrospect, saying it was the worst was too much, but it was a such pain connecting those dots on the 3DS. You have to actually draw those lines (unlike the Vita version) and it's very easy to screw up while drawing (which means that you have to draw the whole thing again).

Oh, I didn't know that. While I actually own both versions, I only played the Vita version.


Finished the game today. Woah, what a ride. Overall I really liked the story, although it lacked much of the original game's tension. The puzzles were a major disappointment though, most of them were boring and/or had bad controls.

A few thoughts about the ending:

Phi is somehow Kyle.

Snake from 999 is somehow connected to Free the Soul. Clover described his fans in such a way that they were like a religious group. He might be Brother.

? from the secret ending is the player, that's probably just a fourth wall breaking stunt.

I didn't quite understand why Akane was wearing a Free the Soul robe in the secret ending.

Something I don't quite understand. So the AB project was a success and old Sigma sent his conciousness back into 2027, tried to stop Radical-6 and failed losing his arms and his eye in the process and then switched back, leaving the young Sigma to set up the AB project. How and when do they get out of this loop? It seems that AB project didn't really achieve its true purpose. I wish the ending wasn't such a cliffhanger, especially with prospects of VLR 3 being as unclear as they are.

EDIT: Oh, and some more.

What exactly happened in Clover's ending? Why did everybody committed suicide and why didn't they do it in other timelines? I also found it weird that everybody was infected with Radical-6, but only Alice and Quark ever showed some actual symptoms. And what was up with Sigma in the director's office, when he seemed to slow down a great deal? His brain should had already been slowed down considerably!


I just started this and im already stumped. I got the green keycard in the first room, and i haven't the fucking foggiest idea what to do now.
I just started this and im already stumped. I got the green keycard in the first room, and i haven't the fucking foggiest idea what to do now.
Are you in the elevator?

You need to check everything. The goal is to solve the mini-puzzles in the room in order to get the combination for the safe. (There are actually two combos.)


Are you in the elevator?

You need to check everything. The goal is to solve the mini-puzzles in the room in order to get the combination for the safe. (There are actually two combos.)

I've played 999 what feels like eons ago, but jesus.

I was trying to figure out the poster, and im like "80, 18... 98? no that's not it, 11 total, so 1 on each side and one on the door? no. old people want to start life at 80 and work down, so should the old have 18 somehow and young 80? nope"

Then i looked it up and it was 7 old people and 4 babies and zero for zero (rabbits).

What. I never would have thought of that.
I've played 999 what feels like eons ago, but jesus.

I was trying to figure out the poster, and im like "80, 18... 98? no that's not it, 11 total, so 1 on each side and one on the door? no. old people want to start life at 80 and work down, so should the old have 18 somehow and young 80? nope"

Then i looked it up and it was 7 old people and 4 babies and zero for zero (rabbits).

What. I never would have thought of that.
You're overthinking this a lot.

There are a few puzzles in this game that are a bit obtuse, but this one is pretty straight forward.

Just remember that there are two combos for each room, so some mini-puzzles have multiple solutions, or some parts of the overall room will be optional. If you got through 999, you can definitely handle this.


Finished the game today. Woah, what a ride. Overall I really liked the story, although it lacked much of the original game's tension. The puzzles were a major disappointment though, most of them were boring and/or had bad controls.

A few thoughts about the ending:

Phi is somehow Kyle.

Snake from 999 is somehow connected to Free the Soul. Clover described his fans in such a way that they were like a religious group. He might be Brother.

? from the secret ending is the player, that's probably just a fourth wall breaking stunt.

I didn't quite understand why Akane was wearing a Free the Soul robe in the secret ending.

Something I don't quite understand. So the AB project was a success and old Sigma sent his conciousness back into 2027, tried to stop Radical-6 and failed losing his arms and his eye in the process and then switched back, leaving the young Sigma to set up the AB project. How and when do they get out of this loop? It seems that AB project didn't really achieve its true purpose. I wish the ending wasn't such a cliffhanger, especially with prospects of VLR 3 being as unclear as they are.

EDIT: Oh, and some more.

What exactly happened in Clover's ending? Why did everybody committed suicide and why didn't they do it in other timelines? I also found it weird that everybody was infected with Radical-6, but only Alice and Quark ever showed some actual symptoms. And what was up with Sigma in the director's office, when he seemed to slow down a great deal? His brain should had already been slowed down considerably!

Akane was wearing the free the Soul robe because she was infiltrated in the organization, they told you that in the Young Akane ending if im not mistaken.
I don't remember the exact specifics of the mind switcheroos but there are plenty of explanations online, google it. "VLR ending explanation" or something along those lines.
In Clover's ending they all killed themselves one after the other because the emotional shock around that ending's circumstances caused the symptoms to kick in much earlier and they fell into despair and gave up basically.
Read the spoiler Q&A with Uchikoshi on Aksys website here http://virtueslastreward.com/qahome/ , it might help you get some of your answers too.


Only 2 endings left to go!
The more I play, the more I think this should've just been a pure VN. Some of the puzzles are good, but the majority are either obtuse, dumb or poorly designed. Sometimes all 3 of those at once.

Story keeps delivering, though.
Will probably space the true ending for a few days from now and play from the beginning without skipping anything.

In Japanese. The english dub isn't bad, but a lot of the characters completely miss the characterization the original VAs went for and deviate from their originally intended personalities. This is why dubs are almost always inferior, VAs don't seem to care about the author's intents...

Regarding Luna's Route... I love that the devs think I'm supposed to remember stuff I saw days and weeks ago.
I'm talking about the ID and Password for the computer.
This is absolutely terrible design. I either cheat or flail about for hours bactracking through the other routes. Nice one Chunsoft!

Jesus, the "game" as pects in this game are so bad...

Edit 2:
Oh wow... The bomb passwords are the same. This is just hilariously bad.

Eit 3:
Just completed it. Pretty nice. Wasn't wowed, though.
Expected T to be Santa, not Junpei.

Snake from 999 is somehow connected to Free the Soul. Clover described his fans in such a way that they were like a religious group. He might be Brother.


And I kept wondering about Sigma's slowdown you mentioned as well... They gave us no closure on that.


So I just finished 999 and VLR, played them back to back over about a month.

999: Thought it was absolutely perfect.
VLR: Loved the journey, an still mulling over the conclusion. First impressions: too much at the end. Just....too fucking much.

Well definitely post more detailed thoughts later. Really amazing couple of games though, really hope we see the third game someday.


VLR final thoughts(for now at least)

I'm still kinda ruminating on the whole thing. Last night my immediate impressions after finishing it were: that was kinda fucking lame. I hated Akane and thought that the whole thing was just too overly complicated. I've softened up on both of those after thinking about it for a while though. Overall it was amazing but the ending is actually still really difficult to come to grips with.

Guess I'll just start out with character stuff. First off I'll say that I feel like Clover was kind of an unnecessary addition to the story. I get that they needed an esper, but did it really have to be Clover? Unless I missed something major, the fact that it was her specifically there didn't come up much. I feel like her and Alice are like a single character since their actions are often mirrored or supported by one another. I was pretty disappointed that there was nothing more involving them with Akane and Junpei than a couple lines of dialogue at the end.

K was actually one of my favorite characters throughout, really dug how mysterious he/she was. When his mask first came off I wat'd so hard. Also such a great OH SHIT moment when Akane takes off the armor in the true ending. Kyle was....eh I don't know. Felt like he was kind of a player surrogate in that final little section. His backstory was sad though.

Dio was a great villain. Also, fuck Dio forever. Him being a villain was actually one of the few predicable things in the game, though his background was still cool to discover. Also interesting how they mention that Ace was a member of Free the Soul, shows that they've been around for quite a while. Also while reading discovered that the robe Snake is in in 999 has a Free the Soul logo on it...as does Akane's robe in the flashback to 2029.

Luna is great. Her being a robot just made so much sense as the game went on. Was suspicious as soon as the Three Rules of Robotics thing came up and I connected that to her always choosing ally. And my suspicions were confirmed not long after. Always find the question of robots gaining sentience to be really interesting, loved the reveal that she had actually gone against her orders and deactivated Zero Jr. Cockney Gol-M was amazing too, dat voice acting.

Phi is one big fucking crazy question mark for me. For starters, I hate her attitude through most of the game. Felt like it was so hard to relate to her actions in a lot of cases because I had no idea what her past was or what her motivations are. They revealed next to nothing about her in this game and it's kind of infuriating. For someone who's supposed to be so important to the AB game you'd think they'd let us in on the reasons more. What was she doing before the Mars test site? How was she even involved? How did Akane know about her esper powers? I assume this is all stuff they will go over in the third game. If you have any insight to any of this, please let me know. I did like her lighter moments though and I appreciated her vindictive streak even if it totally made me hella mad at times. I think it's a good thing that I'm really craving to know more about her.

For Sigma, I'll start with him before you find out he's Zero Sr. I really liked him, felt like his morals were on point and he was pretty funny. I liked him more right off the bat than I did Junpei. Then you find out you were actually an old ass man the whole time which is crazy! Some of the stuff got funnier, the swimsuit stuff in particular, but I also feel weird about unknowingly playing as an old man the whole time.

Junpei and Akane. This is a biiiiiiiiiiig one. I'll start with Junpei. It's really, really sad that he spent his whole life looking for Akane. I was happy to find out he had a life after though, a life with Quark who he obviously REALLY cared about. The whole concept of "lost love" is something I really get into. When two characters really want to be together but there are things keeping them apart. In this case it was Akane's goals overriding her love for Junpei while he spent his whole life looking for her. At the end of 999 I had this sense of hope that they would find each other and be able to live happily ever after. Kinda foolish in retrospect :p. My heart broke when Junpei said, "that's not the Akane I knew." And he was right, it wasn't.

But that all brings me to Akane Kurashiki. Her character is so fascinating, tragic, and frustrating. Gotta say, I was so happy when I found out the old woman was her. Figured there would be some super touching moments with her and Junpei at the end and I might get my happy ending. NOT SO. NOT SO AT ALL. Last night after I finished I was downright pissed off with her. How could she do all this? How could she intentionally let people die when she tried so hard to fight against the people who set up the first Nonary Game? So yeah I was pissed and indignant until I kind of realized I had her entire character wrong. She was never the girl she was portraying herself to be in 999. She was Zero, she was the orchestrated of all of this. But she was also a victim. She had DIED for no reason in the first Nonary Game. After that, she was never going to be the Akane that Junpei knew when they were kids. She was something else completely. Her quest for revenge was justifiable, to say the least.

But then in VLR here she is again, dragging more people in for "the greater good." I think her goals are noble but I will never not think that the greater good people are also kind of crazy. Especially when they're choosing to sacrifice other people for that goal. Especially Clover and Alice, they had their lives essentially stolen from them by Akane. At least at the end they reveal that there may be a way for them to go back to their time with their minds and bodies in tact. But even if she comes across as a heartless monster at times, there was that one line K tells Sigma that she said. Something about how she wishes more than anything she could have gone off with the person she loved but that it just wasn't an hoption for her. Junpei seemed to accept this though. He finally got closure on his end of the story. Akane isn't afforded such a luxury though. Her mind must be so fucked up from all the time jumping. Seeing all of these disasters over and over again, having the relive so much pain.

So stuff I'm still a bit confused on:
1. Who is Phi?
2. How were Phi and Sigma discovered by Akane in the first place?
3. How was Junpei involved in the Mars testing thing?

But yeah amazing game. Definitely liked 999 more, the story it told was way more relatable on an emotional level to me. Thought its' focus was so tight and it was just impeccably told. You were there to save the life of someone who had been so important to you in the past. VLR ratcheted everything up several notches. And by the time the "you have to save the world!" stuff came around I was kinda rolling my eyes like reeeally?
We're doing another humanity's fate rests in your hands thing? I will say this for VLR, I'm thinking much more intensely about the ending and what it means for the future than I did in 999. 999 took this crazy emotional toll while VLR is really getting my mind working.


I don't think anyone would argue that 999 isn't the better overall package... But they're both awesome VNs.

I share your "confusion" about Phi, too.


I don't think anyone would argue that 999 isn't the better overall package... But they're both awesome VNs.

I share your "confusion" about Phi, too.

Exception here, I found VLR better overall except the ending. But I'm biased since I played VLR first and then 999. Both are great though.
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