Gormless Noodle
I mean, there's recent precedent for involuntary manslaughter for pushing someone to suicide, so... it's hardly unthinkable. Especially when it's so well-documented, as it is here. In this context, it doesn't matter whether or not she made it up, just to be clear.
Would be nice to see actual consequences for this kind of shit, particularly with someone as openly and notoriously uppity as Zoe.
It kind of is unthinkable though. I believe I know what case you're referring to, but remember that one had a shitload of evidence of the girlfriend directly attempting to get her boyfriend to kill himself. If Quinn's accusation exists in a vacuum, with no private messaging between her and Alec that could be damning, then it's going to be reeeeeal shit to try and prove she did that with the intent of getting him to commit suicide. Most of us can see she clearly laid the groundwork for it and she was fully aware of what mental state he was in, but in a court it doesn't matter what's true, what matters is what you can prove.