Did anyone get theirs from Newegg yet?
I'm waiting on mine from TRU. Wish I had it now but I'm just grateful I'm seemingly one of the few people they didn't fuck over.
Did anyone get theirs from Newegg yet?
Does anyone know how to turn on Miiverse features in the game? Or are they on automatically?. I think I got a prompt to activate Miiverse but pressed no by accident since I was already using the touchscreen and can't see a option to turn it on.. Maybe it was for something else though, but still haven't run across any messages or any way to post my own graffiti. (Tho I guess that its because its a item you get later in the game?)
anywayz: Only played a couple hours and really enjoying it. I am glad its not super hard like Demon's Souls, since I could never get past 1-1 in that, but really hard yet in a managable way. Don't usually like hard games but really liking this so far. Just got to theTurrent section outside the Palace and got swarmed. Whats the point of putting a bed right outside to save if you don't start from there after you die?
Like Demon's Souls, I don't like how you can't get your gear from mutible lost survivors, only the very last one you can loot. Pretty useless if I keep dying before I can get to the survivor. My longest survivor as 45 minutes for a first one. Then that all went downhill lol.
Glad I bought it. Very intense and very fun. Glad its not really scary (by that I mean I know what to expect - Zombies - and not something unexpected like in other horror games.) and glad it isn't as hard as I believed it would be.
Did anyone get theirs from Newegg yet?
Mine's arriving tomorrow, shipped today, but it only has to travel from Edison, NJ to New York, NY
Some hilarious comments on Miiverse. I especially like that one that says "Gamespot: 4.5/10 because we can't play! [scriggly face]"
Really trying to enjoy the game but it's really frustrating when I'm doing great early on andthen get killed defending the safe house by a random horde. I killed about 4 zombies and then 2 more decide to come from outta nowhere and kill my ass.
Just seemed really cheap and put my off to the game. I'm gonna give it another shot though.
This game is amazing. Another zombie game getting strange unwarranted hate from certain review sites.
These actual hands-on impressions are starting to make me regret not buying it.
ThisI want this game so bad.
Had a good hour run with one survivor, then I spawn as an Unemployed punk complete with slightly sideways / backwards cap on. Bwahaha. I'm not sure he's going to make it very far.
Played some of this last night
Still trying to get used to the mechanics
The game is... not ugly, but it's very ... soft looking, like a filter or just cuz it was 720p or lower, dunno
The game could well be a fun ride but I haven't gotten far even past the Batcave
Also, to anyone wondering, this is NOT RED STEEL PART DEUX. If you got a Wii U and like survival horror get this game. Seriously.
So glad this is on the eShop.
Yeah, as I explore the environments and appreciate how detailed and atmospheric they are, it leaves me scratching my head wondering why Gamespot said the environments weren't well done. Didn't they also say the game wasn't scary? They were dead wrong, or they're robots who can feel no emotion.
Oh man I think I broke someone's heart tonight. They aren't a gaffer as far as I know but someone's zombie was teleported into my game with a 6900 survival score needless to say with mucho ammo and they were blocking my path of continuing so someone lost a lot of loot.
Current Survivor is a Major General so I feel pretty good lol
Same with me.
Damn 6900?!?!? I bet you that guy was fricken pissed when he found out his previous self was gone :lol. I know I would have been. You should have taken a pic and miiverse'd it just to gloat!
Thanks. Too bad but I really like the look and feel they created would be awesome to have more interaction in a sequel.Not very much interaction from my short play time. You can scuff the wall by hitting it with your bat, you can kick some things around, but a lot of it is just there (ie; you can't start bashing monitors, cars, or knock stuff off tables).
For instance, I wanted to attract a couple of zombies not too fargz from me, so that I could run back for cover and pick them off one by one. There was a grocery cart near me, so I wailed on it with my bat, but it didn't budge, or make any realistic sound. They didn't even notice me.
It's not really destroying my fun playing it, but a bit more interaction with the world would have made the immersion better.
Oh man I think I broke someone's heart tonight. They aren't a gaffer as far as I know but someone's zombie was teleported into my game with a 6900 survival score needless to say with mucho ammo and they were blocking my path of continuing so someone lost a lot of loot.
Current Survivor is a Major General so I feel pretty good lol
Had a good hour run with one survivor, then I spawn as an Unemployed punk complete with slightly sideways / backwards cap on. Bwahaha. I'm not sure he's going to make it very far.
After 7 hours and 42 minutes, my first survivor bit the dust in Buckingham Palace. Here's to Elijah Smith - it strangely felt bad having to bash his head in to get my stuff back.
Survivor #2 (Molly) is currently at the three hour mark. We'll see if she can beat Elijah in life expectancy.
It reminds me so much of Condemned; a game that I feel was massively under appreciated. If you liked Condemned, I think it's safe to say you'll love this.