I'm still trying to fill up my friends list, so ZombiU players, please add me. same name as here. be sure to write 'gaf' in the invite. expect to get lots of notifications about me having died. I've been posting quite a lot of screens and what have you as a I play games on miiverse.
I'll be writing up a big long opinion piece / review at some point, but suffice it to say so far... I'm loving it. Worries about the melee combat being boring like it is in SH2 were completely unfounded. Even isolated zombies have little margin for error. One mistimed swing at the wrong time, and a fully healed, fully kitted out survivor is down and out.
Now I just need to work on keeping them alive for more than twenty minutes, because the rare occasions I've been able to do that, is when the game started getting REALLY tense.