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ZombiU |OT| Zombi Emergency! WiiU WiiU WiiU WiiU


Welp I just reach the Church after having lost stupidly 2 or so survivors....
I only needed to run like hell in this place and I would end up being ok....
You get dragged into an arena and you have to survive using bombs and all? Seeing I can't aim for shit, I think I'm fucked...
Predictably the lil girl was a trap...
Why isn't wiimote aiming in that game?
i thought the arena was the best part of the game. (that and the ending)
i only died once on my first try cause i blew myself up with a mine..


Junior Member
Just blew it on my 2nd try on Survivor. Damn, it's demoralizing. One wrong step or decision and ur screwed. First time, I tried to take on a red zombie with just the bat. He just bit me and didn't allow me to use the injection.

Now, I tried to finish the arena. I was 8 hours in. Tried to shoot a red barrel, then run by it. I've seen someone do it on youtube. That thing blew right in my face. Like a bad porn, I felt terrible after it. So close.

What happens when you fail to finish after making the
on Survivor? Is it game over?


GF got the nursery bug (
basement door just won't open
). Is there any way to get past that point, or does she have to wait for this patch?

Same thing happened to me last night. Is this patch ever coming? or Do I have to start all over again?


Hi, I'm stuck early in this game. The objective is "get inside the supermarket", but I've been in there already and scanned two CCTV cameras. When I'm outside the supermarket, the objective marker on the map points to the door to the supermarket. When I'm inside, the objective marker is on the exit door. So if I follow the marker I end up running in an endless loop in and out of the supermarket.

Has anybody else had this problem? Thanks in advance.

EDIT - googled around a bit and it seems like this is a game-breaking bug that hasn't been fixed. Yay.


30% Failure Rate
Patch Fixes:

. On Mission 12, in the Nursery MAP, the interaction with the door in the basement of nursery was missing at rebirth if specific steps were followed.
. On Mission 13, in the Gas Station MAP, a Mission object that is mandatory to complete the objective was missing if specific steps were followed.
. On Mission 14, in the Circus MAP, if the player died right after recovering his Backpack, and rebooted the Wii U console, the objective was not updated.
. On Mission 15, in the Bunker MAP, the Panacea disappeared after the Player died while downloading it. However the objective remained the same (download Panacea).
. On Mission 10, in the Tower MAP, the Objective "Secure landing site" was not validated if specific steps were followed.
. On Mission 15, in the Bunker MAP, if specific steps were followed, the Player might get stuck in the Bunker after he took Doctor's eye / Panacea because a Ladder disappeared.
. On Mission 16, in the MAP Safe House, the iron curtain in the Safe House lacked of collision during Mission 16. This Bug could lead to a scoring exploit on leaderboards.
. In the Safe House MAP, the Player saw a placeholder text when he dragged & dropped an item from the Blue Box to his holsters following certain steps.
. On Mission 12 or 15, in the Nursery MAP, the game crashed if the Player burned the Zombi Nurse while she died.
. Zombies animations transitions.
. Online messages spawned in the first section of the MAPs.
. Scanner's start volume.
. Uplay cricket bat Cast Shadow has been removed.
. Optimizations of the framerate"

Patch is 18MB

Source: Ubisoft via Coffee With Gamers
This is the first time I've actually been too scared no continue lol. Ugh my damn heart. I feel sadistic too, I will only play this at night :p


I played an hour or two of Zombi U now that the patch is out, and I think the game's pretty good so far! I lost my first survivor to (early spoilers)
an electric(?) zombie outside the supermarket
and never made it back to him; luckily I stockpiled some ammo and health items back at the safe house, and he did complete his
assignment. The atmosphere is really good, and I quite enjoy creeping around.

Having said that, I do have a question regarding playstyle. Am I supposed to be boarding up the doors leading to the safe house? I ask because (again, fairly early spoilers)
I ended up facing a zombie invasion before I could attempt to return to the supermarket, and a whole lot of zombies came in—I know there's a turret outside, and I guess I was supposed to be able to make it there before the zombies were too close? Or should I just get better at combat?
I lost about four or five survivors to that part, and I'm inclined to think I should have done something differently to avoid that situation.


Okay, thanks. I guess I'll just have to improve my combat skills then!

EDIT: I'm getting a bit better at this! I made it to the
before returning to the safe house for the night. I like how the pace seems to be quite slow and methodical—at least the way I'm playing, for the most part. I made it past the
turret section after getting the lockpick
, meaning I actually survived a more action-heavy sequence. I'm not sure how I felt about that part, even if I did make it through with a single survivor; it did feel pretty intense, but
the endless waves of zombies coming at me only to get mowed down
just felt a little out of place in my opinion. Oh well. I feel pretty accomplished because I've successfully reclaimed the loot from one of my survivors now, which let me take a pretty nice gun back to the safe house. I'm building up a little store back there just in case I hit a wall later on and need some better equipment.


Just got this and been playing a lot of multiplayer. Anybody else have huge problems looking down or up and quick turning with the wii remote? Really sucks balls and is super frustrating to an otherwise awesome mode.


Just got this and been playing a lot of multiplayer. Anybody else have huge problems looking down or up and quick turning with the wii remote? Really sucks balls and is super frustrating to an otherwise awesome mode.

Yeah the wiimote controls SUKK! Aiming is fine but as you said looking is terrible. I also do not approve of the ridiculously big oversized white crosshair you get when wiimoting. The Pro Controller is a must for multiplayer IMO...


I just beat this game a couple minutes ago! That last sequence in which you have to
scale the Tower of London
was pretty intense, but I think it would have been a bit more effective if
you hadn't done a very similar sequence a little earlier on in the game.
It took me about 20 hours and 17 survivors to clear the game, and it turns out that a new recruit cop was the one to
make it out of London alive
. The ending was a little abrupt, and I'm not sure why
they showed the final sequence of the Prepper before you had to rush to the Tower of London; I expected a little more to happen after getting on the helicopter
. I do feel a tad unfulfilled in that regard, despite the high tension in the final stretch. Having said that, the final moments of gameplay were still really intense;
I barely lasted until the helicopter was able to pick me up thanks to a last-minute flare, and had literally just lifted a grenade to finish off my pursuers when I was rescued

Overall, I really liked the game. I played it after the patch was released, so I didn't have any game-breaking bugs standing in the way of a positive experience. It is a little uneven on the technical side of things; this is pretty understandable given that it was a launch title, and one which changed shape a lot during development. Unfortunately this led to things like zombies flying up stairs if you hit them with the cricket bat, weird clipping errors that let me kill zombies through furniture, and so on.

Maybe as a result of this scattered development, I thought the worst parts of the game were those which felt like they didn't quite mesh with the rest of the content. Sequences in which you do something in an area and suddenly a slew of zombies starts to pour in—instantly knowing where you are of course—didn't feel quite right to me in a game that presented any encounter with more than one zombie as something of a challenge. Do these parts add tension? Sure! I don't want to lose my equipment! But going from no zombies in an area to maybe ten or fifteen that were all instantly out for my blood felt really at odds with what the game was trying to do; it would make sense that if I trigger an alarm, a whole bunch of zombies would hone in on my location, but when I'm supposed to be just a normal person who triggers zombie encounters by sight or sound, these sequences felt a little jarring. If there have to be swarms of zombies in the game, I would have liked the option to evade them (like two-thirds of the way through the game when
Prepper has to hack the door outside the nursery—but he really had no legitimate reason not to do so the first time
) or at least have a chance to hide or something so that they don't always make a beeline for my character.

I loved most of the normal sequences up to the second visit to
Buckingham Palace
, but the game
disabling the shortcuts
felt a little weird, even if I understand why it was done. In fact, the whole way the "point of no return" was handled struck me as quite odd; I actually returned a couple of times, and had no trouble
temporarily re-opening the sewer grates
when I lost a survivor near the end of the game. Prior to the very end of the game, the
sequence struck me as quite out-of-place as well—it felt a little like it should've been a separate mode with the way it broke the pace of the game, then later vanished with little consequence. And of course, I'm assuming you can't skip that section on subsequent playthroughs even though
you know the distress call is fake, and it adds nothing to the actual story
. Anyway, those are a few things I didn't like.

As for the rest? Pretty darn good, I think. The visuals were a bit uneven, but the dirty camera lens effect was neat (though unless Prepper installed cameras in everyone's eyes, I'm not sure why it was there). I felt like there was a bit of a spike in difficulty near the beginning when
the safe house comes under attack
, but seeing a whole bunch of other survivors spawn there later on makes me wonder if that was intended as a wake-up call in addition to a balancing mechanism that
occasionally gives you a chance to get nice gear right after spawning in the safehouse
. The other survivors and cryptic messages were cool, and could obviously act as either a help or a hinderance. I really liked the slow combat and overall creepiness, and the few puzzles like in the
where you
line up the Ravens of Dee symbol through the glass to unlock a code
were really cool, and I feel like more environmental puzzles would have fit well with the game's pace.

Overall, I had a great twenty hours, so I have to thank the users in this thread for recommending the game while it was on sale! This was a pretty scary title in my opinion; half the reason my playtime was likely a little on the higher end of the spectrum was because I crept so slowly down the halls and passages of London, dreading the next zombie encounter—in a good way. Hopefully as the game drops in price and more people pick up the Wii U in the future, they won't be afraid to give Zombi U a shot!


Going back a few posts in the thread:

Patch Fixes:
. On Mission 13, in the Gas Station MAP, a Mission object that is mandatory to complete the objective was missing if specific steps were followed.

So I'm guessing you can give it another shot? It doesn't sound like you would have to restart.


Unconfirmed Member
This game is great! I had some reserves due the mixed receptions and scenario (Zombies are a saturated genre), but I'm loving it so far. Best Horror game I have played since amnesia and top 3 of the HD-gen so far.

Technically, the game is middling but the overall ambient is very well done. I just wish I could play it at 5.1 surround, :( (Using headphones though the GamePad).


Man, I haven't played this game in a while. Thanks to that Miiverse Screenshot thread, now I just went into the game to play it again. :)


I just done with the
The Nursery
. Seriously, fuck that place...

This game is great!

I kind of wish I got to explore that area for the first time within the actual flow of the game. I saw it once during an E3 demo, then played it for the first time through the demo that was uploaded on the eShop. By the time I played it during the actual story, I already knew what to expect, though the part
in the basement with the teleporting zombie
was still really intense both times when I was in control. I probably should've gone on a more intense blackout before this game.

On a related note, did I miss something or does the game never explain where the
teleporting zombies
came from? They seemed semi-important during your first encounter, what with
the Prepper asking you to take a closer look, leading to the jump scare
, but then I don't remember coming across any further information about them.
I am interested to see if this comes to the PS3 with Vita support and if we will see it at E3. I've been wanting to play this but wouldn't buy a Wii U at this point for a few games till there are price drops.


I have this game lying around and I've been trying to play it but it just does nothing for me :/
I think the graphics and gameplay are ok but everytime I boot up the game it's like... I'll do it tomorrow but it always ends up in the shelve again.

I should sell it lol
That's a pity as I'm enjoying the game immensely.

managed to survive the showdown at st george's church. Got a bit lucky I must admit, pulled through first time

Is there a new game plus?

died at the tower of london before I could give the panacea to sondra.


Just bought my wii u and this is the game i got with it. Loving it so far!!

can people add me please, i dont have any friends on the wii since they are on pc ps3 and 360.

my nintendo id is: OmieeZF


So I beat the game last night and overall liked it but there were a couple things that lessened my experience.

The Arena. Fuck that place. Hard for the sake of being hard. Didn't fit the game design at all. Not fun at all.

I've just passed this sequence and fck, this was not amusing at all, and I lost my 5 hours survivor (my record) at the very end of my first attempt. It breaks all the rules of the game and all the tension that is created by the fact that you don't want lose *your* survivor... Suddently, and for five minutes of gameplay, you are thrown in a classic deathmatch arena of a classic FPS....

So disappointed, I loved this game before this betrayal :/

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I got this game for cheap on british amazon, and I'm pleasantly surprised by it so far. For some reason I thought this game wouldn't do anything for me, but it's quite interesting actually!


I ran into a bug recently that prevented me from finishing this game. I was at the very end too.

After downloading the Panacea and trying to escape, I died on the way back to the safe house. When I returned to my body, the Panacea was gone and was nowhere to be found. This was weird because the green objective marker is still stuck on where my dead body was. I went back to try and download another Panacea and that didn't work. I've concluded that there is no way for me to progress because the item I need has essentially vanished.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Got a Wii U yesterday and bought Zombi U and Mario U. Once I beat Mario, I'm jumping right into Zombi U. Can't wait!
I bought a cheap WiiU Premium for 160€ off eBay on the same day :p

Btw, where is the general WiiU games/community thread?
Just played about 40 minutes of the game before going to bed and I can tell I'm gonna love this game. The way they use the Game Pad is incredible too.
Man, this game is awesome but I am really bad at it. Mohammed Powell: Sushi Chef makes I think survivor # 24 for me, and I'm barely half way through the game.

And now all the zombies are electrified or on fire or teleporting. I'm screwed.
On the plus side, if you're on my friends list you're probably raking it in from all the survivors I'm losing. The way your former characters can wander into other people's games is one of the cooler features of this. When DCharlie smashed down a door behind me and tried to eat my face I nearly lost it, lol.
UGH. Had my best run, almost 3000 points, my survivor was loaded for bear, nothing could touch me, then cheese death. Pop out of a ventilation shaft, there's a radar jammer so I can't use my pad, walk over to smash it, then an infected that was lying dead on the floor pops up behind me and of course he's one of the exploding ones. Shoot-bang-cheap-dead.

She deserved better :(
Doh. I'm near the end of the game,
just downloaded the Panacea
I died and the game reset all the shortcuts. So now I have to walk back, manually unlocking them again :/

Great game, but still glitchy as fuck.


Neo Member
Okay, fuck this
thing. I must have lost 10 survivors and counting.

the Arena
is hard! I also died many times in this area.

has scared me to death.
Most annoying enemies are these
exploding zombies hiding in corners.
I have failed
in the last sequence and got the worst ending.


Been enjoying ZombiU quite a bit, and I've run into a few infected characters that belonged to other players. I was wondering how it all works?

Like last night I started a game in a safe house, and heard that familiar zombie growl. I pinged the motion detector and I had one zombie right outside my door. Turns out it was someone's infected character.
I thought it was weird that this zombie was literally right outside my door, and was wondering if this was because another player just happened to die right outside the same safehouse I was using? Are these literally fresh deaths from other players playing the game at the same time I am? And lastly if I kill this person's former character and take his/her loot, does that mean they've now lost the chance to reclaim their stuff?

Really cool game! Can't remember the last time I've been so cautious in navigating an enviroment.
I did end up finishing it right after my last post in this thread, but
since I'd died escaping the palace, it restarted me back at the safe house, and basically sent me straight to the end. But since I'd lost all my stuff, the end sequence was pretty much impossible so I died and got the bad ending :/ Worst part is, you can't play that save any more, so if I want another crack at it I have to play the whole game over again. AGH.

Been enjoying ZombiU quite a bit, and I've run into a few infected characters that belonged to other players. I was wondering how it all works?

Like last night I started a game in a safe house, and heard that familiar zombie growl. I pinged the motion detector and I had one zombie right outside my door. Turns out it was someone's infected character.
I thought it was weird that this zombie was literally right outside my door, and was wondering if this was because another player just happened to die right outside the same safehouse I was using? Are these literally fresh deaths from other players playing the game at the same time I am? And lastly if I kill this person's former character and take his/her loot, does that mean they've now lost the chance to reclaim their stuff?

Really cool game! Can't remember the last time I've been so cautious in navigating an enviroment.

If they're in your game, they've already lost their stuff. Basically, when you die, your next survivor has a chance to reclaim your gear. If that survivor dies trying then that zombie will wander into somebody else's game.
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