If you had read the thread it seems weird you had to ask, as it was explained. Of course you're entitled to disagree with that, I never implied anything but that. Unless you live there you don't have much of a say in it though.
I whole heartedly disagree.
So unless you live there you're not entitled to an opinion?
So the US has no say on anything that goes on in Iraq or Afghanistan or Iran or anywhere else apart from the US?
Well last time I checked.......
You're absolutely right. That's why they're confined to secure institutions with a complete curtailing of freedom and privacy. We don't treat other humans like that.
Try clicking a bit more. You might learn something.
Oh I'm very knowledgable in this subject thank you very much, more than most probably.
Having worked in a prison they have more freedoms and privacy in such a confined space than most people in Africa and poor people throughout the world.
Where would you rather be, starving with possible diseases, no medical facilities, no schooling or poor schooling, drinking dirty water if you even get any that is and rags as clothes, no job or such a poor paying one that there is a constant worry to make ends meet, do I need to go on?
Or in a prison with a PS2, 3 square meals a day, your own toilet and bed, gym facilities, social groups, skill training, medical care all for free etc.
No offence, but maybe some of you guys need to look at the bigger picture here and step out from the bubble that you seem to be living in.
The world isn't all roses and unicorns, if you think that people in westernised prisons are treated 'poorly' enough to merit the place being worthy to such punishment for mass murders then quite frankly it doesn't surprise me that society is the way it is.
There probably isn't much point in continuing this discussion as it's clear that we are at total opposite ends of the spectrum on this issue, which is fair enough, I respect your opinion but I cannot say that I agree on it in the slightest.