Mass murderer Breivik threatened hunger strike over Rayman Revolution


Gold Member
I would give him a PC from 1995, a copy of MS-DOS and these two games only.

Burn in hell you fucking scumbag.

I remember cyberia!
Me and my brother put our allowances to purchase the game brandnew!! it was supposed to be the best game out!.. Sat down and installed it... and the game never ran... gave us a constant stream of errors because of I believe we did not have a supported SoundCard.


Fuck this guy. He deserves to be in an unlit room eating only mush and living on a cold floor the rest of his life

Even ET and Superman64 are too good for him


Boo-fucking-hoo, Breivik. Let me find my tiny violin, and play you a sad song. My heart bleeds, etc, etc.

Just to fuck with him, they should give him childrens books, really bad educational childrens games, and only serve him baby food, but even that is more than he deserves.
In order for this to be a proper argument you need to define morality as well as moral degradation, which is more a task for a book than a forum post. Additionally, the rate of immigration to Norway as predicted by the official Norwegian Bureau of Statistics (SSB) does not show a huge increase from 2012 to 2050 (12% of population to 17% of population).

It is very unlikely that Breivik will ever get out of prison, and you are making claims about a political system you clearly know very little about.

I know enough to know that 5% is a very significant demographic change and that your figures only account for legal immigrants. I've been to Sweden and Norway and the countries are being run amok by illegal immigrants from all kinds of middle eastern origins. The pizza businesses have been completely taken over by Kurds for example. Actually, these kinds of businesses have become dependent on this cheap, quasi-slave labour. But anyway, I don't know shit, whatever floats your boat.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Holy crap, people are for real on Breivik side in this thread? I guess going by some of the stuff that gets posted in the political themed threads around here that I shouldn't be shocked being how extreme left a lot of you guys are but man it still hits me like a punch to the gut.

Are you reading a totally different thread or do you like making things up in your head?


The pizza businesses have been completely taken over by Kurds for example.

oh the agony

the horror!

clearly, norway, with its almost non-existent homicide rate, miniscule recidivism rates, and low poverty is teetering on the edge of ruin with grave dangers like this lurking around the corner.

let norway stand as a grim reminder of what can happen with a country if it lets its supply of white people self respecting moral people dwindle to this extent.
oh the agony

the horror!

clearly, norway, with its almost non-existent homicide rate, miniscule recidivism rates, and low poverty is teetering on the edge of ruin with grave dangers like this lurking around the corner.

let norway stand as a grim reminder of what can happen with a country if it lets its supply of white people self respecting moral people dwindle to this extent.

This is kind of ironic considering why Breivik did what he did.. Right or wrong, whether he was one or not, he did it because of the immigrants.


This is kind of ironic considering why Breivik did what he did.. Right or wrong, whether he was one or not, he did it because of the immigrants.

i think shooting 77 people is wrong, even when it's about dirty brown people infecting glorious europe by impregnating the white women

but that's just me.
I heard you some places in Scandinavia can't even get served a kebab by an Aryan man, when you come home at night from drinking.

and to be clear I am not serious, what the hell has this thread developed into when you have to say that about a post like this
Holy crap, people are for real on Breivik side in this thread? I guess going by some of the stuff that gets posted in the political themed threads around here that I shouldn't be shocked being how extreme left a lot of you guys are but man it still hits me like a punch to the gut.

Yup, those few crazy far left people here who don't want to torture and murder him. Sometimes I can't breathe when I read all this hippie stuff here. /s
Gemüsepizza;101147348 said:
Yup, those few crazy far left people here who don't want to torture and murder him. Sometimes I can't breathe when I read all this hippie stuff here. /s

They gotta understand that he's none human though, so human rights shouldn't apply to him.


That is the worse possible conclusion that could be made about what he has done.

i love the implication there that we should allow policy to be influenced by the actions of crazy mass murderers

guess the people who disagree with breivik should go out and shoot 78 people at tuppleware parties or whatever to shift the tide in their favor
i love the implication there that we should allow policy to be influenced by the actions of crazy mass murderers

guess the people who disagree with breivik should go out and shoot 78 people at tuppleware parties or whatever to shift the tide in their favor

If that's what you gathered, then I don't know what to say to you. My argument was that weak punishment causes serious crime, even in educated and moral welfore societies because the influx of immigrants will abuse the system. People derailed the argument about Scandinavian justice completely with bullshit dismissals about immigrants being a non-issue and we got to the point that one had to ask why Breivik shot 77 people dead to make a point about a non-issue. And now stupidity has come full circle and we're back to square one, dismissing the guy as a crazy mass murderer (even though doctors and courts decided he is completely sane) and pointing fingers around to question each others morals while ignoring the fact of the matter; a) he got off easy, b) he was allowed to make his point, c) he's living in paradise compared to 90% of the world.

Demagoguery at its best GAF, keep it up.


If that's what you gathered, then I don't know what to say to you. My argument was that weak punishment causes serious crime, even in educated and moral welfore societies because the influx of immigrants will abuse the system. People derailed the argument about Scandinavian justice completely with bullshit dismissals about immigrants being a non-issue and we got to the point that one had to ask why Breivik shot 77 people dead to make a point about a non-issue. And now stupidity has come full circle and we're back to square one, dismissing the guy as a crazy mass murderer (even though doctors and courts decided he is completely sane) and pointing fingers around to question each others morals while ignoring the fact of the matter; a) he got off easy, b) he was allowed to make his point, c) he's living in paradise compared to 90% of the world.

Demagoguery at its best GAF, keep it up.

Paradise? i mean hey videogames are great and all but living the rest of your life without proper social interaction or the freedom to do as you please outside of the confines or a small room? yeah paradise... IF YOUR CRAZY

But hey if that isnt cutting it for you, lets send him back here to America... we all know how well our prison system works!
Paradise? i mean hey videogames are great and all but living the rest of your life without proper social interaction or the freedom to do as you please outside of the confines or a small room? yeah paradise... IF YOUR CRAZY

But hey if that isnt cutting it for you, lets send him back here to America... we all know how well our prison system works!

Yes. Paradise. Believe me, there are BILLIONS OF PEOPLE in the world who would pay EVERYTHING THEY HAVE to be him because they have NOTHING.
If that's what you gathered, then I don't know what to say to you. My argument was that weak punishment causes serious crime, even in educated and moral welfore societies because the influx of immigrants will abuse the system. People derailed the argument about Scandinavian justice completely with bullshit dismissals about immigrants being a non-issue and we got to the point that one had to ask why Breivik shot 77 people dead to make a point about a non-issue. And now stupidity has come full circle and we're back to square one, dismissing the guy as a crazy mass murderer (even though doctors and courts decided he is completely sane) and pointing fingers around to question each others morals while ignoring the fact of the matter; a) he got off easy, b) he was allowed to make his point, c) he's living in paradise compared to 90% of the world.

Demagoguery at its best GAF, keep it up.

That he's legally sane doesn't mean he can't have done something completely terrible and morally fucked up. I don't believe he's insane, just a terrible human, who might not be insane, but not much from it.

and you know what, as someone living in Scandinavia I can say that immigration is a problem, or at least the lack of integration from both portions of the immigrants and state side where there's done too little too late. Making a point by killing 77 young people is not exactly going to help his cause though. Calling what he lives in now paradise is hilarious, it might be luxurious to a lot of the world, but compared to what he had before it's certainly not paradise. What others around the world would consider paradise is irrelevant.


Neo Member
That is the longest sentence in Norway. In reality he'll never be let out, though.
Yeah, I'm baffled by that too.

"Oh, he killed 77 people in a brutal rampage, but let's not let him rot in prison forever...that's too harsh! He should be free after 21 years!"

What the hell.
If that's what you gathered, then I don't know what to say to you. My argument was that weak punishment causes serious crime, even in educated and moral welfore societies because the influx of immigrants will abuse the system. People derailed the argument about Scandinavian justice completely with bullshit dismissals about immigrants being a non-issue and we got to the point that one had to ask why Breivik shot 77 people dead to make a point about a non-issue. And now stupidity has come full circle and we're back to square one, dismissing the guy as a crazy mass murderer (even though doctors and courts decided he is completely sane) and pointing fingers around to question each others morals while ignoring the fact of the matter; a) he got off easy, b) he was allowed to make his point, c) he's living in paradise compared to 90% of the world.

Demagoguery at its best GAF, keep it up.

Yes. Paradise. Believe me, there are BILLIONS OF PEOPLE in the world who would pay EVERYTHING THEY HAVE to be him because they have NOTHING.

So you think that immigrants will invade Norway to murder people so that they could get into those paradise prisons? And you think that's why Breivik isn't insane because he wanted to make a statement?


This is kind of ironic considering why Breivik did what he did.. Right or wrong, whether he was one or not, he did it because of the immigrants.

You may have just worded this post really poorly, but it sounds like you're entertaining the possibility that what he did wasn't wrong.
Gemüsepizza;101150792 said:
So you think that immigrants will invade Norway to murder people so that they could get into those paradise prisons? And you think that's why Breivik isn't insane because he wanted to make a statement?

What. the. fuck??? I give up.
Brevik has human rights, but, he gave them up when he murdered 77 people. We're the psychos for wanting him to see justice. He isn't a common criminal, he can't be cured. He should be locked up and not be given any attention. You want a PS3? Fuck you. It's not a right for him to have better games and to have fun in jail. He's fortunate he's even got anything.

People like Brevik are evil.

The US prison system doesn't work, but, coddling mass murderers doesn't either.
I think it's amazing that the victim's families are mostly calling for better techniques to identify and prevent crazy people becoming mass murderers, rather than focusing on revenge.

If only more people in the world were like this instead of blood-lusting for his torture and death, which would ultimately achieve nothing.
No I'm afraid that's the thing with human rights, unless you get surgically morphed into half a dolphin you got them no matter what.

Well he's already lost a lot of his rights, unless you suggest that he should have free movement :p

Anyway, human rights has nothing to do with him playing computer games.
What. the. fuck??? I give up.

Well you said:

- Breivik did this because of the immigrants. (He didn't, he did this because he has crazy ideas about immigrants)

- Immigrants are an issue in Norway.

- An influx of immigrants will abuse the system because punishement is to weak.

- Sweden and Norway and the countries are being run amok by illegal immigrants from all kinds of middle eastern origins. The pizza businesses have been completely taken over by Kurds for example

- 90% of the world population would give everything they have to get what he has

I am not quite sure why you are mentioning immigrants here so often. I don't see immigrants as a threat, but it seems you do. I don't think you will earn many sympathies here when you start talking bullshit conspiracy theories about immigrants in a thread about Breivik.

And while he probably isn't clinically insane, his "ideas" are in my opinion still fucking stupid. I also don't really agree with your conclusion: a) he got off easy -> Why? He will spent the rest of his life in prison? b) he was allowed to make his point -> When?, c) he's living in paradise compared to 90% of the world. -> Just because a majority of the world lives in hell this doesn't make Norwegian prisons a paradise.
More to the point, why the fuck are people in jails getting 'privileges' like TVs, consoles etc?

Imo a privilege to them should be going a day without getting their fucking heads kicked in.
More to the point, why the fuck are people in jails getting 'privileges' like TVs, consoles etc?

Imo a privilege to them should be going a day without getting their fucking heads kicked in.

If you read the thread you will find your answers on why Norwegian prisons do this. I like the reasons, but hey, go make your own opinion.


Cry me a river you psycho that's my message to him, I will have them take away his ps2 and give him an Atari with ET then he will fucking love Rayman.
Better hope you are never wrongfully accused and sent to jail with that attitude.

Yeah because more people get wrongfully put in jail than the ones who deserve to be there.

Doesn't take away from the fact that these places should be regarded as somewhere you should NOT want to be/go there.

If you read the thread you will find your answers on why Norwegian prisons do this. I like the reasons, but hey, go make your own opinion.

Yes I did make my own opinion, I'm entitled to do so.

I disagree completely with the way convicted criminals are treated.

I disagree in the way they scream at the top of their voices about their human rights. As far as I'm Concerned, these people have violated innocent peoples rights therefore they should not be treated in the same way as other human beings.
Paradise? i mean hey videogames are great and all but living the rest of your life without proper social interaction or the freedom to do as you please outside of the confines or a small room?

To be fair, that describes the living conditions of about 95% of Internet citizens.


isnt the point of prison, to punish people?

why are inmates given things that many people pay their own money to enjoy? surely this stuff isnt paid for by their tax dollars? right? shouldnt they be punished, not allowed to play videogames/given tvs that arent communal?

dude has health care, video games, gets fed, and this is prison?


isnt the point of prison, to punish people?

why are inmates given things that many people pay their own money to enjoy? surely this stuff isnt paid for by their tax dollars? right? shouldnt they be punished, not allowed to play videogames/given tvs that arent communal?

dude has health care, video games, gets fed, and this is prison?

Could you read the thread or at least a few pages instead of asking the same dumb questions that have been asked a dozen times? His thread has been going in circles for days, let it die.


isnt the point of prison, to punish people?

why are inmates given things that many people pay their own money to enjoy? surely this stuff isnt paid for by their tax dollars? right? shouldnt they be punished, not allowed to play videogames/given tvs that arent communal?

dude has health care, video games, gets fed, and this is prison?

Prisons are institutions of labor
I disagree in the way they scream at the top of their voices about their human rights. As far as I'm Concerned, these people have violated innocent peoples rights therefore they should not be treated in the same way as other human beings.
You're absolutely right. That's why they're confined to secure institutions with a complete curtailing of freedom and privacy. We don't treat other humans like that.
At first I thought this was going to be a silly story with a twist end judging from the topic

But then I clicked.

Why hasn't this asshat been put to death?

Try clicking a bit more. You might learn something.
If you had read the thread it seems weird you had to ask, as it was explained. Of course you're entitled to disagree with that, I never implied anything but that. Unless you live there you don't have much of a say in it though.

I whole heartedly disagree.

So unless you live there you're not entitled to an opinion?

So the US has no say on anything that goes on in Iraq or Afghanistan or Iran or anywhere else apart from the US?

Well last time I checked.......

You're absolutely right. That's why they're confined to secure institutions with a complete curtailing of freedom and privacy. We don't treat other humans like that.

Try clicking a bit more. You might learn something.

Oh I'm very knowledgable in this subject thank you very much, more than most probably.

Having worked in a prison they have more freedoms and privacy in such a confined space than most people in Africa and poor people throughout the world.

Where would you rather be, starving with possible diseases, no medical facilities, no schooling or poor schooling, drinking dirty water if you even get any that is and rags as clothes, no job or such a poor paying one that there is a constant worry to make ends meet, do I need to go on?

Or in a prison with a PS2, 3 square meals a day, your own toilet and bed, gym facilities, social groups, skill training, medical care all for free etc.

No offence, but maybe some of you guys need to look at the bigger picture here and step out from the bubble that you seem to be living in.

The world isn't all roses and unicorns, if you think that people in westernised prisons are treated 'poorly' enough to merit the place being worthy to such punishment for mass murders then quite frankly it doesn't surprise me that society is the way it is.

There probably isn't much point in continuing this discussion as it's clear that we are at total opposite ends of the spectrum on this issue, which is fair enough, I respect your opinion but I cannot say that I agree on it in the slightest.
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