Those pics... guess I'm not sleeping this week.
LOL what?? LOL you're gonna stay up until Friday?
Those pics... guess I'm not sleeping this week.
What's up with the latest screenshots? The color of the power bar and the missiles don't look like the powers we know of.
What's up with the latest screenshots? The color of the power bar and the missiles don't look like the powers we know of.
Gotta say, i really hated the look and art direction of Inf 1 & 2, but this game looks quite incredible from both a technical and artistic point of view.Ok No one seems to be complaining. Unleashing the screens!
[screens overload]
Alright guys. A new set of direct feed screenshots from an early player is upon us. There are no spoilers in it. But I'm not embedding them in here, just in case. Will embed them if everyone is comfortable with it.
Noticed that too. There is a color on the power bar we haven't seen, still can't guess what the power is though.
My body...
is readddyyyy!
These are fucking amazing obviously, but you might want to remove them or spoiler tag them since they could be considered spoilers.
These are fucking amazing obviously, but you might want to remove them or spoiler tag them since they could be considered spoilers.
That's a neon power. Which was shown last february.
I don't preorder games and I just preordered this one. The hype and praise in the spoiler thread was too much, and I don't want to miss out on the free DLC.
Those are from their official "enjoy your power" video AFAIK.
I think it was revealed in August. Smoke was at the Feb reveal.
Omg! Glorious. Absolutely glorious.Alright guys. A new set of direct feed screenshots from an early player is upon us. There are no spoilers in it. But I'm not embedding them in here, just in case. Will embed them if everyone is comfortable with it.
Downgrade NOT!
That's a neon cinematic. Which was shown last february.
Same here. First preordered game of all time for me. Did it yesterday after all the impressions from the first 20 minutes. Don't want to miss the DLC.
true but we haven't seen that move yet I believe. SP censored it in their preview videos as well.
I don't mind since it's a power we knew about but some might
Someone on Slickdeals got their copy from Cheetah!
Someone on Slickdeals got their copy from Cheetah!
Yeah thats what I was trying to get at. It doesn't bother me, but we haven't seen the full thing before, its been censored.
Would so hit that!
what is this... Cheetah i've been reading about?
I want games pre-release too...
what is this... Cheetah i've been reading about?
I want games pre-release too...
Ok No one seems to be complaining. Unleashing the screens!
Nice OT fellow GAFfer, thanks for making it.
My good people, today I went for an event with Sucker Punch in here. I had the pleasure to meet, great and talk after the conference was over with Brian Fleming and Ken Schramm.
They are amazing people. Very friendly, kind to the people who were there attending and it was really nice to see them taking their time to answer some side questions. I was lucky to bother Brian Fleming after the conference was over to talk a bit about how Marketing and communication was performed during the process of making this game and after it went gold (I asked this, because it's my area). I was surprised for him to share so many personal stories and giving me solid examples. We also talked a bit about The Last of Us. To be honest I still can't believe how friendly and informal this experience was. I was sitting on the stage, after the show was over talking to Brian. It was amazing.
Other questions were about how hard it was developing for the PS4 considering they were coming from the PS3 (the answer was something in the lines of: "It was much more easier, Cell processor was a pain in the *** sometimes -or at least that was what we called it sometimes when he ran into some troubles- but this time we managed to makes things look much better considering the power of the console too".
I managed to see this game with my own eyes live, during some side story events and it looks really good. I mean, I saw the videos on Youtube but in person there were two things that made me even more hyped: the rain/reflection on the floor (I love rain in games so I might be suspect on this one) and the neon effects when the character absorbs the energy from objects. The game was played on a 32" TV so I'm curious to see on those bigger TV's.
For those lucky GAFfers getting this on Day One I'm sure you are going to enjoy it. The visuals really caught my attention and I wish I could have played more since I have no idea when I'm going to. My birthday is in two days, Sunday (I'm getting old!) and while this was my initial purchase for a "gift for myself" my budgeting forced me to skip it for now and look for a cheaper/more affordable title unfortunately... Will be looking for your impressions next week, hype!
Quick photo for my good GAFfers (Brian Flemming on the left and the third one is Ken Schramm).
Someone on Slickdeals got their copy from Cheetah!
I think this .gif should be in the OP.
Did a rough addition to the first gif.
Ok… No one seems to be complaining. Unleashing the screens!
Someone on Slickdeals got their copy from Cheetah!
nice... I assume at a significantly marked up price.An ebay seller who got a bunch of copies early and sold them. All sold out now I believe