Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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[Captain Earth] - 1




There are images that has stupid shit in them, but these particular ones make me feel like dying... inside and outside.

Other than that, it seems like most of what I got out of this is



Let me help you out. You can put on the Noragami OST and listen to it while watching this. That's probably all you'll need from the show this week.

LOL thanks for saving me the time :)

And I guess Space Dandy. Up until they discovered it was not Cowboy Bebop 2.

Given that Watanabe was basically shouting from the mountain tops that Space Dandy =/= Cowboy Bebop 2, anyone who thought otherwise was an idiot. But people can be stupid sometimes and I certainly expected that people would have warped expectations :/

Love how not having an over-arching plot is somehow seen as a negative these days.

It just shows that most anime fans suck

If a show handles character well, which Mushishi does do, even if the characters change episode to episode, you can get by without a strong over-arching plot. There are plenty of slice of life shows that succeed without much of any plot. Space Dandy's problem is that the characters reset after every episode, so you're only left with strong individual episodes that have good use of character or humor, but without any sense of progression. And Space Dandy's humor isn't particularly good.

You can write character development in several ways be it demonstrating the growth and change of characters over time or by showing us more and more facets of a character to help us get a more complete picture. Both are valid techniques and Dandy obviously chooses the later.

[Captain Earth] - 1

This, I feel, is where the problem lies. Those original works have all, at some point or another, collapsed under the weight of their own nonsensical writing. Rather than making simple, solid and straightforward stories these writers for these shows decided to make incredibly convoluted stories that lack form and elegance. They seem to confuse having lots of characters, factions, buzzwords and twists for good storytelling and as a result they aren't satisfying or enjoyable to watch because the stories degrade into various degrees of nonsense.

Firstly, all this cutting back and forth through time (and also between completely separate characters and groups) really destroys any kind of flow the story could be developing and it doesn't give the audience any time to get invested in what's going on because it's so piecemeal. Perhaps if the writing was really strong that could serve as an anchor to keep the viewer engaged with the material but sadly that isn't the case here. Yes, I know that the blue stone is there to help you keep track of time so you don't lose your way but that's more of a marker. The fundamental problem still remains - if you're only getting a scene that lasts thirty seconds that's no time at all for the viewer to get to know the characters or better understand the situation or develop any kind of emotional rapport with the text.

In Captain Earth they spend about two minutes trying to set up the main character and a lot of that time is spent with characters talking at the main character about stuff that isn't really relevant or interesting, it's effectively dead time that doesn't tell us anything about him. We learn that he looks out the window and plays vidoegames. As soon he sees the TV broadcast that brief period of time stops and we start to get into what I loosely call "weird shit" territory where our protagonist starts getting involved with weird shit that we can't really relate to anyway and which still fails to develop him because all we learn is that he can jump over fences and occasionally display human emotions but apparently this was mainly when he was a child. Still, most of the time our hero has a completely vacant expression on his face and displays all the charm and enthusiasm of a cabbage.

As for Captain Earth kid, he has literally no idea what's going on, or why, so his choices and actions are meaningless and hold zero weight. He went down some stairs and met some little kid and rode a ghost elevator and then had a feeling that bad stuff was coming towards earth. Then he magically teleports around and he's next to a mecha. I guess he does what he does the past he jumped over a fence and met some weird kids. Also some guy said something about his Dad being a good Captain? I have no idea. This is a real problem because a character that just reacts to events out of his understanding (and completely beyond our understanding) or control is pretty boring to watch, because nothing he does can possibly hope to have any weight or impact.

Now, when people just spew a bunch of acronyms, technobabble and other assorted nonsense the viewer is left distanced from the text because they can't understand what's going on why they should care. What's worse is that if characters are only saying plot-related stuff we don't understand we can't get any kind of feeling for them as people and that's another turn-off because it makes the series appear like it's filled with completely untreatable characters. This is exactly the same problematic writing that appears in the Star Wars Prequels where no-one feels like a real person because there's nothing in their dialogue that has any authenticity to it. If everyone is speaking in babble or clichés then it's tough for the audience to care.

Why do they feel the need to introduce so many concepts, factions, and ideas in this first episode? It's far too clustered and messy and all this time could have been better spent fleshing out the cast. As a writer you really don't have to show all your cards at once in the very first episode. I believe that you've done some world building and there's lots of story to come later on so don't just dump it all in my face in very first episode of the show.

I understand that, as the audience, we're not supposed to understand what's going on because, like the protagonist, we're new to this world and it's rules. That's fine, in theory, but when you're going down that root you really have to do a better job of introducing and developing your main character before we fall down the rabbit hole.

This though, this is really like a slap in the face from the writers. They're actively acknowledging that everything is a confusing mess and that eventually they're going to sort it all out and pull you through. Seriously, screw you. If you have faith in your ability to write a decent story then write one and let the audience make up their own minds. Don't ask us to blindly put their faith in the ability when they've demonstrated time and time again that they're not up to scratch.

Just pulling these out of your longer post because these thoughts definitely ran through my mind when watching this. I was still able to take enjoyment from the episode but I was definitely exasperated that a story that could have been straight forward and to the point was told in needlessly convoluted way filled with pointless technobabble, shadowy figures, etc. It squeezed out room that could have been used for more useful world building and character development. Maybe its just been a function of what I've been exposed to but this seems like such a uniquely Japanese problem when it comes to writing. I can only imagine that most consumers over there like this style of writing or something for it to keep showing up time and time again.
Just pulling these out of your longer post because these thoughts definitely ran through my mind when watching this. I was still able to take enjoyment from the episode but I was definitely exasperated that a story that could have been straight forward and to the point was told in needlessly convoluted way filled with pointless technobabble, shadowy figures, etc. Maybe its just been a function of what I've been exposed to but this seems like such a uniquely Japanese problem when it comes to writing. I can only imagine that most consumers over there like this style of writing or something for it to keep showing up time and time again.

It's just really alarming because it's coming from the people that brought us Star Driver, a show that was well animated garbage, and the first episode of Captain Earth was way too close to Star Driver territory for my comfort.

You can write character development in several ways be it demonstrating the growth and change of characters over time or by showing us more and more facets of a character to help us get a more complete picture. Both are valid techniques and Dandy obviously chooses the later.
The Dandy characters reset to caricatures after every arc, so I'm not sure I'd agree that they are really revealing more facets of these characters. All of the development feels self-contained within each episode.


Yea, the more I think about Captain Earth the more the seems begin to show and the alarm bells begin to ring but I am still compelled enough to seek more episodes at this point.


Everyone forgets about Heroman. :(

It's funny, while I do appreciate a lot of your concerns, my reaction was different in that what you found a bit vague and underdeveloped I took as taken for granted and extremely tropey. I think that's why I just felt more tired with the show than anything else. If I hadn't watched a lot of shounen mecha, then I might have had your reaction, but it just felt like they were using the same exact playbook. Same main character, same backstory, same mythology. I really don't know what they can do to change it up, because even using female protagonists has become old news now (with Rinne and Vividred and Nobunagun and so on), so there doesn't seem to be a way for me to be interested in the genre anymore.

Or at least, the intro episode. There's a lot of ways to, if nothing else, subvert expectations. I'm just done with chosen-one-thrown-into-mysterious-situation-and-discovers-his-power introductory episodes.
You're right to an extent but:

1) There are other ways to do these kind of episodes and do them right, see Evangelion.

2) Studio BONES has done the same thing but better, before (Eureka Seven, X'amd etc). There's no reason they can't again.

3) BONES track record has been a bit shaky lately and this first episodes features a number of the toxic tropes haven been ruining their stories lately.


Crap phone photos if folks didn't see in the Aniplex Persona thread. REBELLION. SO PURDY.

What's interesting in this set is the Homura take 1 version included on the bonus bluray. . . The first take of Chiwa Saitos lines are very :O
She sounds super depraved as Devil Homura

That said, thinking about it, it would have been too drastic of a change had they stuck to that voice direction. Still neat.


Subete no aware
You're right to an extent but:

1) There are other ways to do these kind of episodes and do them right, see Evangelion.

2) Studio BONES has done the same thing but better, before (Eureka Seven, X'amd etc). There's no reason they can't again.

3) BONES track record has been a bit shaky lately and this first episodes features a number of the toxic tropes haven been ruining their stories lately.

1) Evangelion is Evangelion because it sets out to create a protagonist who doesn't want to be the one. He's the one guy who would turn down the power if he could, much to the chagrin of everyone around him.

2 and 3) I can't speak for Eureka Seven though, since I don't really remember it at this point. I suppose they can be done well though, but this probably comes down to personal preference for me more than any objective measure of quality when I say that even a well done introduction episode probably would illicit mostly the same reaction for me.


1) Evangelion is Evangelion because it sets out to create a protagonist who doesn't want to be the one. He's the one guy who would turn down the power if he could, much to the chagrin of everyone around him.

2 and 3) I can't speak for Eureka Seven though, since I don't really remember it at this point. I suppose they can be done well though, but this probably comes down to personal preference for me more than any objective measure of quality when I say that even a well done introduction episode probably would illicit mostly the same reaction for me.
With regards to 1) I suppose the answer is maybe you shouldn't write a generic mecha anime with the same characters as usual.

For the rest all I can say is:



Haikyuu!! 1

That was a pretty fun if standard sports intro. Some of the animation looked great though, much better than I was expecting. Also the black haired guy is so incredibly grumpy!


I demand Little Witch Academia 2, COME ON TRIGGER GET TO IT

Yeah! I (foolishly) paid into the kickstarter and everything!

I have trust in BONES, Yuasa, and SHAFT to deliver on these.

Well I trust in yuasa and shaft of those. Bones we will see.

I'm excited for next Saturday. It'll be the first time in three years that two SHAFT series have been airing in the same season (previously Spring 2011 with Denpa Onna and Maria Holic Alive), and not just that but they'll be airing back-to-back on the same channel. One hour of pure concentrated SHAFTness.

Nisekoi and Mekaku city actors back to back sounds like a treat.

At the rate the anime is going I'd say a lot of people will ragequit Mahouka at around the 3rd episode.

For those who know
I'm talking about the tuning scene

I might stick with it as long as it isnt as rage inducing as SAO was at the half point. Frankly I dont think thats possible.


Haikyuu!! - Episode 1

This was pretty solid. It's a fairly standard sports shounen setup, but the direction is pretty sharp and surprisingly intense. I like how the two main characters were introduced too, with a lot of the focus being on their personal philosophies towards the sport and how they communicate with their teammates, and with each other. It's a pretty lean introduction episode, with a lot of the progression in the narrative inferred through visuals rather than exposition. The animation and art is pretty strong too, with a lot of really nice character animation both in the action sequences as well as in the more subtle movements and mannerisms. Hopefully they'll keep the production values up, because I'm pretty interested in seeing how things develop from here.
Haikyuu!! - Episode 1

This was pretty solid. It's a fairly standard sports shounen setup, but the direction is pretty sharp and surprisingly intense. I like how the two main characters were introduced too, with a lot of the focus being on their personal philosophies towards the sport and how they communicate with their teammates, and with each other. It's a pretty lean introduction episode, with a lot of the progression in the narrative inferred through visuals rather than exposition. The animation and art is pretty strong too, with a lot of really nice character animation both in the action sequences as well as in the more subtle movements and mannerisms. Hopefully they'll keep the production values up, because I'm pretty interested in seeing how things develop from here.

Maybe I should watch this. I was afraid that this was another fujoshi bait sports show.


Maybe I should watch this. I was afraid that this was another fujoshi bait sports show.

There's definitely fujoshi appeal, but I don't think it's a bait show. It seems to actually care about portraying volleyball as an exciting sport, and the characters feel really intense. Good art, good music, really fluid direction. The adaptation is written by the guy who adapted Bunny Drop and Silver Spoon too, so I'll be surprised if he decides to fall into the trap of pandering excessively.


Subete no aware
There's definitely fujoshi appeal, but I don't think it's a bait show. It seems to actually care about portraying volleyball as an exciting sport, and the characters feel really intense. Good art, good music, really fluid direction. The adaptation is written by the guy who adapted Bunny Drop and Silver Spoon too, so I'll be surprised if he decides to fall into the trap of pandering excessively.
How Chihayafuru-esque is it? lol


How Chihayafuru-esque is it? lol

I dunno. I don't watch that! I don't think enough really happens in the first episode here to tell the exact direction the story and characters will be headed, which is actually what makes it kinda interesting. It introduces personality and motivation first, and I guess eventually stuff will fall into place after more introductions in the next episode or two.


Yeah I could see why the thread exploded because of Mahouka, but people shouldn't really jump to conclusions on the very first episode as it hasn't really shown anything especially the fights that are to come because it's just a introductory so far, and they haven't clearly explained everything yet.

Im pretty sure a lot about whether you will like this kind of show or not has been shown already. but Ill give it a bit more. Because the girls are cute enough to distract me from the mundanity for a while.

Puchim@s - In Process of Watching




So much *Squee*

thats a good way to describe Puchimas.

Yuyushiki 5



I miss it :(

Mahouka 1

Despite the horrendous looking key art shown off a few weeks ago, this is actually a very slick looking anime. The school clothes are kind dumb looking but regular wear and environments are pretty. MC is kind of a badass too. He's very calm and analytical which is a nice change of pace from the hot headed impulsive/whiny characters we usually get in these type of shows. The action is pretty well done so far and kind of cool to watch actually.

Now let's address the elephant in the room with the incest undertones. Yeah they're there, but as long as it doesn't go anywhere it won't bother me all that much. Would be a shame to stop watching because of that though because everything else is pretty cool. So as long as it doesn't go full blown
incest levels I think I can live with it.

It has certainly peaked my interest and surpassed my expectations since I expected this to look horrible (because of the key art from a few weeks ago) and the story (because some here were bagging on it). So far everything is pretty solid. I really like some of the magic concepts and how they fight and get around. It's all pretty cool.

Edit: this is the key art I was talking about. It initially put me off.


With Mahouka there isn't even Miyukichi, RIP me, anime, mai wafu ugggggggggggh.

Just remember that Natalia could show up in Cinderella girls..

I now have several Japanese otaku who follow me on twitter to practice their English skills on me. It's weird, but kind of gratifying.

Im followed by a bunch of japanese but probably because of the cute waifus I tweet all the time. I sincerely hope they dont learn English from me or there will be a lot of bouncing squeeing japanese (which is probably already the case)


Subete no aware
I dunno. I don't watch that! I don't think enough really happens in the first episode here to tell the exact direction the story and characters will be headed, which is actually what makes it kinda interesting. It introduces personality and motivation first, and I guess eventually stuff will fall into place after more introductions in the next episode or two.
Well, I just assume that it's sportsportspsorts all the time like all the other sports shows?


Captain Earth - 1

I would be lying if I said I didn't have a hard-on for that entire
launch sequence.

God damn. It was just sex, and the music with it just drove my hype.
Captain Earth 01

Give me more convoluted nonsense BONES. I'm gonna love this show for the same reasons people are gonna hate it. Much in the same way I loved Star Driver.


Captain Earth 1

All the plot stuff seemed really dumb, and not in a good way. But goddamn that transformation sequence was fantastic. I think my enjoyment of this show is going to be directly proportional to the amount of mecha action vs the amount of scifi jargon/"plot".


Haikyuu!! 1


I'd heard good things about the source material so I was looking forward to the anime adaptation and suffice to say it sure didn't disappoint! This was a really strong opening episode that almost effortlessly set the tone for the series which is in part the great production values. Can't wait to see more next week!

How Chihayafuru-esque is it? lol

The two aren't really comparable at all.


Subete no aware



As someone who knows literally nothing about anything about any of the manga past what was in the anime from the past year, I thought this was a really good episode describing to me what
are, why they're named that way, and what they're capable of.

The threat was set up perfectly and done in a concise fashion, and Holly is a cutie. Basically this is god.

I also laughed when Joseph explained
how he had to break cameras to use his powers lol


There's definitely fujoshi appeal, but I don't think it's a bait show. It seems to actually care about portraying volleyball as an exciting sport, and the characters feel really intense. Good art, good music, really fluid direction. The adaptation is written by the guy who adapted Bunny Drop and Silver Spoon too, so I'll be surprised if he decides to fall into the trap of pandering excessively.
That really sold me there, maybe I should check this show after all.
Non Non Biyori S2 confirmed[IMG]
"I'll be back"[/QUOTE]
I've heard a lot about this show. What makes it good?


That really sold me there, maybe I should check this show after all.

I've heard a lot about this show. What makes it good?

It's pretty, it's calming, and it's pretty calming.

Character interaction is good, and if you like chill shows with some light humor elements, it's a show for you.


It's pretty, it's calming, and it's pretty calming.

Character interaction is good, and if you like chill shows with some light humor elements, it's a show for you.

The all girls cast makes me think it just another pandering show. But seeing how people talked about it, maybe I'm dead wrong on my assumption there.
The books have a lot of elaborate sex scenes. The "you know nothing" line was also said during orgasm while Jon performed oral sex.

Not that there's anything inerently wrong with sex, but it's nice to see what some will make excuses for.

I would love anime if the characters actually had adult relationships and sex. My problem with stuff like KLK is that it is all titlation for a childish audience, with no actual resemblance to anything normal or natural. Ragyo will grab her tits in ecstasy and that will be it, it will mean nothing and change nothing. Whereas in shows where the characters actually enter into sexual relationships or show direct sexuality it means something between those two characters. In KLK the person seeing the sexual titlation is the viewer, it is all directed at us in order to excite. Whereas in GoT when Tyrion is with the whores, it becomes part of his character and other people refer to it and define him by it. When Jon Snow sleeps with the red head his relationship with her changes, he breaks his vows which is a big thing etc. The acts have meaning. In Mahouka this guy will have a semi incestuous relationship with his sister and no one will ostracise him or look down on him. He won't even have to hide it, but at the same time nothing will actually come from it. He will have a harem of girls surrounding him but will very unlikely he will do anything with any of them, or even attempt to. Because he isn't a real character, with sexual feelings or needs, he exists purely as a power fantasy for teens and otaku.

From what I can gather Japan doesn't even have a strong religious no sex before marriage view either. When idol's get a boyfriend they are presumed to be having sex with them. But for some reason I can barely recall any anime where this is the case. You'd be grateful if you get hand-holding. Because they are fully removed from reality at this point, stuck in their own nest of tropes and expectations, falling over themselves to sell to a small audience.


By the way, I'm quite happy to see that ToonamiGAF is enjoying Black Lagoon. Still gotta decide for myself if I want to upgrade to the BDs or not...

Well thats sensible. It was pretty good and fits well with the audience. I think Full Metal Panic would be perfect for Toonami as well.

People saying SAO is going to save anime, more like its going to burn anime into ashes where it's very existence will cease to exist.

Who on earth said such a travesty?

I have BD's. They don't particularly look amazing, but then again I haven't seen the dvd quality comparison.

Same. Its a pretty old show made during the early digital age so its understandable.

Love Lab 2 will save anime.

Could happen!

Because GuP not just better it even outsold SAO(include normal version)


Strike Witches 3 will save anime.

For me. Because that's all that matters really.

I hope it makes all your dreams come true Zachy.

Oh, I never actually did give episode impressions on Mahouka, did I.

Mahouka ep.1

Honestly, even pretending I had never heard any of the stuff about what makes the series regarded as such, this was just a kind of boring introductory episode. Wasn't particularly interested/repulsed by anything. I've watched enough anime to the point where the Miyuki/Tatsuya thing, while annoying, isn't going to be terribly off-putting as long as she eventually shows some sign of independence.

Im not really turned off by the incest leanings either. Seen way too much anime for that. Its just kinda really run of the mill so far and not much fun yet.

Basically me, im quite use to incest in anime, hell, one of my fav shows of 2013 was Sasami-san@Ganbaranai, infact it had its reasons, however mahouka is super pushy with the concept, the author really wanted the people interested in that, I would have liked it better without the force incest romance

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