Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Today is Jean Bday and he has good Bday support.


Final Destination of Armpits - 1

wow this was amazing




So Bizarre


right on point


take that Mahouka MC.

Super Science MC is so smart,
it's either a crime or earthquake, what else could happen in a mountain road? right?

Harem soon too. Red flags everywhere.


The other issue is that I don't know the episode count such as whether it's going to be 13 episodes or 25/26. BONES has never done a 13 episode mecha show but the fact that the show is supposedly taking place all in one summer lends me to believe it's 13. I'll go with the assumption of 26 though.
It's 25 episodes; BD solicitations are already out for the whole series.


Captain EARF ep 1

Apart from the beautiful mecha porn transformation, the rest are meh. Couldn't understand the technobabble they were throwing. The Dad Michael Bayed himself and from there there's nothing about what this show is all about.


sealed with a kiss
I start my sundays mornings with some light exercise to not get out of shape.

Baby Steps - 01

This was pretty nice, really looking foward to more based on some posts by envelap.

The anime isn't going to be a 1 to 1 adaption of the manga, but it should still be good as the manga writer does has some sort of capacity in the adaptation, and despite the somewhat spotty art of the anime i felt it did a good job capturing the characters' personalities right form the start, so it looks promising so far.
And Daenerys getting pleasured by her maid in bed has what meaning? If I really wanted to be cynical I could just say the only difference is that GRRM wrote his porn with better plot. My prevailing point was that Ragyo was made into an oppressive presence in Satsuki's life, undercutting her outward dominance with a lack of personal control, yet it's claimed that we shouldn't even bother considering such a thing because it's anime and therefore all prurient trash.

Now, it's certainly dubious if the writers had decided that was the case at the start of the show, but at least they had a good moment going there. I also actually agree in general about the importance of establishing believable characters with relationships that hold some amount of weight. I would not agree that anime fails to provide this, even if many shows struggle with the concept or don't even aspire to it. As for adult sexual relationships in particular, then it'd probably be found in the kind of manga that isn't adapted into animated form, unfortunately.

Wasn't expecting so many replies lol. I'll respond to you first since I quoted you in the first place.

I don't think GoT is perfect, and my analysis of the sexuality of the characters wasn't meant to imply that all anime is terrible and GoT is this perfect example of how to do it right. There are many occasions in the TV show where I feel that the scenes over emphasise on the titilation also. I'm not 100% on the exact scene you are talking about, the only scene I remember involving Danerys and her maid is her being taught how to have sex and please Drogo. Maybe there is another one you were referring to. I don't need every anime to have sex scenes like GoT or anything of the sort. Just that when they decide to use sexuality that they actually think about how such things play out in reality, even a little bit.

I just feel that the vast majority of anime is working on what I can only refer to as a box ticking exercise. We need to have our childhood friend, we need to have our school idol, we need to have our MC surrounded by various girls because that's what the people want. I didn't grow up in a Japanese HS so I obviously don't know what really goes on there, but I find it hard to believe that people fall into these boxes so easily. For example, I personally don't know anyone who is in a relationship with their childhood friend.

If Ragyo's seuxal activity in her relationship with her daughter was supposed to be shown as oppressive then they failed miserably at it. I don't recall it ever coming up as one of Satsuki's reasons of rebellion, or ever really coming up again. It appears to me at least, that this scenes exist purely as fan service. If we were supposed to have been viewing graphic sexual abuse then I have a major problem with Trigger for not dealing with that properly. I don't think sexual abuse should be used callously when dealing with entertainment, and using it as part of your fan service is detestable.


Record of Lodoss War 8

Satisfactory conclusion to the Karla stuff that can hold its own to the greatness of the first ep, I'd think. Consistent art, good action, and great animation has always left this one as probably my favorite ep. That's mostly due to the Shiris/Orson encounter seen above that's friggin' beautiful and contains some s-tier art and dynamic action that wasn't present earlier in the show.


Setec Astronomer
If Ragyo's seuxal activity in her relationship with her daughter was supposed to be shown as oppressive then they failed miserably at it. I don't recall it ever coming up as one of Satsuki's reasons of rebellion, or ever really coming up again. It appears to me at least, that this scenes exist purely as fan service. If we were supposed to have been viewing graphic sexual abuse then I have a major problem with Trigger for not dealing with that properly. I don't think sexual abuse should be used callously when dealing with entertainment, and using it as part of your fan service is detestable.
It's a valid subject for drama, though, and certainly one where the daughter ends up impaling the parent with a sword. I don't think it really needed to be spelled out why Satsuki had little trouble doing so even if it was for some higher cause, since the existence of those scenes provided enough background.


JoJo 09

The preview for the next one made me more hyped than the entire first part. Honestly, I expected to like it a lot more than I did, but at the same time it was compelling enough for me to want to watch everything.

Can't wait for next week.

Where the hell is the Lotus Juice I was promised? >_<

You say that like it's a bad thing.

So more Non Non Biyori? I'm totally up for that.

Don't get me wrong, it definitely isn't. Stupid bullshit is my life, my nature.


I want more of Candy Store + Renge, Brother being silently awesome, and Hotaru lifeless eyes.

Candy Store is soooo best. Hotarun was my life at first, but Candy Store proved to be stealth best girl of the season.

Her voice melts my heart.
JoJo 09

The preview for the next one made me more hyped than the entire first part. Honestly, I expected to like it a lot more than I did, but at the same time it was compelling enough for me to want to watch everything.

Can't wait for next week.

Where the hell is the Lotus Juice I was promised? >_<

Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency had different composers.

Battle Tendency has the Lotus Juice tracks but they dont use the vocals in the show. You are better listening to the OST for your Lotus Juice.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Well thats sensible. It was pretty good and fits well with the audience. I think Full Metal Panic would be perfect for Toonami as well.

Who on earth said such a travesty?

Same. Its a pretty old show made during the early digital age so its understandable.

Could happen!


I hope it makes all your dreams come true Zachy.

Im not really turned off by the incest leanings either. Seen way too much anime for that. Its just kinda really run of the mill so far and not much fun yet.

You would love this:

I do love it


The tradition was using romaji that looked japanese at first glance but was still readable. Kanji was a more recent addition by those who didn't fucking get it.

Traditions change and morph over time! Not always for the better.
Rowdy Sumo Wrestler Matsutaro - Episode 1

Not sure if I'll keep watching this. The only reason I didn't enjoy it, was because Matsutaro was acting like a complete jerk throughout the whole episode. Sneezing on people, taking someone's test and copying it during the test, taking candy from a baby (literally), and not moving out of the way of a truck and starting a random fight with the driver. I was waiting for the moment when he would do something nice or good, but it didn't happen. Usually when a character acts like this, they have some kind of moment of redemption. Like protecting someone, giving some inspiring words, etc.

Also, the animation wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It looked terrible in the preview, but it looked decent when I saw it. Nothing to write home about, but is presentable. I mostly watched it because an anime about sumo wrestling, sounded interesting.

I'll give it 1 more episode, I guess. The only downside so far for me, was just the main character.


One Week Friends 01

Romantic dramas are one of the genres I feel have the least to say about, but I did want to watch this. It was sweet, heartwarming, made some really nice uses of visuals, and even if easy jokes can be made comparing this to an Adam Sandler flick, this has more heart than just about anything Sandler could produce. Plus, the longer timespan for the memory resets allows for deeper interaction. It feels like this episode could've made a decent short film on its own, but it's only the beginning of a much longer story. I like the OP and ED, and the voice actors' performance sold me on it. It's off to a good start.


Haikyu!! 1
Wow, this was a really fun and enjoyable first episode. I was already familiar with the source material having read the first volume and I didn't like it that much. However, the anime really made it a great watch. Nice animations made the match exciting and was coupled with expressive reaction faces and body movements throughout the entire episode. So far, this is probably the most fun I had with a spring anime from this season.

Baby Steps 1
Pretty disappointing first episode and quite boring. Not to mention watching it right after Haikyu and it's visually unappealing as well. The colouring just feels ugly and depressing in comparison to Haikyu. I read the first 20ish chapters long time ago and I found the source material pretty average and this episode didn't change my mind that much. If I'm not watching too many stuff from this season I might stick with it, but right now I have no intention to keep watching it.

JoJo: Stardust Crusaders 1
It was a bit of a chore to go through this episode with all the boring exposition. The problem I have with action scenes is when they are constantly interrupted by talking or narration, makes the entire confrontation at the jail cell too dull. Some of the visual reaction notes were pretty neat, but overall the adaptation still looks ugly. I really see no reason to watch this when I already flipped through the manga before.
The manga was only ever supposed to be a one-shot story - the first one ended up being popular enough that she did nother, and then it suddenly ended up becoming a running series. This would potentially explain the relative haste that the relationship moves at!

If that's the case, then more authors need to follow this trend to get out of their comfort zone, which is an issue with a lot of manga/anime nowadays. Yesterday I tried to read a shojo and I literally got bored as shit and stopped because it followed the same 'girl who is not popular meets with guy who is super popular, guy sees girl for what she is on the inside but society does not approve but boy doesnt care and eventually they start dating but dont expect a kiss until 60 chapters in, also love rivals and misunderstandings'



Apparently the japanese don't seem to care if they're still reading the same story for the millionth time. As to The World Is Still Beautiful, if she can keep it up and doesn't resort to more shojo tropes than she already has and focuses on stepping outside the box, which she already did considering the development speed, then all to her.

Thanks. That's pretty much all I needed to know, and it's enough to keep me watching. It's good to hear that is doesn't suffer from the typical shoujo pacing problems.

It suffers from a small amount of shojo tropes, but pacing problems is not one of the issues. Over-all it's one of the more interesting ones I'm recently reading due to this particular case of pacing.
god oh god!
it's definitely what i was looking for..
a sort of fantasy-ish scifi + school life with some background intrigue that tries to NOT be too much depressing nor too much harem oriented :)
first ep was great, definitely i'll keep watching it!


sealed with a kiss
&#37676;&#37329;3&#32026; &#12414;&#12376;&#12363;&#12427;?&#12413;&#12363;&#65374;&#12435;

Renkin 3-ky&#363; Magical? Pok&#257;n



Hyouka had me looking at the various detective story rules...

5. No Chinaman must figure in the story.

what in the hell


should have clicked the next link

*these had become laughably unlikely solutions to crimes in novels and stories of lesser quality before the adoption of the rules of fair play.
Hyouka had me looking at the various detective story rules...

5. No Chinaman must figure in the story.

what in the hell


should have clicked the next link

The reason behind that rule is to rule out "A mysterious foreigner who hasn't been introduced until the end did it!", which is kind of unsatisfying as a mystery solution. Just so happened that the Chinese were popular boogeymen at the time Knox's rules were written.


The reason behind that rule is to rule out "A mysterious foreigner who hasn't been introduced until the end did it!", which is kind of unsatisfying as a mystery solution.

Makes sense. Think I'm fond of this one myself:

20. And (to give my Credo an even score of items) I herewith list a few of the devices which no self-respecting detective story writer will now avail himself of. They have been employed too often, and are familiar to all true lovers of literary crime. To use them is a confession of the author's ineptitude and lack of originality. (a) Determining the identity of the culprit by comparing the butt of a cigarette left at the scene of the crime with the brand smoked by a suspect. (b) The bogus spiritualistic se'ance to frighten the culprit into giving himself away. (c) Forged fingerprints. (d) The dummy-figure alibi. (e) The dog that does not bark and thereby reveals the fact that the intruder is familiar. (f)The final pinning of the crime on a twin, or a relative who looks exactly like the suspected, but innocent, person. (g) The hypodermic syringe and the knockout drops. (h) The commission of the murder in a locked room after the police have actually broken in. (i) The word association test for guilt. (j) The cipher, or code letter, which is eventually unraveled by the sleuth.

They seem like good rules and haven given me something to think about!


Koi Kaze 6

Koshiro's uglyuglyuglyuglyuglyuglyuglyugly jealousy and Nanoka's growing awareness of how her feelings for her brother can't quite be considered "normal" take center stage.

The episode starts with Nanoka talking with a boy in her school, Miyauchi, right before culture festival and apparently rumors of her having a brother complex have already started to spread, though it hasn't fortunately escalated into any sort of bullying or anything. Just occasional jabs from her friends

At Koshiro's workplace, Kaname and he talk a bit about Nanoka and the possibility that she might have a boyfriend. Koshiro says she's too young (at 15? BWAHAHA) and Kaname says he's the only one who thinks so. On his way home, he sees Nanoka walking together with this boy and is essentially paralyzed by this reveal. After Miyauchi leaves (thank god, could have been so messy), he forcibly grabs Nanoka by hand and drags her home, telling her that she's naïve and 10 years too young to start dating, and that she's just being fooled around with. Nanoka loudly asks why he's so paranoid and overprotective, and then in his explanation Koshiro suddenly exclaims "Because you're cute, that's why!".

Both characters freeze.

Koshiro then lets go of Nanoka's arm and then tries to hurriedly explain that he's not being creepy and incestuous and just "telling it like it is", but that all goes over Nanoka's head because she's completely flustered due to being called cute and her heart is racing like mad. Nanoka dashes to her room. For the next few days Koshiro avoids Nanoka both to her relief and frustration. She doesn't want it to be like she needs to be with her brother all the time, since now she's starting to get a smidge defensive about her friends' comments, but she also actually wants a chance to invite him to the culture festival.

Then the one morning when she gets the chance because Koshiro hasn't left to work early, she finally confronts Koshiro about his bossiness and how his behaviour is unacceptable even if he's much older than her and might have a bit of authority because of it. He takes the verbal lashing like a man (he better!) and tells Nanoka that's it's alright for her to date, but she should never lie where she's been, what she's been doing and with whom, so they won't have to worry about her.

Koshiro's almost getting to bad written shoujo male character levels of "fucktons of negative personality traits, but we're still expected to like him". Why he's quite not there is because, for one, I can still trust this author to give such an admittedly fallible character some kind of decent and believable character growth so I'll like him by the end, and two, there actually is a chance that we're not supposed to like him during these moments.

sounds anime



Clearly, you should have used &#35486; instead of &#12372; and I'd prefer &#35441;&#12379;&#12414;&#12379;&#12435; myself (&#9675;&#1657;&#9675;).

On a more sensible and less smug/patronising note, I have never actually bothered to work out what the title for that Magical Pokaan show really is. Like, say, Hyouka, or Chuunibyou, to think of recent examples, the Romanised title sticks more easily (or at least less prosaically) in the mind. Is Hyouka as stupid a title to the Japanese as Ice Lollies is to English speakers?
One Week Friends 1


This was one of my most anticipated shows of the season and it didn't disappoint for a first episode. The lead MC is wimpy but has balls of steel, relatable as a motherfucker. The lead female acts cold to others but is actually as sweet as any other female character you'd meet in a shojo. Their interaction was cute, and the ending was bittersweet but you gotta give it to the MC for going for what he wants. Gawd I'm getting ready for the feels, but right now it's only preparation feels.

Looking forward to the next episode.

edit: I think my biggest issue right now is that a large deal of the problems could be dealt with if this followed the idea set by the similar character in Ef A Tale of Melodies and
she keeps a journal of the things that happened for the week and her relationship with the guy and how he's like
I just can't get over the poor decisions in Matsutaro. Why did the creators or the mangaka thing it was a good idea for the MC to act so poorly for ao long? Stuff like this normally lasts five minutes or half an episode at the most. Sumo needs to be introduced pretty damn early in yhe next episode or I am out. It sucks because I really truly wanted to enjoy it.

Are there any other Sumo manga or anime out there that you brahs reccomend?
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