EU PSN: Easter Sale begins today (PS3, PS Vita and Cross-Buy titles)


how does it perform?

I mean i hear the console versions dont perform that well AND are fairly ugly.

Not sure I want to imagine the vita version.

I'd say on par with the 360 version. After all it's a EDF game, so you will encounter slowdown, that's just part of the series. ;)
But it's certainly not game breaking and nowhere near as bad as the PS3 version of 2025 can get.
Contemplating SSX as I enjoyed the 360 version (but sold my copy & 360 a while back). Only thing stopping me is the chance it may come up as a PS+ title. Damn you free games!


Arkham Origins Blackgate is still 40 €, what a fucking joke, the HD is already 20 €, so it should already be 20 € in the first place


how does it perform?

I mean i hear the console versions dont perform that well AND are fairly ugly.

Not sure I want to imagine the vita version.

Being fugly is part of the charme and considering the masses of enemies the slowdown is ok.


How bad is castlevania LOS 2?

I am stunned to see the price so just released like last month or whatever :/

Havnt played the 1st (due to the price being high still wherever I find it)

Also how is Alice Madness returns?

Had always been interested but didnt want to pay a lot for it.


Junior Member
I might go for Ni no Kuni.

But 21.7GB? So it'll need 44GB to install? I don't really feel like deleting anything...


Just bought Angry Birds Trilogy, Spelunky, TxK, OlliOlli and Terraria for €20 total. Awesome.

My Vita is going to get much love the next few weeks! :)
Interested in getting that EDF title. When it came out I thought it was too expensive, but just under £6 seems perfect to just pick up. I would've said Xillia as well but I bought it for £20 the other day thinking it'd never be that cheap again. But at least it's a physical copy.
Is Spelunky still cross-buy on Vita and PS3? I'm pretty sure that it used to be. Was that in the EU too?

I know that at one point Limbo was cross-buy, but that Playdead dropped the feature after a while. Did Mossmouth do the same thing here? All the evidence on the Sony store suggests that it's no longer cross-buy.
Also how is Alice Madness returns?

Had always been interested but didnt want to pay a lot for it.

Madness Returns is fantastic. Whenever it gets mentioned here though people talk about the levels being too long, but I never found that at all. It's great fun to play, it looks amazing and the entire original Alice game comes as free DLC. At this price it's a steal.


Bought EDF, I hope it's as fun as it looks, I never played a game in the series.
I have to switch accounts again first, though.


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Ni No Kuni is downloading in two parts: one 16gb and one 6gb. Is this supposed to happen or have I inadvertently downloaded a demo too?


No Dragon's Crown sale...



Wow, so many good games.

Fish on is really that bad? I was interested on it.

I want to play Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, but I don't want to pay 20€ for the psp version if the ps3 collection is 12€. Agg I don't know what to do, go for Ps3 or keep on waiting.


Wow, so many good games.

Fish on is really that bad? I was interested on it.

I want to play Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, but I don't want to pay 20€ for the psp version if the ps3 collection is 12€. Agg I don't know what to do, go for Ps3 or keep on waiting.
I'd go with PS3. It doesn't seem like Konami have any interest in discounting the PSP version anytime soon. (nor pricedropping it to be cheaper than the PS3 version like it should be)


Nice, I've been wanting to play Virtue's Last Reward for quite some time. I also bought TxK and OlliOlli since I only hear good things about them, hope they're fun.

I'll have to get Alice Madness before the sale ends, too.


Bought EDF, I hope it's as fun as it looks, I never played a game in the series.
I have to switch accounts again first, though.
You could say I'm a bit of an EDF fan. ;)



Got the PAL EDF2 somewhere in storage as well.

Just give the game a little time. It starts of rather slow, with extremely simple missions and the most basic of weapons. After a dozen or so missions it starts to get very addictive as you unlock new weapons and new enemy types.
Forget about the easy difficulty setting and go for Normal if it's your first time.
Remember that the difficulty level you select decided what weapon levels will drop so you don't end up way overpowered on a certain difficulty.
Also try and pick up as much armour as you can as it adds to your overall health when you start the next mission.
One armour pack isn't one health point though, keep that in mind.

In EDF 2025 it's something like this:

Ranger 0.47
Wing Diver 0.23
Air Raider 0.46
Fencer 0.58

Not sure about the ratio in EDF2017P.
how does it perform?

I mean i hear the console versions dont perform that well AND are fairly ugly.

Not sure I want to imagine the vita version.

Visually it's a step down from the 360 version (which didn't look good to begin with), but the frame rate tends to hold up better. Loading times are also improved.


Oh, this started out as a part of the Simple 2000 series?
I'm hopeful, it looked great on CGR, I always wanted to get one of them.

Yeah it's a budget series though and through. Yet somehow it turned into one of my favourite gaming series out there. :)
Just try to ignore EDF Insect Armageddon like I did with these pics. ;)
It's not the worst game out there, but it doesn't have the "je ne sais quoi" that the Sandlot games have.

If you ever get the chance to play Reginleiv on Wii btw, be sure to give it a a shot as it's totally brilliant and one of the top Wii games in my book. Real shame Nintendo never brought it over...
If there ever was a sequel for the Wii U and it stayed in japan as well, I'd buy a Japanese Wii U just to play it, it's that good.


Do I want the Zone of the Enders Collection or just 2nd Runner? Hm.
Just 2nd Runner, at least at that price. The collection isn't worth it for the 1st game which both sucks compared to 2nd Runner and literally only lasts a couple hours.

Got a bunch nice Vita stuff:

and Devil May Cry HD and ZOE: 2nd Runner on PS3


Why aren't the Vita versions of the separate Metal Gear Solid HD games discounted? I already own MGS2 HD. :/
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