EU PSN: Easter Sale begins today (PS3, PS Vita and Cross-Buy titles)

So I "get" OlliOlli. Very addictive, and I concede that the Hotline Miami comparison... wasn't CRAZY.

I still might pick up PSASBR at some point. I have a sneaky feeling it'll be a Plus title soon though... with any luck the Plus titles for May will leak before the sale is over!


How is Virtua Tennis 4 on the Vita?

I mean i get that it's great looking yes, but gameplay wise, does it hold your attention compared to something like Hot Shots Tennis (which had great gameplay AND a superb story mode)

I like Hot Shots more but at that price I'd say it's worth getting.


So sad SCEE isn't doing these spend 50 get 10 actions on PSN.

It's not a spend 50 get 10 promotion, it is a top up 50 and get 10 promotion and SCEE does them, although regional limited. Your quote is actually from Australia which is part of SCEE. Germany had this promotion twice in the last months and Saudi Arabia at least once.
I know the description explicitly says "Snake Eater" but is there any chance this version has the Subsistence camera controls?

I used to own the HD collection on disc and I remember it had the option to switch between the two.


I can't buy Spelunky on my Vita :(

I just get an error when I try. There's no price listed there, either. I can download the trial version just fine, though.
Not enough people getting the Classic Doom Collection... For $10 it's an absolute steal and amazing value(if you play it on Ultra Violence difficulty anyway...).

Anyway I'm getting:
Wolf Among Us Season Pass PS3
EDF 2017 Vita
Still wondering about Tales of Xillia... Is the sequel that's coming out soon a better game?
Not enough people getting the Classic Doom Collection... For $10 it's an absolute steal and amazing value(if you play it on Ultra Violence difficulty anyway...).

It's a better idea to get the Doom 3 BFG Edition because it's not much more expensive and it also includes the Classic Dooms.


Well, I told myself, that I shouldn't buy more games until I finished recently bought, but what am I trying to prove ...

New Little King’s Story - will be mine :)


So which version of mgs 3 HD is best? the ps3 or vita version?

I'm worried about the controls on the vita because mgs3 is already a little fiddly. How are the graphics on both?


It's not on sale, is it? It ain't in the OP list and it was around £30 when I looked on Saturday.

Ah, fucking sweet! Couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger on Saturday, seems my sales-sense must've been tingling.

Damn, that's awfully tempting. I've never played a Sniper game, what can I expect in terms of gameplay? Is it all sniping cats from afar or is there a break up in the action? Like do you have to find the perfect spot to snipe from and can you progress even if you botch an assassination?

Worth it then i guess... Right Guys??

Ein Bear

I know the description explicitly says "Snake Eater" but is there any chance this version has the Subsistence camera controls?

I used to own the HD collection on disc and I remember it had the option to switch between the two.

Yeah, both the HD editions are based off the Substance/Subsistance versions of the games. They just used the original names, you still get the Subsistance camera, MG1/2, etc.


Junior Member
I loved The Walking Dead. Is The Wolf Among Us on the same level?

Personally I don't think it's on quite the same level. But it's great in its own right. It's different I suppose, more of a murder mystery whereas Walking Dead is a bleak tale about the characters. So I guess it depends which appeals more. Personally I don't think Wolf Among Us is as gripping, the latest episode was out yesterday and I'm in no rush to play, but when a new TWD episode is out I'm there mashing the download button and play it in one sitting. I'll certainly play it though, probably this weekend. I've been enjoying what I've played so far.
Worth it then i guess... Right Guys??

Definitely. I was up until 2am playing this, it really is a great game and I'm kinda disappointed in myself that I hadn't given this series a chance before.

Huge thanks to Big_Al for his impressions, wouldn't have bought it otherwise.


Hmm...was seeing the difference between the 2 alice entries...saw 'American Mcgees alice' which i assume is the first game, said 'Free' downloading now...

free game? :S

Havnt bought anything yet!

Also, why is there 2 Madness returns entries and one slightly bigger than the other?


So far I got WRC 4 and The Raven. I'll probably get something else before the sale ends.

Hmm...was seeing the difference between the 2 alice entries...saw 'American Mcgees alice' which i assume is the first game, said 'Free' downloading now...

free game? :S

Havnt bought anything yet!

Also, why is there 2 Madness returns entries and one slightly bigger than the other?

I'm not sure, but I think that the first game is works as DLC to the newer game; you need it to play the original.


So far I got WRC 4 and The Raven. I'll probably get something else before the sale ends.

I'm not sure, but I think that the first game is works as DLC to the newer game; you need it to play the original.

damn..u r right.
Ah well, was gonna buy the game anyways.

Is there a reason behind castlevania los 2 being so cheap?
Is the game on par with the 1st (or better). I havnt played the first but its generally got positive feedback.


Bought Virtues Last reward, olli olli, spelunky and Thomas was alone from recommendations here.

Haven't tried VLR yet, olli olli and Thomas was alone are fantastic.

Spelunky I'm a teeny bit meh about. I can tell its great but I'm just off the back of steamworld dig so maybe that is clouding my thoughts on it a bit.

I still have around £4 to spend but not sure what to get.


Bought Virtues Last reward, olli olli, spelunky and Thomas was alone from recommendations here.

Haven't tried VLR yet, olli olli and Thomas was alone are fantastic.

Spelunky I'm a teeny bit meh about. I can tell its great but I'm just off the back of steamworld dig so maybe that is clouding my thoughts on it a bit.

I still have around £4 to spend but not sure what to get.

Get TxK


Bought New Little Kings Story and OlliOlli yesterday. Great deals

NLKS is amazing so far. I think I'm hooked *.*


Can I please get some castlevania LoS 2 impressions.

Good combat, unnecessary stealth sections, decent 'platforming' and exploring.
It's not the best game ever but worth at least a 1 time playthrough. If you're still hesitant, wait for the retail to go for a similar price or cheaper.


Good combat, unnecessary stealth sections, decent 'platforming' and exploring.
It's not the best game ever but worth at least a 1 time playthrough. If you're still hesitant, wait for the retail to go for a similar price or cheaper.

Thats never going to happen...

The first is pretty much selling for more than this deal lol.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
How smooth does Walking Dead run on Vita ? Would love to replay it at some point.
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