EU PSN: Easter Sale begins today (PS3, PS Vita and Cross-Buy titles)

Wow these are some good deals. Hopefully the ones I'm eyeing come to the NA PSN as well. I'm a huge Silent Hill and Persona fan and I love Mass Effect (mostly the first one), so I'm looking at Book of Memories (I know, I know, but I just feel like giving it a try one day so long as it doesn't completely tarnish Silent Hill in some way). I'm also looking at Persona 4 Arena, but I'm not really a fan of fighting games so I'm wondering if it's worth it just for the story. As for the Mass Effect Trilogy, I already own all three game, but the first 2 are on my 360 with the third one on my Wii U (ssshh, don't ask, just let it be), so I've been considering the Mas effect Trilogy on PS3 for some time, though I'd prefer the retail version because of the nice packaging (well I would actually prefer the retail version of all the games I've mentioned, but whatever it's fun to think about getting these games at a good price). I've also wanted to try the Atelier series, so I would consider that as well.

But of course these deals would have to come to PSN in NA for me to seriously consider them, of course.
Just remembered that this is still running too.


Even more savings, definitely doing this myself.


For you.
I was pissed the last time they did the 50 euros paypal deal. Because I just had put 50 euros on my account with paypal a few days before :(


Maybe im crazy, but im pretty sure I saw that on my store (Aus)

My bad thgen, whenever I see the Dollar sign I instantly assume it's the US ONE =p

One word of advice to AUS GAF: Spend the $50 that you top up with, US PSN had a similar offer but apparently you had to spend those$50 that you added via paypal.


Dammit you all seem to have broken the store, they let me deposit money but won't let me spend it on OlliOlli.
Edit: All working now.

Due to the mininumn deposit limit I suppose I'll get Retro City Rampage too...

I love these Vita sales, a new owner can pick up Spelunky, Hotline Miami, TxK, Olli Olli, Stealth Inc and Guacamelee! all for well under £20.

Damn, that's awfully tempting. I've never played a Sniper game, what can I expect in terms of gameplay? Is it all sniping cats from afar or is there a break up in the action? Like do you have to find the perfect spot to snipe from and can you progress even if you botch an assassination?
  • OlliOlli
  • Virtua Tennis 4
  • Tales of graces f
  • TxK
  • Virtue's last reward
  • Walking dead s01
  • Wolf among us s01

Anything else you would recommend gaf?

Already own Spelunky, KZ: Mercenaries, Hotline Miami and Guacamelee :)
  • OlliOlli
  • Virtua Tennis 4
  • Tales of graces f
  • TxK
  • Virtue's last reward
  • Walking dead s01
  • Wolf among us s01

Anything else you would recommend gaf?

KZ Mercs, Hotline Miami and Guacemelee. Although the PS4/X1 version of Guacemelee will be releasing soon, so you might want to pass on that if you have either console...


But guys, what if all these game will be on PS+ next month I mean wouldn't it be stupid to pay for gamhaha kidding always end up buying a few of them.
Earth Defense Force 2017 it is.

Always wanted to get it, but 30€ was far too much.

6,19 € is ....hopefully....a steal.


New Little King’s Story
Silent Hill Book of Memories
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
to me.

No bad month PSN, no bad month.


So word of warning gaffers!!!

I bought the Battlefield 4 upgrade when it was still in the store to use with my PS3 disc but I was sick of having to put the disc in all the time so I bought the PS3 digital version today so that it would work without needing the disc but it doesn't!!!!

The game will only boot with the PS3 disc, I also tried restoring licences and I deleted the entire game and tried to reinstall it but it still needs the disc.

Now I'm gonna have to deal with Sony to get a refund so that will probably take a month considering how shit their customer service is :-(

Hope this post stops people from falling into this trap.


Is Book of Memories a Diablo style game and if so is it any good? I don't care if it's a good Silent Hill game but I'm always down for some portable dungeon crawling.
How is Virtua Tennis 4 on the Vita?

I mean i get that it's great looking yes, but gameplay wise, does it hold your attention compared to something like Hot Shots Tennis (which had great gameplay AND a superb story mode)


How is Virtua Tennis 4 on the Vita?

I mean i get that it's great looking yes, but gameplay wise, does it hold your attention compared to something like Hot Shots Tennis (which had great gameplay AND a superb story mode)

It's the arcadey Virtua Tennis gameplay you either love or hate. The career mode is great and I enjoyed it more than the story mode of Hot Shots Tennis.


Unconfirmed Member
Damn, that's awfully tempting. I've never played a Sniper game, what can I expect in terms of gameplay? Is it all sniping cats from afar or is there a break up in the action? Like do you have to find the perfect spot to snipe from and can you progress even if you botch an assassination?

I really like it but it's not a very stealthy game. I mean there's some stealth but only up to a point. It's more of a sniper action game IMO. However I think it's a lot of fun and considering you have things like tripwires, mines, normal pistols/machine guns at your disposal you have plenty of choice in how to approach things. For example, in a level I would usually try to take people out with my silenced pistol and use the sniper rifle a bit later on but you have plenty of choice.

It's been a year or so since I played it but I can't think of any missions offhand that require you to do things in a specific way. As long as you can kill the target and get out of their you are usually ok. It just depends how much destruction you cause and how many folk get in your way. The levels are exactly hugely open either, you definitely have some room to maneouvre but we weren't talking huge levels with multiple approaches etc. Linear but a bit more open if that makes sense.
I really like it but it's not a very stealthy game. I mean there's some stealth but only up to a point. It's more of a sniper action game IMO. However I think it's a lot of fun and considering you have things like tripwires, mines, normal pistols/machine guns at your disposal you have plenty of choice in how to approach things. For example, in a level I would usually try to take people out with my silenced pistol and use the sniper rifle a bit later on but you have plenty of choice.

It's been a year or so since I played it but I can't think of any missions offhand that require you to do things in a specific way. As long as you can kill the target and get out of their you are usually ok. It just depends how much destruction you cause and how many folk get in your way. The levels are exactly hugely open either, you definitely have some room to maneouvre but we weren't talking huge levels with multiple approaches etc. Linear but a bit more open if that makes sense.

Well that's me sold. Sounds like a game I'll really enjoy. Thanks for the feedback, it's greatly appreciated.


Those are some nice discounts. Have most of the games already though. Bought CastleStorm Complete Edition and Rainbow Moon.

Walking Dead Season 1 is tempting, but should be a lower price.

Pro Evolution Soccer, Sly Cooper, Hotline Miami and Little Big Planet Karting are currently free with PS+. I wonder how many people will buy them with their PS+ discount...

Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate sale is a joke, this is the price of the PS3 version (which is better).

Sad that Persona 4 Golden is never on sale. It is on sale every second week in the US (it seems), but in EU it stays full price all time.


Those are some nice discounts. Have most of the games already though. Bought CastleStorm Complete Edition and Rainbow Moon.

Walking Dead Season 1 is tempting, but should be a lower price.

Pro Evolution Soccer, Sly Cooper, Hotline Miami and Little Big Planet Karting are currently free with PS+. I wonder how many people will buy them with their PS+ discount...

Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate sale is a joke, this is the price of the PS3 version (which is better).

Sad that Persona 4 Golden is never on sale. It is on sale every second week in the US (it seems), but in EU it stays full price all time.

Eh? It was on sale for the Christmas Sale for a pretty damn good price.


Unconfirmed Member
Well that's me sold. Sounds like a game I'll really enjoy. Thanks for the feedback, it's greatly appreciated.

I think you'll dig it :) It's sort of a great B tier WW2 game and for that price it's definitely worth it. I got a lot of value out of it on release. Sniper Elite 3 is out in June as well set in Africa during WW2, looking forward to that a lot.


TxK and ZOE 2 HD for me (despite owning it on PS2)

If I could get a 16+ gb memory card for Vita I might buy even more *HINT HINT SONY*


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks, done lol.

:p I've only played the demo for Book Of Memories and thought it was ok (I might buy it in the sale) but EDF is just a lot more fun and you'll get tons more value out of it. Here's hoping you enjoy it.

EDF have online Co op?

Yes it does, either 3 or 4 players can't remember offhand. I never tried the online coop but it was supposed to be rock solid. They also added in Pale Wing too (as an unlockable) so it actually has more content than the 360 version.
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