hello, Kave - I hope you're doing well!
Doing great, just got back from Mexico.
Spending the rest of tonight getting caught up on everything I missed in the last week then coming back salty as fuck tomorrow.
Did you disclose that you are a filthy Pats fan?
It's not cool to hide that kind of stuff. That's like having AIDS and not telling your partner beforehand.
Doing great, just got back from Mexico.
Spending the rest of tonight getting caught up on everything I missed in the last week then coming back salty as fuck tomorrow.
good to hear!Doing great, just got back from Mexico.
Spending the rest of tonight getting caught up on everything I missed in the last week then coming back salty as fuck tomorrow.
When I saw the word "salty" I immediately thought to go look at what happened to the Leafs.
All I'll say is that there was something about "one of the most unbelievable collapses in recent NHL memory".
Well there's always the Raptors....I guess.
Oh she knows. I mean she grew up in Minnesota but cheers for Syracuse basketball. So me and her had some issues, with me being a Nova fan.
Anyway I don't know how to cook and she's a vegetarian so I'm probably going to ruin some salmon sometime this coming week.
Raptors about to get that work from the Nyets. Plus Jay> Drake
Bobcats about to get drilled by the Heat tho
Raptors about to get that work from the Nyets. Plus Jay> Drake
Bobcats about to get drilled by the Heat tho
I thought vegetarians could eat fish? I know she doesn't eat meat or birds, so what else could I make?
People want the Hornets back!
Also have you been to the new park uptown? I forget if you live in NYC or if that's Bowser.
I thought vegetarians could eat fish? I know she doesn't eat meat or birds, so what else could I make?
People want the Hornets back!
Also have you been to the new park uptown? I forget if you live in NYC or if that's Bowser.
Vegetarians are the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet.
"But think of the poor little animals!"
What about the poor little plants motherfucker? No one EVER thinks about the plants. They only give us fucking oxygen to breathe, who cares about them?!
Guys I just realized something...
where is snes? (Aw shit he's banned, who's the fucker responsible for that?)
Community girl:
You know she gets naked in Choke, right? No need to find a substitute.
So can someone explain to me the whole "I'm a vegetarian but I eat fish" thing?
Why are fish not considered meat?
ESPN had a little ticker with a mock draft going today while I was at the gym and they had Anthony Barr going like 25th and fucking Teddy going in the 2nd round to the Texans. WTF has happened?
So can someone explain to me the whole "I'm a vegetarian but I eat fish" thing?
Why are fish not considered meat?
Katy Perry's rack does indeed make me squee.
I want to see her boobies.
I thought vegetarians could eat fish? I know she doesn't eat meat or birds, so what else could I make?
People want the Hornets back!
Also have you been to the new park uptown? I forget if you live in NYC or if that's Bowser.
On the downside you have to watch Choke.You know she gets naked in Choke, right? No need to find a substitute.
I don't know if you're trolling or whatever but really?
Like if you wanted to call me a hypocrite you could say that I'm a hypocrite because I enjoy watching a sport where people literally slaughter each other on the field like its some fucking Gladiator shit.
Texans bringing in JFF for a visit? Peter King traveling for a JFF story? hmmm
I found a box of crickets I left in a bag. I dont know the expiration date of them though. Best not to eat them.
... like crickets for a pet?
Pretty sure Mech is the only one that isn't convinced that the Texans are taking him!
The south is weird.
don't blame the south for cajunThe south is weird.
no. crickets for food. a snack.
Just odd timing. He's in Cleveland this weekend and HOU on Monday. So maybe the story is on the Browns
Actually, the product is made in california.
don't blame the south for cajun
Pineapple Pizza
Pineapple Pizza
Odd that Peter King would travel so far just to bash the Browns.
He said it is on JFF. Could be to bash him for all we know for his Monday column
edit: Actually CLE is coming to College Station this weekend. Then Texans meet on Monday. So intrigue back on
e2: LGB
...EughI dont like the salt and vinegar ones but bacon and cheese and sour cream onion flavored ones are great! If those are too weird they also have scorpions and mealworms. the mealworms are good but the scorpions taste earthy. I dont recommend them.
What does "earthy" even mean? They taste like dirt?