Phil Harrison = Sony
Phil Spencer = Microsoft Game Studios
Then again judging by your post history I don't think this would mean anything to you, bye
I bought a new PS2 from a walmart last year. Disrespectful yet oddly satisfying about sums it upHearing about PSP sales makes me want to find a new PSP-3000 for under $100 in a Godforsaken endcap at a K-Mart somewhere. Buying it would feel disrespectful to the system's legacy, yet oddly satisfying.
I guess I'm really more surprised people are still buying PSPs. Great system that it was, though, I adored mine.
You can't sell a product that nobody wants.
My predictions weren't too bad for March:
[XB1] 303K
[PS4] 320K
[3DS] 167K
[360] 119K
[PS3] 98K
[WIU] 76K
[PSV] 53k
I think I might actually place somewhere decent this time.
Mario Kart will give Wii U it's biggest non holiday month. Expecting 150k-300k.
Then it'll drop off again...
It had two GTAs........I guess I'm really more surprised people are still buying PSPs. Great system that it was, though, I adored mine.
Was this posted?
Yeah, I guess since I moved on to the Vita I forgot about the PSP, but that's pretty spot on.Gotta keep in mind that the PSP can still do quite a bit of stuff that the Vita does.
It plays all those old PSX games, along with it's entire library, digital downloads, the memory isn't proprietary, it's far cheaper then the Vita is.
Vita's 2 major selling points vs the PSP are it's exclusive Vita games and remote play, and those aren't strong points really when you consider the system's price and again, the memory you have to buy in addition.
(This is off the top of my head, correct me if I'm wrong)
wtf you sure its less than 10k?< 10K for Vita? Oh for f**** sake Sony... Did you forget about it already?
Mario Kart will give Wii U it's biggest non holiday month. Expecting 150k-300k.
Then it'll drop off again...
I bought a new PS2 from a walmart last year. Disrespectful yet oddly satisfying about sums it up
Yes. I could be wrong, though. I'll go find some evidence.
oh right, in your universe where sony lacks communication and psn is only good because of free games.
EmptySpace]and where are those titles? all they ever did were voice commands, which you could've done using the kinect 1. where were all those tech demos of skeletal framework, infrared, heart rate crap from almost a year ago? a year has passed by and we saw no implementation of those whatsoever in any game so far.
I know a few people set on getting Vitas waiting for the Borderlands bundle - I have a coworker who saw mine and said, "This is awesome, I want one!"Wii u ded
Vita ded
hope ded
dreams ded
Then they got to make people want it. Or else, what exactly is the purpose of the Vita? Make a Vita/PS4 bundle already. Or here's a crazy idea.. Why don't they bring Vita TV to the west finally?
I just think a Kinect only title is going to usually suck.
My predictions weren't too bad for March:
[XB1] 303K
[PS4] 320K
[3DS] 167K
[360] 119K
[PS3] 98K
[WIU] 76K
[PSV] 53k
I think I might actually place somewhere decent this time.
3DS: 11.87 million
Vita: 1.77 million
Then they got to make people want it. Or else, what exactly is the purpose of the Vita? Make a Vita/PS4 bundle already. Or here's a crazy idea.. Why don't they bring Vita TV to the west finally?
I think the last numbers Nintendo released was that it was at 1.5million and that was for 2013. It's probably closer to 2 million now. That's like a 1/3 attach rate
Phil Harrison = Sony
Phil Spencer = Microsoft Game Studios
Then again judging by your post history I don't think this would mean anything to you, bye
wtf you sure its less than 10k?
Sales be damned. I still plan on buying a Wii U after I get my Xbone. It's actually starting to look pretty unique standing beside the third party twins.
Wow..I honestly expected Xbone to beat PS4 in March with Titanfall, Sony cant be stopped right now. Still TF obviously sold very well and MS cant be that disappointed considering their console is putting up respectable numbers while costing 100 bucks more than PS4.
As for Wii U, if Mario Kart 8 doesnt make a huge impact on sales this summer then I think we can finally call it 100% dead. An MK8 bundle at the right price could REALLY sell a shitload of systems, I know thats what Im waiting for. $199.99 MK8 bundle about a month after the game drops would be perfect.
its over in terms of worldwide.Damn.
OT: This is a 10 year marathon with thousands of games, it's entirely too early to call this because we have nowhere near enough data.
Screw it I'm a thousand posts behind, I give up
Titanfall seems to have sold very very well if I'm reading the situation right
ISS did almost exactly as I predicted. Still great numbers for Sucker Punch
Dark Souls numbers are a bit disappointing I think, can't remember Dark Souls I numbers
Stick of truth did really really well though, also suggests 440k < ISS < 500k
Wii U is moving into dead place, Vita into being buried under dreamcasts shallow grave at this rate
i don't think the 3ds will outsell the psp in the us at this rate. and the vita may not hit 2m.
You expect them to:
1. Bundle the game, not at release, but a month later
2. Knock off $100 while including the game
Well alright then.
Don't even joke about it -_-i don't think the 3ds will outsell the psp in the us at this rate. and the vita may not hit 2m.
dam i thought people were kidding saying vita is dead.doesnt it get releases often from what i see.Sorry. I guess it's a "little over" 10K, not less. Still horrendous.
How well the PSP sold everywhere was kinda surreal. In most places, the lineup was only marginally better than the Vita if we're talking about titles with mainstream appeal, yet it had bizarrely strong, sustained sales anyway.
Mario Kart will give Wii U it's biggest non holiday month. Expecting 150k-300k.
Then it'll drop off again...
Tough to say until we see what sort of effect the Vita 2000 has. May should inform of precisely how dead the Vita isi don't think the 3ds will outsell the psp in the us at this rate. and the vita may not hit 2m.
I don't think we know the PC vs XO ratio though for Titanfall sales.
I think the last numbers Nintendo released was that it was at 1.5million and that was for 2013. It's probably closer to 2 million now. That's like a 1/3 attach rate
Coming in real late anyone have summary of leaks???
No way rest of the world even comes close to matching npd numbers of xbone sold.So I was right MS would announce 5M shipped WW. What is the estimate on sold through doubling NPD for the rest of the world?
marginally better?How well the PSP sold everywhere was kinda surreal. In most places, the lineup was only marginally better than the Vita if we're talking about titles with mainstream appeal, yet it had bizarrely strong, sustained sales anyway.
It had 2 GTA games, Vita can only dream of something like thatHow well the PSP sold everywhere was kinda surreal. In most places, the lineup was only marginally better than the Vita if we're talking about titles with mainstream appeal, yet it had bizarrely strong, sustained sales anyway.