you think it's crazy now... wait until Sony gets on their 2010-2011 shit.
Do you remember?:
Killzone 2, Demon Soul's. Ratchet and Clank: ACit, Uncharted 2, God of War III, Gran Turismo and a lot more...
I still maintain that if Sony launched the PS3 at the same time as the Xbox 360 and hypothetically, their entire line up would shift up a year, I think the PS3 would have outsold the Xbox 360 sooner worldwide, there would have been more competition in the US, and the PS3 having no games wouldn't have been a meme that lasted until 2011. The $599 wouldn't have mattered as much because consumers would have actually done a closer comparison to see that one console had a blu-ray player and free online. By the time the PS3 rolled out, it didn't have shit for a year and gamers were not going to play an extra $100 for console that had no big exclusive and lacked an Xbox Live kind of community.
This gen Sony was able to launch a week earlier and launch at very surprising price of $399 ($200 cheap than the launch price of the PS3 and when you factor in inflation, it's crazy how well it's priced for a launch console). Last gen Sony started doing pretty well world wide when the exclusives were pumping. This gen, Microsoft is going to be a very tough spot if they don't make good decisions and avoid game changing opportunities.
I bet though that if they were both $399, it would be neck and neck