The game feels very much like RAGE
indeed in the sense that changing videosettings actually achieves almost nothing for me.
Thanks for the confirmation. I was stumped to see only High as an option however Wolfenstein eats VRAM, it may not be a surprise that it's limited.I have a 2gb GPU and I don't have an Ultra VT Cache setting either. It only goes up to High. Maybe you're right.
It does go to Ultra. Maybe it only lets you go to that if you have 4GB.Thanks for the confirmation. I was stumped to see only High as an option however Wolfenstein eats VRAM, it may not be a surprise that it's limited.
I want to know how you guys managed to get 16x anisotropic filtering in this.
Id tech 5 only supports 4x anisotropic filtering.
Enter "vt_maxaniso 16" in the console and then enter just "vt_maxaniso" and the console reports that it's still set to default 4x.
Does the game support SLI or Crossfire dual GPUs?
No. For best performance, it is recommended that you disable these modes. If you to try running in either mode at your own risk and make sure you have installed the latest drivers.
If you create a file in Notepad called wolfconfig.cfg and put it in your base folder, you can add startup commands that way. I just copy and pasted mine from Rage and changed a couple of things.
Code:r_multisamples 8 //8k textures vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192 vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192 vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192 //reduced texture streaming vt_maxPPF 32 //level of detail tweaks image_lodbias -0.5 image_anisotropy 16 vt_feedbacklodbias -1 //16x anisotropic filtering vt_maxaniso 16
EDIT: Yeah, vt_maxaniso is stuck at 4 regardless. I can't even change it manually. Just force it through drivers.
Reading how good of performance nVidia owners are getting is filling me with RAGE.
There is no excuse. I don't even know if I want Doom 4 now. Like, on principle. If you're going to have such a massive performance difference, just come out and say you don't support AMD/ATI, because you obviously fucking don't. It doesn't have shit to do with the ability of the hardware, it is their prejudiced asses not even trying.
Rage runs fine, so you can obviously make an idTech5 game work fine on it. Carmack said the only reason it had problems was because it was tuned for an unreleased driver. Well if that driver is out and Rage runs fine, what the fuck is going on here? The game also runs fine on AMD-driven consoles.are you not upset at all about AMD's OpenGL support?
Are the cutscenes capped at 30FPS in PC version as well? Cause they are in the PS4 version at least.
Well if that driver is out and Rage runs fine, what the fuck is going on here?
Are the cutscenes capped at 30FPS in PC version as well? Cause they are in the PS4 version at least.
I hope the 1fps bug is addressed in the first patch. A few times now I've had to restart the entire level rather than a checkpoint because the latter essentially just stalls the game. It's not a VRAM issue, either, as I've been keeping an eye on Afterburner and at no point has the reported usage gone north of 2GB.
Looking forward to a similar thread next week with Watch Dogs. I have a feeling it's going to be a troublesome game as well. We'll see...
The Afterburner OSD won't show in-game for me for some reason. Haven't really tried to figure out why yet, but it's annoying.
You shouldn't use v-sync in game and forced in the control panel, only one or the other. That's probably causing you issues. The in-game v-sync is adaptive, so if you drop below 60 it will tear instead of dropping to 30.
Found that disabling SLI increases my FPS. Also is there any fix for the texture popping? I'm getting good FPS but texture popping
Titan 6gb
I4770 oc 4.2ghz
32gb ram
My rig did not like r_multisamples 16 it drove the fps down to 45-50
Multisamples 8 with maxaniso 16 with default ultra setting seems ok though i did notice fps drop to 58 a couple of times.
Looks like 2gb vram is the limiting factor. Am on 3gb and can go up to Ultra. I need to drop it back down to high when using 16xAA though.I have a 2gb GPU and I don't have an Ultra VT Cache setting either. It only goes up to High. Maybe you're right.
Anyone manage to get above the High preset with my setup?
i7-4770k @ stock
770 2GB
Can't manage to get the Ultra preset, probably the 2GB vram limit on my GPU?
Reading how good of performance nVidia owners are getting is filling me with RAGE.
There is no excuse. I don't even know if I want Doom 4 now. Like, on principle. If you're going to have such a massive performance difference, just come out and say you don't support AMD/ATI, because you obviously fucking don't. It doesn't have shit to do with the ability of the hardware, it is their prejudiced asses not even trying.
Page per frame, it's tied to texture streaming. Am not sure how to properly explain the technical aspects of it.Does anyone know what PPF stands for and how it effects performance?
The intro cutscene moved a snail's pace until I enabled VT Compression; I have everything maxed out though, so I'm guessing my GTX670 2GB is extremely VRAM limited.
I haven't seen one Screen-Space Reflection since I started. I'm guessing I'll just turn this feature off as I'm sure it effects performance significantly.
Also, the sound mixing in the game is atrocious. I hope they fix the sound mixing and the random severe performance issues this game has. Also, why in the world does this game not support SLI or Crossfire?
I'm guessing Bethesda is trying to do all they can to recoupe the R&D costs wasted on Id Tech 5.
The gameplay is rock solid though (no real complaints here).
Thanks, that makes a lot of sense as to why we cant get AA to stick using launch options. Setting max ppf to 64 changes the default profile to custom.I usually don't comment on these, but I just wanted to throw out there some weird things that I've noticed.
Forcing Triple Buffering through the nvidia control panel doesn't seem to work for at all. Game bugs out every time I've tried it. Textures won't load properly or glitch in hilarious ways. Disabling it again fixed that so I have to roll with it off I guess; which blows.
Disabling the intro screens also doesn't work in the way I hoped it would. It just sits at a black screen for what seems like the same length of time it would have taken to watch the logos and whatnot. I kind of hoped it would just skip to the start screen.
Setting launch arguments for the antialiasing level also wasn't working for me (like someone else on here mentioned) and typing it in the console was the only way to get it to work. However, every death/checkpoint/game restart it was resetting to default so I had to keep typing in the command.
I got tired of that so I just adjusted the profile information in graphicsprofiles.json in the base folder with the antialiasing setting I wanted, and that's the only way I've gotten it to persist without constantly having to reset it. But the tradeoff is you have to use one of the default profiles (low, med, high, ultra) in the advanced options menu; custom doesn't work as far as I can tell. Also, adding in the AF command information into this file didn't seem to work. Not entirely sure though; I'm going to try it again later.
Just throwing it out there for anybody else who couldn't get the antialiasing setting to stick for them the ways mentioned in this thread.
I have a Titan too, running with the 337.50 drivers for me the best AA solution is to downsample from 2560x1440 (assuming you have a 1080P monitor) and run with r_multisamples 4.
Might have to turn down screenspace reflections a bit too. With this I get 60 fps and decent IQ
Can you guys educate me on something? With v-sync off in game and when I force triple buffering through Inspector I still get screen tearing; when I "force on" vsync and triple buffering set to on, tearing goes away. Does this make sense?
It has been mentioned before in this thread but if you don't have the time to search for it, I'll answer it for you.I7 2600 & GTX580 here. The game runs smooth but dof is set at "low" and shadows at "2048" ( i cant see the differences with the different shadow settings anyways).
How can I force MSAA though? The game is ugly as sin with all those jaggies constantly moving on screen.