I love Marvel movies, but I was scared to see this because I was worried it was going to be bad. The movie is in a tough position because it is full of unknown characters it has to introduce together (unlike every other MCU origin stories which only had to focus on showcasing one character), it's got some really goofy space/animal elements to balance, and it has to set up Thanos and the Infinity Gems which will obviously be a huge corner stone of the MCU. Not only that, but James Gunn is a risky bet. I loved Slither and his PG Porn series, but I was disappointed by Super and the Scooby movies. Mix both those elements together, a complicated movie that needs to bend in a lot of directions and a hit/miss writer and director, and what do you get?
A great movie, as it turns out. Granted, the effects aren't done and a lot can change between now and August, but if they keep on the track they're going, it will be solid. I don't want to spoil the fun, so here are few things that surprised me:
Unlike any other Marvel movie. A lot more comedic than expected.
Ronan, Nebula and Yondu look amazing.
The prison escape sequence is brilliant.
As expected, lots of neat easter eggs in The Collector's collection, including a cosmic puppy.
Rocket steals the show. Bradley Cooper's voice is perfect.
But that doesn't mean the others don't shine - they do, especially Drax. I was impressed with how well you knew most of the characters by the end.
The soundtrack plays a huge part, both in the setting tone and being part of the story.
You find out where Peter Quill and the team get their names.
Bottom line: it's not perfect. There are parts that drag, some action sequences that aren't as strong as one might hope, and some puzzling/unexplained motivations. The good news is that there's time to fix these things and, even if they don't solve everything, it'll still be a lot of fun. No matter what, I will absolutely be in line to go see it opening day.