2014 NBA Finals |OT| Some dude guarantees they will win it all.

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Man, I feel so bad for LeBron. He did everything he could. He really came through and Wade.. Just... Left him hanging. But it won't stop him from taking all the heat for practically carrying that team on his back.


Playing three games in 5 nights, not getting games off, no rest finally caught up to him. His body just isn't capable of playing that much anymore
Of course. But it's crazy that he went from arguably the best statistically in his position to fundamentally useless.

Aging sucks man.


Basketball is Alive again!

The heat were thoroughly embarrassed this series. They didn't just win they stumped the heat. It was never close. Wade was a scrub, chalmers was a disgrace. Congrats to the Spurs.
I agree- but the statistical cliff he fell off this series is nuts. Check his efficiency numbers this year. Even for the # of minutes he played he was amazing. It makes no sense.

You don't want to hand a max 4-5 year deal to a guy who needs to take 20 games off during the season just to have an impact. If Riley is really the "Don" everyone makes him out to be he'll give Wade the Fredo treatment and not think twice about it.
There are now zero arguments that support the notion that Kobe is even the best player of this generation. Duncan won 5 rings as the best player on his team, whereas Kobe had to be carried to 5 by Shaq and Pau Gasol.
TD had the admiral, Sean Elliott and Horry during those titles too... GM of spurs gotta get ton of props


There are now zero arguments that support the notion that Kobe is even the best player of this generation. Duncan won 5 rings as the best player on his team, whereas Kobe had to be carried to 5 by Shaq and Pau Gasol.

lol, you almost had something till the end there. Almost.
I absolutely love Timmy D, I love Greg, I love this whole spurs team, just do everything so quietly and the right damn way, this is the most satisfying championship I've enjoyed in sports for years.
Same, most satisfying championship that wasn't my team I've witnessed in a long while.


I'm truly thankful that this series shows that actually playing as a team (with a good bench and role players) and not assembling a group of superstars is much more fun to watch and works much better

Praying that LeBron leaves the Heat (which will happen)


Incredibly Naive
let us point and laugh

Gladly I'm pointing and laughing at myself, they proved me as wrong as anybody could and I couldn't be more happy. They came out embarrassingly flat, and it was hard not to think that game 6 had them shook still when it came to closing out.


Of course. But it's crazy that he went from arguably the best statistically in his position to fundamentally useless.

Aging sucks man.
He looked good against indy and brooklyn, who were more physical defensively. I'm really surprised he looked so empty this series. I do hope this elevates Bosh to number 2, and gets Wade to focus more on his 3pt shot. Oh...and Melo for the lulz. PEACE.
Miami went full Cleveland in this series. The good news for Lebron is that the Eastern conference is a joke. Find a new batch of ring chasers and they can get back to the finals again.
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