Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Pilot, your Titan is ready, prepare for Titanbombs
system/psn/restore licenses

Seems like it worked for some people.

Yeah restoring licenses fixed the error code for me.
I actually got the error code when it attempted to restore the license so you may need to repeat the process until it completes without error.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
K so it downloaded but now can't connect to pan. I thought I had to download the rest of the 10 gb from bungie in game. Am I screwed?


Still haven't even gotten my email yet. 2:20pm here. Have to be at work 4pm-12am.


Log into

once logged in:

Click your username in the top right > profiles. Click codes.


UH....13.2gb downloaded in 3 minutes?

I've never seen a download that fast.

I'm goin in!!!

How do people keep falling for this. Like you really think your Internet provider just upgraded you to google fiber speeds free of charge at a convenient time?

You only downloaded the application to download the beta.


Well, finally downloading the client. I spammed the PSN Store until i was fast enough to start downloading before the Store kicked me out.
I can't get anything to work.

I preloaded the beta from the EU store yesterday. It wouldn't boot today so I restored licenses which locked it and gave me an error saying it couldn't connect to the server to check the license. Then I redeemed my NA Store beta code and verified that the beta is in my transaction history for my NA account. Restored licenses on my NA account and it's still locked.

Any help? :(

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Ok mashed X through the store stuff and now I have the shell app in my XMB


Maybe I'll watch Snowpiercer
How long did the 10gb download take? Also, trying to remote download the client via SEN store but it's not loading :(

The initial download from the PS Store(which is like 179mb) and install took about 2-3 minutes. The 10.97 GB 'Game Content Transfer' is downloading at 1% per 1.35 minutes.

So theoretically 2 hours and 17 minutes. I don't know if the 10.97 GB 'transfer' also needs to install or it's doing that during the download process and factored in to the % of completion.

But that has to be done on console, with the Destiny Beta application up. You can't download it with your system on standby.
Downloaded the Shell + Update, but whenever I launch the beta it can't connect to PSN.

Just gonna wait for it to unfuck itself and try again tonight I suppose.
It should be downloading? If on ps4, press start on the beta icon on the dashboard and go to information and see if it's downloading
Those who did the EU preorder trick (I'm in EU though, but it should work for US peeps too)

You have the preloaded game, but it wont start/is locked

1. Redeem code HERE (login first, and you'll see where you can redeem)
3. Start game.

Just worked for me now, didn't have to download it over again. :)
Several pages later and nobody who this worked for mentions how it actually worked for them. You can't redeem US codes to an EU account, so this literally only works for EU accounts.
For people getting kicked from PSN Store: When you get the error message, DOUBLE TAP THE PS BUTTON to go to XMB.

Then, DOUBLE TAP AGAIN to go back to the Store. You may get the error again, but KEEP DOUBLE TAPPING IN AND OUT.

Pressing circle closes the store, while double tapping keeps it open in the background (I think)

You will eventually make progress without having to start the launch of the PSN store all over again (by double tapping PS button instead of circle)

Keep this in mind for future betas.

On Demand

What a fucking tease. PSN store loaded for me, scrolled down as quickly as possible to redeem codes and then the maintenance page comes up. I managed to access it for all of 3 seconds.

PS3? I redeemed from the Account Management section so i don't have to bother with the store.
Ugh guess Ill be keeping my PS4 on while I play DS2. Better not affect my connection :/ see you guys tonight when its actually fucking done -__-


Let me give you a concrete example of how it could have been much worse.
Having to download the ENTIRE thing through PSN, as opposed to dl'ing the mini-file from PSN and then downloading the rest from within the mini-file client

ummm, you mean they could have done it the normal way and I could start the entire download remotely from here at work. Instead, I can only download the mini-file remotely.

that is much worse.
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