Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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here's my story (summary) so far as of 1:00pm (10:00am PST)

went to got a monkey on my screen, kept pressing F5 until i got in to get my codes. Turned on my PS4 went to the store to find out its going under maintenance, so i kept going in and out till i got in. When i went to redeem my codes i got an error and got kicked out of the store, so i tried again and was able to download it.

After all that trouble came the fun part. The download jumped from 14GB down to 179MB and i thought maybe it was cause i still had the Alpha installed and it was just installing a couple of more things and that's why it only took 10 minutes to download.... Bullshit. I opened the beta pressed X to try and connect and got an error due to PSN. After all that i was able to connect! wooh time to play!... Nope now you have to install the 10GB of the game :D
all parties definitely goofed here. i imagine there are much better ways to hold this kind of beta. i dont think microsoft's servers will have this kind of issue either.

my actual download is around 8%. expecting an hour bedore i can play, which isnt bad and is assuming no interruptions.
ummm, you mean they could have done it the normal way and I could start the entire download remotely from here at work. Instead, I can only download the mini-file remotely.

that is much worse.

Agreed. It sucks that PSN is getting hammered this bad due to Bungie not generating and sending out codes in waves earlier this week, but having to leave on the system for a 2 hour and 17 minute minimum download where you can't do anything else with the system during that time makes having everything go through the PS Store directly a better option IMO.


Got it! Downloading now...

Here's some help for physical preorder people:

1. Go to your profile
2. Go to "codes"
3. Spam PSN store past the maintenance errors until you can move freely
4. Go to "redeem code"
5. Enter in the codes, keep retrying after a minute or so if you have an overly long wait time
6. Attempt a download, if you get booted, go to "view downloads"
7. Wait 4-5 seconds on view downloads and click on the beta if you see it
8. If you don't see it, press right and X
9. If you still don't see it, back out of the store and go back in
10. Click on the beta when you see it and hit download, and keep retrying until that works
11. Once your download is "finished", go to the application icon, press start, and click "Information" to check download progress

Foxix Von

I managed to redeem the code. Now I just need to actually get inside the store to download it. Which might be a problem since I had to change my password... ugh.


After TLOU, I'm taking a break from buying games. I've been getting penalized for going digital this gen. People who buy physical media get codes that can be redeemed through webpages that aren't locked behind the shitty PSN store. I get no option to preload, and then I'm forced to endure error messages with everyone else as the PSN servers can't handle the logjam. This is frustrating. I really just want to start the download so I csnngo on with the rest of my business. PEACE.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Oh k nvm if you go to the destiny beta and use options then information i can see it's downloading. Wow 330 already. Like my actual speed instead of pan speed lol Still dunno why it's giving me psn connection errors though as I can actually connect to psn...for now.
when I click on destiny beta to download it I just get this, anyone else have this too?


I was there, it is okey, just don't give up. It will eventually allow download.


having to leave on the system for a 2 hour and 17 minute minimum download where you can't do anything else with the system during that time makes having everything go through the PS Store directly a better option IMO.

You can leave the system on stand by and it will download in background.
I'm still getting the "Cannot start application" message with the beta I have from doing the preorder trick on PSN. And I'm getting a 404 on the redeem codes page of Bungie's site so I can't get the codes from my Amazon preorder.
From last page:

For people getting kicked from PSN Store: When you get the error message, DOUBLE TAP THE PS BUTTON to go to XMB.

Then, DOUBLE TAP AGAIN to go back to the Store. You may get the error again, but KEEP DOUBLE TAPPING IN AND OUT. DO NOT PRESS CIRCLE TO LEAVE THE STORE

Pressing circle closes the store, while double tapping keeps it open in the background (I think)

You will eventually make progress without having to start the launch of the PSN store all over again (by double tapping PS button instead of circle)

Keep this in mind for future betas.
Not sure if it's too soon or already said, but can you switch classes during the beta or will your chosen class be locked.

I plan to choose Warlock, but I want to try out Hunter as well.


Neo Member
here's my story (summary) so far as of 1:00pm (10:00am PST)

went to got a monkey on my screen, kept pressing F5 until i got in to get my codes. Turned on my PS4 went to the store to find out its going under maintenance, so i kept going in and out till i got in. When i went to redeem my codes i got an error and got kicked out of the store, so i tried again and was able to download it.

After all that trouble came the fun part. The download jumped from 14GB down to 179MB and i thought maybe it was cause i still had the Alpha installed and it was just installing a couple of more things and that's why it only took 10 minutes to download.... Bullshit. I opened the beta pressed X to try and connect and got an error due to PSN. After all that i was able to connect! wooh time to play!... Nope now you have to install the 10GB of the game :D

Went through the same thing buddy. And you know what after all of this. Who knows if the game will boot up or if we have to wait until they resolve server issues.


Still can't get in.

Redeemed my code at least 3 times now, I hit download and I'm greeted with an error code and thrown back to the dashboard. Fucking pathetic.


On your PS4 PSN Store, Select "Games". Destiny is the first entry. Hit X. This will bring you to a prompt that says "Download Beta".

That worked, thanks. Had to do the double tap PS button thing a lot, but it finally started downloading. Not sure if it'll download fast enough to play today or not, but I guess I'll see.
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