I'm at 70%
Keep getting error code CE-34632-8 after doing a licence restore when trying to launch, anyone found a work around for this issue?
getting into the beta is harder than playing the game. its like a raid on bungies servera
I have the initial client. How do I get past the "cannot connect to PSN" screen. Any workarounds? GAHHH!
Is anyone else getting an error when they try to redeem their code on PS4?
No, they're right. You can download the beta in standby mode. I did it.
fucking finally got the client to download. took me a good 15 minutes.
mash x. keep mashing x even if it doesn't appear instantly. keep mashing x until it's downloading.
After restoring licenses/setting primary PS4 in both my US account and EU account I've gotten a locked icon on the Destiny beta tile along with the error message "Could not connect to the server to verify the license". I've also redeemed one of my Beta codes through the Sony website in my US account. Still locked.
Has anyone gotten it to unfuck itself from this point?
I don't believe this is true actually. I certainly could be mistaken but typically (even on ps4 ie.FFXIV for example) when you have to download through a client app like this you have to stay in the app for the download to work.
I already redeemed my code on and choose my version (PS4), but I still haven't got an email with my download code.
What do I need to do guys?
Man, this FOV. Really.
It took 5 seconds to download something and now won't load because the authentication server is down.
Haha I finally got to the goddamn Destiny Beta page and when I click download nothing happens. You can hear the sound effect of me clicking it but nothing happens.
But I want to play today tho
Ok here's how to get into the beta if you're having problems.
Step 1: Get your beta code from the bungie site. That's just perseverance. Keep spamming until you get through.
Step 2: Don't even try redeeming your code through your PS4 you'll end up flipping a table. Instead read Click "PC or Mac: Redeem Vouchers through the SEN website". Follow the steps to redeem your code.
Step 3: After redeeming your code you will not be able to download the game from the same site. Now you'll have to deal with PSN (god speed). This step was provided by TimeEffect:
Don't use the circle button like I was! Follow this procedure.
Step 4: Go down to the Destiny pg on the PSN store and click it. Keep following the quoted method whenever you get an error screen. If the download button doesn't work just keep trying the quoted method.
Step 5: You're in! Or you should be unless something changes. You can't actually play unless Destiny can connect to PSN which I haven't solved yet but hopefully you'll be lucky and won't need additional assistance.
I've preloaded the Beta a couple of hours ago via EU PSN preorder, cancelled the preorder afterwards and just redeemed my code from Bungie which then activated the beta, it finally works!
Step 2: Don't even try redeeming your code through your PS4 you'll end up flipping a table. Instead read Click "PC or Mac: Redeem Vouchers through the SEN website".
Still getting maintenance message on psn. Lovely lovely lovely.
Finally downloading. 37 minutes to go -.-
Ok here's how to get into the beta if you're having problems.
Step 1: Get your beta code from the bungie site. That's just perseverance. Keep spamming until you get through.
Step 2: Don't even try redeeming your code through your PS4 you'll end up flipping a table. Instead read Click "PC or Mac: Redeem Vouchers through the SEN website". Follow the steps to redeem your code.
Step 3: After redeeming your code you will not be able to download the game from the same site. Now you'll have to deal with PSN (god speed). This step was provided by TimeEffect:
Don't use the circle button like I was! Follow this procedure.
Step 4: Go down to the Destiny pg on the PSN store and click it. Keep following the quoted method whenever you get an error screen. If the download button doesn't work just keep trying the quoted method.
Step 5: You're in! Or you should be unless something changes. You can't actually play unless Destiny can connect to PSN which I haven't solved yet but hopefully you'll be lucky and won't need additional assistance.
Anyone in the EU getting something other than "cannot start application"? Do we need to download again?
How come this is such a mess when everything went much smoother in the Alpha?
Anyway, managed to download the client, but can't connect to PSN in-game now lol
Is anyone else getting an error when they try to redeem their code on PS4?
Are the graphics still bad like the alpha? Fuck crossgen!
Anyone in the EU getting something other than "cannot start application"? Do we need to download again?