I envy you guys so much. Keep the space for a future Titan out there.
This is crazy, 47 out of 57 online friends via PSN are playing the Destiny Beta.
Yup. One of the first things I look for in the options normally, but it's subtle enough here not to bother me.
The question is whether people will care come launch, and in the weeks/months after. Titanfall also had a successful beta.Yep, every other game is fucked for a while, while after this drops in November with some exceptions. Naughty Dog could release 10 gameplay videos of TLoU Remastered Remastered theaon right now no one would give a shit, lol
Had some real fun with yaser_tech and merch781 tonight. Thanks guys!
11gig download GAAAAAAAAAH!
How do I get people to appear at the tower?
Is it random?
Is special ammo only available at the tower?
Is special ammo only available at the tower?
So, do we know what those depleted ghosts you can find are for? I've found 2 thus far.
You sure you're not just rubbish at the game, pal?Takes way too much time to execute in PVP, so no.
How do I get people to appear at the tower?
Is it random?
Not sure. The Tower depopulated for me a few hours ago and I haven't seen anyone since.
So, do we know what those depleted ghosts you can find are for? I've found 2 thus far.
I can't wait until the full thing comes out.I am just completely in love with this game
How do you get the 'hold square to view map' to dissappear off your screen, it's ruining all my shotsMy Warlock.
I've been playing for longer than most in the public and I still have no idea what they're for.
Anyone else thinking how are they going to move forward without Marty? I mean the soundtrack here is literally part of the experience.
I highly doubt it willDoes anyone know if the progress you make in the beta will carry over to the final version? I might limit my playing time if it doesn't.
How do you get the 'hold square to view map' to dissappear off your screen, it's ruining all my shots
Nope. You're given 3 codes when you pre-order it.Apologies if this was answered already, but does previously having Alpha access not give you any sort of chance of being on the beta? No possible email code from Bungie or anything?
These cutscenes could not possibly be more boring, but loving the gameplay.