Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Best part about this game so far aside from the glorious UI?

The fact that you don't need to ADS, that running and gunning and finding the rhythm for each weapon (fire, let aim reset, fire, etc... ) as you kill with shots from the hip is so damn viable.

ADS is nice for long shots, but getting up close and using speed and soft cover and powers and jumps and melee as you hip fire makes the combat so quick and satisfying. Even though some enemies are sponges, dancing around trying to pop crit shots is incredibly fun and fluid.

Destiny was added to the steam game database, so it might be sooner than 5 years..

I hope I'm sitting down if this is ever announced. I might do an excitement faint.
I want to enjoy this game so much but I just can't. It feels so much like reskined Halo in all the wrong areas. The into was great, the music is fantastic, and the atmosphere is wonderful, but I was so bored. The bullet sponging gets so old so fast. Maybe Old Russia is the worst part of the game, and reviews will reflect that, but these tastes have done nothing for me.
After playing the game for a few hours. It's definitely a bungie game. I get a Reach vibe from the main menus and UI. Glad to see they found what they wanted to make :)


Played a few matches online and i get a feeling like there is some host advantage going on. Always one or two people going ham and everyone else has negative k/d lol.
Played the introduction and it totally blew away my expectations. Those graphics, that style, that smooth gameplay, oh man.

Just one question, how do i access the different game modes?, do they unlock later? only story missions seem to be available now.


Should I sell my old weapons and armors or should I keep them? Do the old armors have any use in the future (like upgrading or combining with other armor, I don't know)?


Oh my god I love this game. This is def a day 1 purchase. I love the world, the shooting, the UI everything. It even got my GF to play... This is the first non Mario game she's ever played. She created her own character and she's actually killing enemies...


Welp, The Tower is empty for me, just like in the Alpha.

It's weird because the first time I went there it was highly populated, now there's no one. ;_;


I have no idea how to get a co-op game started. I got some people on my fireteam in the hub, but then I went to orbit and lost them, apparently. wut
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